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Page 8 - Wednesday, March 20, 2024
The Sylvania Times
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No Obits Reported This Week
William Thomas Morrison, Jr.
Strickland and Harry Morrison, and Lavona and W. Oscar
Bell, and his stepfather, William A. “Bill” Lancaster. He
is survived by his loving wife, Michele Brower Morrison;
son. Trey Morrison; his mother, Willene Lancaster Bell, of
Govan, SC, and his father and stepmother, William Thomas
“Tommy” and Alice Morrison; brother, Michael Morrison;
stepbrother, Marshall (Julia) Hill; stepsister, Denise Hill;
brothers and sisters-in-law, Johnny Brower, Don and Sue
Brower; aunt and uncle Carol and Millard Lawson; as well
as several nieces and nephews. Funeral services was held
on Monday at 12:00 PM at Union Baptist Church with
Rev. A1 Usher officiating. The family received friends
from 11:00 AM until 12:00 PM. Interment was followed
in the Union Baptist Church Cemetery. Pallbearers were
Lloyd Shurling, Brandon Shurling, Dennis Pope, Herman
Holland, Phil Lee, and Marshall Hill.
You may sign the online register book at www.
Joiner Anderson Funeral Home Screven Chapel is in
charge of all arrangements.
Mr. William
Thomas Morrison,
Jr., 59, of Sylvania,
GA, passed away
on March 14, 2024
at Atrium Health
in Macon, GA.
William was bom
in Savannah, GAon
June 13, 1964. He
served his country
in the United States
Navy and had been
a tmck driver for
nearly thirty years.
When William
wasn’t on the road
he enjoyed golfing
with friends and going on cmises. William is preceded in
death by a stepbrother, Gary Hill, his grandparents, Mamie
Gerald “Catfish” Stapp
Gerald “Catfish”
Stapp, age 61,
passed away on
Sunday, March
17, 2024, at his
residence with
family by his side,
in Screven County,
GA. He was born in
Ft. Lauderdale, FL,
to Gail Curtis Stapp
and the late Robert
Stapp. He was a
union millwright
with local 1263. He
a United States
Army Veteran and a Mason with Sylvania Masonic Lodge.
In his free time. Gerald enjoyed fishing, making custom
knives, making people laugh, and spending time with
Survivors include his wife, Laura Burkes Stapp, mother-
in-law, Carol Burkes, of Screven
County, GA; sons, Matthew (Kerri) Flint of Orange Park,
FL, Michael (Ashley) Flint of Chipley,
FL; sister, Debbie Stapp of Palatke, FL; Aunt Sue and
Uncle Bobby; six grandchildren, Ryan
Flint, Krystina Flint, Sarah Pravetz, Brayden Marshall,
Gabe Flint, and Abigail Flint.
A funeral service was held with full military honors and
Masonic rites performed.
Thompson-Strickland-Waters Funeral Home in
charge of all arrangements. www. '[lnufti TlliV
Optim Celebrates United
-Special to The Times
Each year, The
United Hero program
recognizes healthcare
professionals throughout the
UnitedHealthcare network
for delivering highly rated
patient experiences. This
year, Dr. Sid Morgan
took home the honors and
claimed a United Hero
About the awards
Selection for the United
Hero Awards is driven by
extraordinary achievement
on patient experience Sarah Marks from UHC presents the award to Dr.
surveys. This means that Sid Morgan.
the award winners are
ultimately chosen by the people they serve - and the honor recognizes the high-quality
care these providers deliver to their patients and to the community.
To win a United Hero Award, providers must hit specific targets on their patient
experience scorecards over the course of the year, with each target covering a critical
area of the patient experience. In 2023, the targets fell into three categories:
• Getting needed care, for which providers had to achieve a 92% or higher
score to win
• Care coordination, for which providers had to achieve an 88% or higher
score to win
• Doctor-patient conversations, for which providers had to achieve a 58% or
higher score to win
Surveyed patients included UnitedHealthcare Medicare Advantage members. When
the results were gathered, UnitedHealthcare shared the results with participating
providers to help them better understand their patients’ perceptions and identify areas
that may need more attention.
More about the winner
Sid Morgan, MD, has practiced internal medicine at Optim Primary Care-Sylvania,
located at 105 Rocky Ford Road, since 2016.
