The Sylvania times. (Sylvania, Ga.) 2022-current, April 10, 2024, Image 2

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    Page 2 - Wednesday, April 10, 2024
The Sylvania Times
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Eclipse cookies
Eclipse cookies are a stunning treat that visually
captures the awe-inspiring moment of a solar eclipse.
These cookies feature a sugar cookie base representing
the moon, topped with a curve of creamy black icing to
mimic totality. The contrast between the rich and sweet
not only creates a beautiful representation of an eclipse
but also offers a delightful blend of flavors in every bite.
Ingredients for Sugar Cookie
1 stick butter, softened
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1 large egg, room temperature
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour, plus more for dusting
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
Ingredients for Buttercream Frosting
2 sticks butter, softened
4 cups confectioners’ sugar
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
2 tablespoons milk
Black gel food coloring
Ingredients for Cream Cheese Dip
8 ounces cream cheese, softened
4 tablespoons maple cinnamon
Milk (as needed) to thin
To make the cookies, cream the softened butter and
sugar on medium speed until light and fluffy. Stop the
mixer and scrape the bowl.
Add the egg and vanilla and continue to mix on
medium speed until well combined.
Add the flour, baking powder, and salt. Mix on low
speed until the dough starts to pull away from the sides,
stopping once to scrape the bowl.
Wrap the dough and refrigerate it for at least 1 hour.
After an hour, place the dough onto a lightly floured
surface and roll it to about 1/4 inch thick. Refrigerate
the sheet for 15 to 30 minutes.
Cut the cookies with a round cookie cutter and place
them onto a parchment-lined baking sheet.
Bake the cookies at 350 F for 9 to 10 minutes or until
the edges are light golden brown.
As the cookies bake, to make the frosting, beat the
softened butter on medium speed until smooth.
09Add the powdered sugar, vanilla, and milk and mix
on low speed until combined. Stop the mixer and scrape
the bowl.
Beat the frosting on high speed until it is light and
Add in the black gel food coloring and mix well. Add
coloring until the frosting is very dark in color.
Remove the cookies from the oven and set aside to
fully cool.
As the cookies cool, to make the cinnamon cream
cheese cookie dip, whisk together the cream cheese and
cinnamon. Add milk to thin to desired consistency.
To decorate the cookies, fill a piping bag with frosting.
Every 2 cookies from the batch will be decorated
the exact same. For the first 2 cookies, draw a small
crescent on one side of the cookie round.
From there, draw out a larger crescent for every 2
cookies with the frosting until the last 2 cookies are
fully coated with frosting.
" Once the frosting has hardened, lay the cookies on
a tray ahead of serving so it is in order of smallest
crescent to fully covered cookies.
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Within the City Limits.
W.A. Arrington, Guitarist and Singer
Arrington Volunteers at
Senior Center
W.A. Arrington volunteers his time and music talent
at the Senior Citizens Center here in Screven County on
music day, which is held on Tuesdays.
He is 87 years old, and is the oldest volunteer to be a part
of this wonderful group of what you would definitely call,
older youth.
W.A. is a skilled guitarist, who continues to perfect his
skill. Many old timers will remember his comedy and music
act with Brown Oliver. Arrington and Oliver appeared on
the Grand Ole Opry several times together, and performed
many other concerts and events all over the U.S.
The seniors at the center really enjoy his guitar playing
and often sing along with some of the grand songs of the
Cynthia Burgest, Director of the center, states, "We
appreciate all that Mr. Arrington does for our center. He
is truly an asset to our community and a great volunteer."
For those who do not know, the Senior Center is located
at 209 E Ogeechee Street in beautiful Sylvania. If you
would like to volunteer or would like to become a part of
this wonderful group, please reach out to their director,
Cynthia Burgest at 912-564-7727.
Planters EMC
Offering Scholarships
to High School
Planters Electric Membership Corporation (EMC)
is accepting applications for the Planters EMC
Scholarship. All high school seniors who are the son
or daughter of a Planters EMC member are eligible
to apply. The scholarship is randomly drawn Irom
applications submitted by the deadline of 5:00 p.m.
Friday, April 12, 2024.
The applications for the $1,000 scholarships can
be downloaded from the Planters EMC website at under Forms. Complete the
application and mail or drop off by any Planters EMC
office location in Millen, Sylvania, or Waynesboro on
or before the deadline.
The scholarships are made possible through Planters
EMC’s unclaimed capital credits. A 2005 Georgia law
allows electric membership cooperatives to use capital
credits unclaimed after five years to fund education,
economic development, or charitable organizations
within the EMC’s service area.
Capital credits, or patronage dividends, are margins
that exceed the cost of providing service for member-
owners of an electric cooperative for a given year.
According to cooperative guidelines, capital credits
may be returned to EMC members on a schedule
determined by their co-op’s management and Board
of Directors.
Until 2006, unclaimed capital credits were paid to
the Georgia Department of Revenue, under Georgia’s
Disposition of Unclaimed Property Act. Since 2006,
Planters EMC has awarded more than $1 million in
scholarships to local students.
Planters EMC is a member-owned electric
cooperative providing electricity and related services
to 13,200 members in Bulloch, Burke, Effingham,
Emanuel, Jenkins, Richmond, and Screven counties.
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Neighbors, I bet you will agree; nothing turns
a good day upside down like a nasty headache.
Headaches are such a common thing. Most people
have had at least one headache. Unfortunately,
headaches are a common occurrence for some
people. Keeping life on track is not easy for people
with frequent headaches. There are a few different
types of common headaches and many more
uncommon. For anyone with regular headaches,
it's important to be evaluated by their doctor
because we all want to be at our best; however, a
headache can be a clue to an underlying problem.
The more common headaches are migraines and
tension headaches.
Migraines are thought to be caused by vascular
and nerve changes in the brain. Changes in blood
vessel dilation cause pulsing headaches, which
can last hours to days. Sometimes, people have
specific triggers that can set off migraines. Lack
of sleep is a common trigger. About a third of
people with migraines wul experience an aura.
An aura is a neurological symptom that usually
occurs before a headache. Visual symptoms such
as spots or shimmering in the vision are frequently
reported, but other symptoms are possible. There
are times when a migraine can mimic something
more serious, such as a stroke. The good news is
migraines don't have to be a way of life. For most
people, migraine treatment is very effective.
Tension headaches are band-like headaches of
tenderness around the scalp. They are typically
more of a dull pain and less debilitating than a
migraine. They are common, and many people
have had one at some point.
The bottom line is it's a good idea to have present
headaches checked out. We want to be at our best
and know what is happening with our bodies.
hairs ove
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