Newspaper Page Text
Page 12 - Wednesday, April 10, 2024
The Sylvania Times
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Screven County Garden Club Celebrates Birthday
Continues Learning About Native Trees
-Henrilyn Cleland. Special Contributor
The Screven County Garden Club met at Cail Community Center on March 26, 2024 -
exactly 84 years after the organizational meeting of the Club. Hostesses Joni Thompson and
Henrilyn Cleland served cupcakes and lemonade prior to the meeting.
The program was presented by Ms. Caroline Pope on “Native Trees of Georgia.” She
reminded everyone of the many benefits of trees, from health and the environment, to
landscaping beauty and increased home values. Members were informed of the Champion
Tree Program sponsored by the Georgia Forestry Commission. To be a Champion Tree,
it must be the largest tree of its species and native to the State. Screven County is home
to several Champion Trees located in the Tuckahoe Wildlife Management Area and on
privately owned lands. The registered trees of Screven County include the Baldcypress,
Cherry bark Oak, Shining Sumac, and Yellow Hawthorn.
Garden Club Co-President Hilda Boykin read a 1940 news article from the Sylvania
Telephone regarding the first meeting of the Screven County Garden Club which was held
on March 26, 1940. One of the original objectives of the Club was the protection of native
trees and shrubs.
Queensborough Announces
Leadership Promotions
Queensborough National Bank and Tmst Company is proud to announce several
leadership promotions, signifying the bank’s continued commitment to its core values and
community focus.
Adam Harris is promoted to Augusta Region President and Senior Lending Officer.
Harris has been with Queensborough for 12 years overseeing the bank’s 11 Augusta-area
branches. He is an Augusta native with over 23-yrs of banking experience and has led a
tremendous expansion of the bank’s market share in the CSRA.
Mike English is promoted to Coastal Region President and Senior Lending Officer.
English has been with the bank for 17 years when he was brought on to lead Queensborough’s
Coastal expansion. He has an extensive background in commercial banking and is a civic
leader in the Savannah market.
Dagan Sharpe is promoted to Head of Wealth Management and Public Funds Officer.
Sharpe was with the bank for 10 years, when he was brought in to build the bank’s internal
Wealth Management Department and Financial Literacy efforts. In his new role, he will
be responsible for establishing a Public Funds department dedicated to serving the bank’s
municipal customers as well as leading a continued expansion of Wealth Management.
Tillman Sauls is promoted to Senior Credit Officer. Sauls has been with the bank for
13 years, leading the bank’s commercial lending department in Augusta. As Senior Credit
Officer, he will manage the credit analyst group and the credit policy administration process.
John Jackson is promoted to Senior Credit Officer. Jackson has been with Queensborough
for 27 years. He will continue his work with the loan administration group, serve as point
person for the loan review process, and manage loan exceptions and concentration limits.
Clare Easterlin is promoted to Chief Risk Officer. Easterlin will be responsible for
establishing an Enterprise Risk Management program to measure, monitor, and manage risk
across the entire organization. Prior to joining the bank in 2020, Easterlin spent ten years
with an Atlanta-based wealth management firm serving in business management and human
capital capacities.
“As we embark on this new chapter, promoting these six veteran bankers is not just a
strategic move: it’s a commitment to our community-centric values. Their leadership
embodies our dedication to staying a true community bank, ensuring that as we grow, our
roots remain deeply planted in the local soil,” says Bill Easterlin, Queensborough President
& CEO. “I worked with my father for 25 years and he emphasized planning ahead, working
hard, taking the long view, and never compromising on integrity. I believe these leaders will
continue that tradition for the bank.”
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Brier Creek Receives Recognition
-Dess Smith. Special Contributor
The Brier Creek Chapter Georgia Society Sons of the American Revolution held its monthly
meeting, Thursday night, March 7, 2024, at Walls Diner at 7:00. With President Wayne
Howard presiding, there were 18 in attendance. President Wayne Howard presented Sgt-at-
Arms Don Bazemore with 3 Chapter Flag Streamers that the Chapter earned by presenting
wreaths at Elijah Clarke Heroes of the Hornets' Nest, 245th Anniversary Celebration of the
Battle at Kettle Creek and the 245th Anniversary Celebration of the Battle at Brier Creek.
Vice President Lee Herron then introduced the Speaker for tonight, Julia Hardaway. Julia
spoke on "The Nancy Hart Militia 1861-1865: Women of Uncommon Courage". Three of
her ancestors were members of this all-female militia unit. The unit has ties back to the
Revolutionary War Heroine Nancy Hart of Wilkes County, GA.
Pictured are Don Bazemore and Wayne Howard. Photo by Dess Smith.
Norman Royal & Bruce Rowell
April 12th - 6:30 pm at SCHS Auditorium
Meet & Greet with the candidates starts at 6 pm
Other Republican candidates are invited and will be recognized.
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