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“Quality News That Affects Ychi"
Sylvania, Georgia $1.253
VOL.l NQ.20 May 25, 2022
Screven County voters
have the final say
Possible robbery
foiled by citizens
-Joe Brady
There were only a little
over 400 votes cast during
early voting, but Screven
County voters have been
waiting on Election day to
make their opinions known.
Poll workers have reported a
steady flow of voters all day.
With 100% of the precincts
reporting the results are as
Will Boyd(R) 209
Stacy Scott Mincey(R) 151
Ben Counts(D) 65
District Seven County
John Triplett(R) 106
Ben Thompson(R) 180
Chris Nasworthy(D) 94
District One BOE
Frank Johnson unopposed
District One County
Edwin Lovett(D)
Bill Arthur(R)
Tyler Thompson(R)
District Four County
District Four BOE
Lindy Sheppard, Jr.(N)
Alex Mock, Jr.(N)
District Seven BOE
Whit Myers unopposed
1,939 yes 920 no
In District One, incum
bent Edwin Lovett(D) will
face off against Republican
Tyler Thompson(R) in the
November General Election.
In Disctict Four, incum
bent Will Boyd(R) will run
against Ben Counts(D) in
the General Election.
In District Seven, new
comer Ben Thompson(R)
will face off against Chris
Nasworthy(D) in the No
vember election. The only
Screven County Board of
Education seat facing oppo
sition is District Four; Lindy
Sheppard, Jr., will face off
against Alex Mock. There
will not be any run-off elec
tions in the County races.
State run-off's will be held
on June 21, 2022.
Kemp overtakes Perdue, faces Abrams in November
Gov. Brian Kemp captured nomi
nation for a second term Tuesday,
defeating former U.S. Sen. David
Perdue in the Republican primary
without the need for a runoff.
At 8:30 p.m., with only about 9%
of the vote counted, Kemp had
amassed 72.7% of the statewide
vote to just 22.6% for Perdue.
Educator Kandiss Taylor, con
servative activist Catherine Davis
and retired software engineer Tom
Williams trailed far behind in the
low single digits.
Perdue took the stage at a Sheraton
Hotel in suburban Smyrna at about
the same time, pledging to support
Kemp in the November election de
spite the bitter campaign he waged
against the incumbent.
"I just called the governor and
congratulated him," Perdue told
supporters. "I want you to do the
same thing Kemp will face
Democrat Stacey Abrams, who won
her party's gubernatorial nomina
tion unopposed.
"[Kemp] is a much better choice
than Stacey Abrams," Perdue said.
While Kemp and Perdue disagreed
over some issues. Perdue focused
his campaign on the governor's
refusal to go along with former
President Donald Trump's attempts
to overturn the Georgia results in
the 2020 presidential election.
Carrying Trump's endorsement.
Perdue accused Kemp of ignoring
evidence of widespread voter fraud,
allegations that have been repeat
edly dismissed as false in multiple
court rulings.
Kemp said he followed the Con
stitution and the law, which gave
him as governor no role to play
in the certification of Georgia's 16
electoral votes in favor of Democrat
Joe Biden.
see KEMP page 6
Good luck graduates!
-Joe Brady
Thanks to the keen
eyes of two concerned
citizens, a robbery at a
South Hull Street ad
dress has been foiled and
one suspect taken into
custody. On Monday,
May 9 at approximately
7:30 p.m. 911 dispatch
received a call about a
suspicious individual
at a South Hull Street
address. The owner of
the residence in question
lives in California.
Upon the arrival of police officers,
a black male identified himself as
Deondre”Cedric” Amett. Officers
questioned the individual and Ar
nett explained that he was taking
pictures of the grass. The suspect
told officers that he had permission
to be on the property. After further
questioning it was determined that
Arnett was unknown to both the
owner of the residence and her
After closer investigation, an
open window was discovered with
a yellow bookbag inside. Officers
noticed items in the bedroom were
out of place. Amett confirmed own
ership of the book bag in question.
Deondre “Cedric” Amett
its contents including metham-
phetamine and drag paraphernalia.
Amett explained that “the window
was open and I set my bag down
in there,” while he was taking pic
tures of the lawn. Amett confessed
to having used methamphetamine
earlier in the day.
Officers arrested the suspect for
possession of methamphetamine
and possession of drug related
objects. He was transported to the
Screven County Jail without inci
dence. Arnett’s legal name is Willie
James Amett.
-Jake Gay
Sylvania Times Reporter
Friends, family, and other well-wish
ers convened on the football field
Friday evening to honor the class of
2022. Despite the severe weather de
lay, the SCHS class of2022 said fare
well to one chapter of their lives as
another one awaits.
The graduates heard from their salu-
tatorian Kennedi Black and Valedic
torian Emily Lariscy. Creek Bazemore presented the school with the 2022 Class Gift, a new trophy case.
Assistant Superintendent Brett Warren had to call an intermission as an approaching stomi and lightening
threatened the ceremony and after an hour delay, the 2022 alumni of SCHS officially entered the history books.
Congratulations to the Class of 2022 from all of us at the newspaper! (photo by Jake Gay)
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-Joe Brady
Jonna Ward has signed with Brew-
ton Parker College in a ceremony
held last week at the SCHS library.
The senior is going to play softball.
In the May 10,2022, edition of The
Sylvania Times, it was reported that
Jonna also participated in signing
day for future educators. She plans
on pursuing a career in education.
Jonna is the daughter of Jinna and
Jon Ward. Pictured are Jinna Ward,
Jonna Ward, Jon Ward, and Coach
JR Doyle, (photo contributed)
Reeves replacement
yet to be named
-Joe Brady
After twenty-five plus years, Screven County finds itself without a county
attorney with the resignation of attorney Hubert Reeves at the May 10
Screven County Commissioners meeting. Rhesa Hubert Reeves, III is a
native of Jenkins County, grew up in the area, and has spent practically
all his life here. Hubert was in private practice over fifty years and was
elected Judge of Jenkins County State Court in January 1999. In June of
2021, Hubert retired from his judgeship and Screven County native Duff
Ayers was appointed to that position.
In addition to serving the citizens of Jenkins and Screven County with
dedication and professionalism, Hubert has been a Lay Pastor for over
twenty years and is involved in “Grace Unbound Ministries, Inc.”; a non-
denominational church located at 203 Filbert Street in Sylvania.
“I decided that it was time to spend more time with my family. I have
enjoyed serving my friends and neighbors as lawyer, solicitor general, and
Judge,” Reeves said in a recent interview with The Sylvania Times. The
County has not named an interim attorney and will begin the process of
selecting another county attorney soon.
Screven County Manager Lori Burke said, “it has been a great honor working with
Mr. Hubert. He has taught me quite a lot and the County will miss his expert ad
vice. All of us at the Board of Commissioners wish him the best in his retirement.”