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Sylvania Times
e lRanf{sgiving
Supplement fNov. 23
What /tanfcfgmng Mean? wW
bij <s>areveiA, Cou.iA.ty Blem.eiA.tary <s>cMool <3tu.oleiA.ts
And TE« Winner
Thanks to everyone that helped choose
a winner! There were so many wonderful
entries! We appreciate all the children that entered
and also the teachers that helped their students and
allowed them to participate.
The winner, Joshlynn Smith, is in
Ms. Koebee’s classroom and has won
ice cream from our sponsor, Dairy Queen,
for her entire class!
Thanksgiving is my favorite time of the year. It’s a time we give thanks
to God for blessing us through the year. But we also give to those without
wanting anything in return. When we moved to Sylvania 6 years ago my
family started a tradition. This tradion means a lot to me. Its taught me
the meaning of giving thanks and giving to others. On thanksgiving day
my family and I pepare 3 big thanksgiving meals, one for us, one for the
city fire department and one for the county fire department. We eat our
thanksgiving meal, we take the fire depts their meal. They don’t get to
celabrate with their familys so we show them thanks. They are always
very happen and even let us take pictures by the fire trucks with them
thanksgiving means giving to others and being thankful.
London Hughes
Bargeron 4th Homeroom
Thanksgiving is an important holiday buy why? Let me tell you about the
first thanksgiving. The pilgrims were going to amaerica it was cold whin
they stop. In the spring came they need to learn how to feed themslves.
The native american showed the how to grow plants. Because the native
american lived in amaerica for a long time. Also the native amaerica knew
how to suvive. In the fall the pilgrims gathered a lot of food this ment they
had lots of food to eat and we still celebrat thankgiving why so we can spin
time with family and friends.
Jaylen Jones
Grade 4
It means a little bit im thankful for the food and the person who made the
green beans and the mash botatos, and the gravey, and the roust beef, the
pepare who cook my grama my dad my gmapa can’t cook because he can
hardly work. I cooked sausage. Silas Sommers \ Williams - 3rd
X -think •£« Jescrile Tl^nk^Mna is
joyful, j°y°us, Hvpsh, hri^ej, biMnina-ful,
toerry, «n4 n c «ti ve - An4 in°re w»r4s
<ire cij.precision, ^pfrecH-frveness,
artfulness, -thankfulness,
•thinks, «n4 lis-t °f -tk*nkS3i v in3 vt<r4s.
Apple, C«n4y, C c «len4 c, r, tle-S-SM,
4inner, 3r ee -tin3, prayer. 4 f^cts ^u-t
The first th*nkS3i v in3 w<*s celetr cl t e 4
in 1621 over 4 three~4<iy harvest
festival. Turkey wasn’t °n the tnenu <*t
the first th*nkS3i v in3. Akr^in Lincoln
procMine4 th^nkssivM ** Mi4 4 V
»n Oct°ter 3,1663. The hist°ry °r US.
presi4ent p c, r4°nin3 t u rkey is patchy.
One hiore is th^t the =ict of 3jvjn3
thinks, 3r c| teful, ^cknovile43ei»ient of
benefit. Or fotvor, especially t° 6o4.
Hy st°ry ^tout thunks3i v in3 w^s
pretty l°n3 tut it ^s worth it X h°pe
I win my cHss the jce cre^m p^rtyl!!
TsUynn Smith
MS. h°etee
Ms. Gonya’s
Thanksgiving is a good holiday that
has been celebrated for hundreds of
years. It is special to me because I get
to spend time with my family. We eat
a big meal with delicious food. I like
the sweet potatoes with marshallows,
ham, and stuffing. After we will play
out side or watch a movie. I enjoy
this holiday very much.
Lilly Morris
Thanksgiving is spesl. It is special to
me becuse I eat dinner with my fahily.
I get to send time with my fahily.
We play out side. My frieands’s cah
come and stay at my hase or I can
go to thir hase. We takk petarers. We
decit for chimes.
Lily Skinner
What thanksgiving means to me
is that I get to spend time with my
family and talk about what we are
thankful for an after we talk what
were thankful for we eat turkey and
mashed potatoes for supper after
supp after supp me and my cousins
play tag outside after me and my
family play uno then go to bed.
