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    Page 2 - Wednesday, March 20, 2024
The Sylvania Times
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Screven County Form Bureau
announces winners of bookmark
B art contests.
Screven County Farm Bureau Office Manager, Beth Reddick (far right)
and Screven County High School Agriculture Education Teacher, Cali
Smith (far left), congratulate Melanie Rountree, first place winner (2nd
from right), Nigeria Waters, second place winner (center), and Adileigh
Rountree, third place winner (2nd from left) for placing in the Screven
County Farm Bureau High School Art Contest.
Screven County Farm Bureau Office Manager, Beth Reddick (far right)
and Screven County Middle School Agriculture teacher, Erica Frost (far
left), congratulate Tayven Lynn Kirkland, second place winner (2nd from
left), Brionna Gant, honorable mention (3rd from left), Leah Weaver,
honorable mention (3rd from right), and Lilly McAfee, third place winner
(2nd from right) for placing in the Screven County Farm Bureau Middle
School Bookmark Contest. (Bookmark contest honorable mention winner,
Grade Johnson is not pictured.)
-Beth Reddick, Special Contributor
Screven County students Ava Wiltse and Melanie Rountree
are the winners of the Screven County Farm Bureau Middle
School Bookmark and High School Art C ontests, respectively.
Wiltse, an 8th grade student, who is homeschooled, won
$50.00 for winning the SCFB Bookmark Contest, which was
open to sixth thru eighth grade students. Bookmark contest
participants were provided a blank bookmark and asked to
draw a picture that depicts some aspect of Georgia agriculture.
Students were allowed to use crayons, markers, or colored
• Weddings
Screven County Farm Bureau Office Manager, Beth Reddick,
congratulates Ava Wiltse for placing first in the Screven County
Farm Bureau bookmark contest.
pencils to create their bookmark. As the county winner,
Ava’s winning bookmark advanced to the Georgia Farm
Bureau District #7 Bookmark Contest.
Tayven Lynn Kirkland and Lilly McAfee were the
second and third place winners of the SCFB Bookmark
Contest, respectively. Kirkland is a 7th grade student
and McAfee is an 8th grade student at Screven County
Middle School. Three Honorable Mentions were also
awarded to Brionna Gant, Gracie Johnson and Leah
Weaver, who all attend the middle school.
Rountree, a 10th grade student at Screven County
High School, won $50.00 for winning the SCFB High
School Art Contest, which was open to ninth through
twelfth-grade students. Art contest participants were
asked to draw a picture that depicts some aspect of
Georgia agriculture. Students were allowed to use
a variety of media to create their artwork including
graphite, charcoal, pastel, chalk, colored pencil, pen-
and-ink, ballpoint pen or mixed media appropriate for
printing to create their artwork. As the county winner,
Melanie’s winning artwork advanced to the Georgia
Farm Bureau District #7 High School Art Contest.
Nigeria Waters and Adileigh Rountree were the
second and third place winners of the SCFB High
School Art Contest, respectively. Waters is an 11th
grade student and Rountree is a 10th grade student at
Screven County High School.
“On behalf of Screven County Farm Bureau, I would
like to thank each student and teacher who participated
in our contests,” said Wendy Boyd, Screven County
Farm Bureau Women’s Committee Chairman.
Senior Center Goes
Irish Green
-Rose Nunnally. Special Contributor
The senior center was a sea of green with shamrock decorations
and members wearing green shirts, green hats, and even green
The day started with the history of St. Patrick, and how he used
the three-leaf clover to represent the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
St. Patrick died on March 17, now a widely known feast day for
the departed saint.
The senior center continued the green theme to the buffet
lunch with green salads, green deviled eggs, green cupcakes, and
cookies. After the luncheon, seniors and staff enjoyed karaoke
singing and dancing. Pictured are Annie Simmons, Ronald
Nunnally, Juliette Kemp, Sally Holloway, and Gladys White.
Photo by Rose Nunnally.
Smithgall Woods State
Park in Helen, a retreat.
I know, I say it often, I found the place,
the best place. However, this time, I have to
say, this place is great! You see, when you
are retired, you get the chance to visit places
you don't often get to visit. So, after doing
some riding around, we found a place tucked
away in Helen that is right up a fisherman's
Smithgall woods State Park in Helen, Georgia is the perfect
place to do it all. Not to mention, the best scenery you would
ever want to see. As Sofia from Golden Girls used to say,
"picture this", after a wonderful day of canoeing, and fishing in
a premier trout stream, and then hiking, you sink into your own
private hot tub. No, it's not one of those very expensive places
they call resorts, you are right where you need to be, in one of
the six cottages that are available at this wonderful State Park
in Helen.
Each cottage is unique. Some have stream views, spacious
decks, hot tubs, large screen televisions, and stone fireplaces.
This place is a fishermans paradise for sure. However, you have
to be a cottage guest to fish the area throughout the year. If you
are not staying
at one of the
cottages, fishing
is limited to
certain days.
Dukes Creek
runs thorugh
this spectacular
property and is
a favorite for
catch and release
fishing too.
Along with fishing, they offer the best in trails. Five miles to
be exact. Also eighteen miles of roads allow hikers and bicyclists
to explore hardwoods, streams and wildlife throughout the park.
This park also offers five picnic shelters for day use, a visitor
center, museum and gift shop. A pioneer campground if offered
for youth and conservation groups. But anyone interested must
call the park first for capacity limits and to reserve this area.
I have to say. This is a perfect place to take the family. Spring
or summer is a great time to go. Just make sure you call early
and make reservations. 706-878-3087.
Happy Fishing!
Boyd named to Dean’s List at
Youngstown State
Michael Boyd of Sylvania, (Undecided Major) has been named to the Dean’s List at
Youngstown State University for the Fall 2023 Semester.
The Dean’s List is awarded to full time undergraduate students who have earned at least a
3.4 grade point average for no less than 12 semester hours of credit in the semester.
Boswell named to Facility Honors
at Georgia Tech
Logan Boswell of Sylvania has earned the distinction of Faculty Honors for Fall 2023 at the
Georgia Institute of Technology.
This designation is awarded to undergraduate students who have earned a 4.0 academic
average for the semester.
Screven County Farm Bureau
104 Rocky Ford Road / P O Box 533
Syluarvia, GA 30467
Phone: 912-564-7891
Fax: 912-564-7893
Georgia Farm Bureau
1® Website:
this honor. We had a total of 12 students nominated from
Screven County High School. From these 12 nominations,
we had 4 selected as semi-finalists for the Governor's
Honors Program. These students recently attended Georgia
Southern for their audition and/or interview in their
nominated field.
Students nominated for the Governor's Honors program:
Tucker Thomas Braelyn Hartley
Kody Cochran Braylan Brown
Nick Patel Abigial Pinckney
Nigeria Waters Adileigh Rountree
Darion Carter Se'an Jenkins
Nick Patel Winton Dickerson
**SEMI-FINALISTS selected for an interview and
consideration for the summer program:
Se'an Jenkins- Jass Music (Trombone) - Darion Carter-
Jazz Music (Saxophone) - Adileigh Rountree- Agricultural
Research, Biotechnology and Science - Tucker Thomas-
Agricultural Research, Biotechnology and Science
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