In Memory of
CtutrCez Q^lcchael
3/19/69 - 9^9/89
There is no night without a dawning
No winter without a spring
And beyond the dark horizon
Our hearts will once more sing...
For those who leave us for a while
Have only gone away
Out of a restless, care worn world
Into a brighter day.
I Stand Amazed
Charles Gabriel
Have you ever been in the presence of anyone that was
either a star or maybe a great preacher or musician? It is
truly amazing how you feel in that moment. I am reminded
of the time I met Kenny Rogers. I was only around 10, but
I still remember how I felt in that moment. I suppose I was
star struck. At the time, he had just came on the scene in
country music and it was around the time "Islands in the
Stream" was released with him and Dolly Parton.
I remember that, he was just so kind, generous with his
praise for us as fellow
singers in the Boys Choir.
(I was in the Rome Boy's
Choir for over 12 years)
I remember he told us to
all "reach for the stars and
never stop singing." I was
amazed at his talent and
This is how Jesus is.
When you are in his
presence and experience
the love and joy you feel,
you never want it to stop.
This old hymn, "I stand
amazed in the presence" is one of my favorites. The words
of the song are simply perfect for our walk with Christ.
My favorite verse says, "I stand amazed in the presence
of Jesus the Nazarene, and wonder how he could love me a
sinner, condemed, unclean." If you ever just stand, look up
to him and sing this, it can make a difference in your life.
It did mine.
I Stand Amazed is a hymn from the pen of Charles
Gabriel, who was bom in 1856. He is credited with writing
between 7000 and 8000 songs. Charles was a self-trained
musician who learned music while still a teenager. Gabriel
grew up on an Iowa fami. He learned music by playing
the reed organ in his home. He later taught music in singing
schools common in the 19th and early 20th century.
Gabriel composed songs, anthems, cantatas and also edited
a collection of songs. He was associated with the major
music publishers of his day.
This song is a song of gratitude for the atoning death
of Jesus Christ and is based on Luke’s account of Jesus
sweating blood in the Garden of Gethsemane. This story is
only found in Luke’s gospel and not in the other gospels.
Luke 22:41-44 reads, “And he was withdrawn from
them about a stone’s cast, and kneeled down, and prayed.
Saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from
me: nevertheless, not my will, but thine, be done. And there
appeared an angel unto him from heaven, strengthening
him. And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly:
and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling
down to the ground." Stanza two in particular, recreates
this scene: For me it was in the garden
he prayed, "Not my will, but thine, "He had no tears for
his own griefs.but sweat-drops of blood for mine. Now.
let's sing along
I stand amazed in the presence
Of Jesus the Nazarene,
And wonder how he could love me,
A sinner, condemned, unclean.
How marvelous! How wonderful!
And my song shall ever be:
How marvelous! How wonderful
Is my Savior’s love for me.
He took my sins and my sorrows,
He made them his very own;
He bore the burden to Calvary,
And suffered and died alone
How marvelous! How wonderful!
And my song shall ever be:
How marvelous! How wonderful
Is my Savior’s love for me.
Oh, what kind of love is this?
You would die so I would live?
I stand amazed.
I stand amazed.
Bore the curse of all my sin —
Made your enemy your friend.
I stand amazed.
I stand amazed.
Oh, what kind of love is this?
You would die so I would live?
I stand amazed.
I stand amazed.
Bore the curse of all my sin —
Made your enemy your friend.
I stand amazed.
I stand amazed.
When with the ransomed in glory
His face I, at last, shall see,
’Twill be my joy through the ages
To sing of his love for me.
loving God. loving Others.
Making Disciples
Sunday Morning
Praise & Worship
I Oak Hill Church I
Oak Hill Church Road
Millen, Georgia 30442
Continued from Page 4
Smith finished up. At
the SCMS field Case
Oglesby and Robbins
each had two hits and
Cody Grovenstein
had a home run. Jay
Conley Smith pitched a
complete game.
On March 14 a SCMS
team of sixth graders
and one seventh grader
defeated homestanding
Bulloch Academy 17-
11. Jermaine Claire had
a home run with Brilan
Williams, Adrian Garvin,
Samuel Bazemore, and
Parker Sheppard each
having multiple hits.
A different pitcher was
used each inning. On
March 22-23 there will
be a tournament for sixth
and seventh graders
at the Screven County
Recreation Department.
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