Rylee Tilley
Thanksgiving is a good holiday. It
means time with my family. I eat and
talk with friends and family. We talk
about what we will do on Christmas.
When we talk about Christmas,
we go get everything out like our
Christmas tree. On Thanksgiving
day, we eat at my Grandma’s house. I
like to eat cabbage and turkey. Also,
I get to play tag with my cousins.
Thanksgiving is special to me,
because I celebrate with my family. I
have a lot to be thankful for.
Matthew Roberts
Thanksgiving is my 2nd favorite
holday. We eat tucky and we eat
deviled eggs. Also we get to play
with my cousins. We play baseball.
In addition, we get to ride on the four
wheeler. Suprisingl, we open presents
on Thanksgiving.
Casey Smith, Jr.
On Thanksgiving Day, I am usually
at my Nana’s house. I get to play
my video games. My Nana cooks
lasagne, turkey and a cake. I also get
to see My Papa that day. My Mom
and Dad will come over too. So
Thanksgiving is special and means
family time to me.
Christopher Blackburn-Plante
To me, Thanksgiving means joy,
food, and family. First I have Joy on
Thanksgiving because I get to see my
family and hang out with my nanny
and friends. Next, I get to eat grate
food with my dad and brother and
grand patents. Finally, I wish I could
see my family every day but some
live in Millen or Savannah.
Tanner Sntoak, 4th Grade
I am thankful for my family. I am
thankful for my dad because he
take care of me and to for me. I am
thankful for my mom because she
buy me clotheing. I am thankful my
brother and sister for loving me. I am
thankful for my friend because they
share in play with me. We have a lot
of un, I am grateful for my friends and
all that they do love my friend. I’m
thankful for food for the people who
grow it. Food help me live in grow up
and help other grow to an help people
grow food and make money.
Damiyah Kirkland, 4th Grade
Thanksgiving means 3 things to
me. Food, family, and fun. I like
to eat chicken tenders, macaroni
and cheese, ham, and turkey. The
rest of my family eats food that I
might eat when I grow up. There
are some foods that we eat only on
Thanksgiving. Being around my
family on Thanksgiving is the best
thing I could ask for, because I love
them so much. We eat together and
we decorate our Christmas tree.
We always do fun things together.
Watching movies is my favorite thing
to do with my family. Thanksgiving
is fun. You can play games, make
arts and crafts, and draw pictures of
turkeys. I like to trace my hand to
look like a turkey. I also like to watch
the Thanksgiving parade with all the
balloons and the marching bands. I
like to hang out with my family and
watch it.
Parker Robbins, 5th Grade
To me, Thanksgiving is sharing the
blessings that have been bestowed
upon me with those who are less
fortunate. Thanksgiving is a time
when American families, reunite,
express gratitude for one another,
and feel closer to another than at
any other time. Thankfulness is
the natural impulse to express that
feeling. Throughout the year I learn
from those around me about kindness
and empathy. These lessons come
not only from my parents and family
members but also from my friends,
club members, neighbors, and
community members. Sometimes
they come from people I don’t even
know like a military member or a
family that went through a natural
disaster. Other times I learn from
I like to spend time with my family and friends no thanksgiving. It
makes me happy to share. We engoy playing board games especcauy
plyaying conncect four, that’s my faorita gam. I bet my auntie alto with
that game. I love the foods we have on Thanksgiving, like turkey, green
beans, com, rice, greens, dressing and macaroni and cheese and lastlee
I just want to say I am grateful and give thank for it all.
Christian Zeigler
Williams 3rd
Thanksgiving means a lot to me not just the big turkey but getting
together as a famliey the way my family celbrates thanksgiving is uncle
Todd makes BIG turkeys Ma G makes mash potateoes and fruitcake
macoronie and fried ocra and after we eat we all get in a circle and
give thankes while we pray. Then we all go play on the hay bales. So
thanksgiving is nothing without my family.
Isabella Sheppard
Williams - 3rd
Thanksgiving means to me is that I can see any of my family members
and have 4 dinner all together I could choose who I wanna see.
Cade Bohannon
Williams - 3rd
Thanksgiving is a time to look at what you have done in your life.
I am thackful for my famly and what I have one in my life I like
Everett Royal.
Williams - 3rd
Mrs. Lewis’ 1st grade class