Newspaper Page Text
Page 8 - Wednesday, April 10, 2024
The Sylvania Times
thesy lvaniatimes .com
No Obits Reported This Week
In accordance with the Charter of the City of Sylvania,
notice is hereby given that the Mayor and Council,
located at City of Sylvania Council Chambers,
104 South Main Street, Sylvania, GA
will on May 7, 2024, at 6:00 pm,
consider for passage the
following proposed ordinances
entitled the following:
“An ordinance to establish incentives to certain businesses
located or locating in areas zoned C-l and C-2 of the City of
Sylvania, with a sunset provision of December 31, 2028.”
Any interested persons are invited to inspect this ordinance,
where posted in its entirety in
Sylvania City Hall, 104 South Main Street.
This 10th day of April, 2024.
God, be merciful to
me, on Thy grace, I
rest my plea
One Sunday, right after Easter, the congregation was
packed, the Pastor had just finished the sermon, and he
turned to me and asked if I would sing, God, be merciful
to me.?
Well, I didn't know that song. I didn't. I looked at the
keyboard player, nothing. I looked at the pianist, nothing.
Yes, I even looked at the drummer, and, still nothing. Til
finally I saw a little hymnal out of the comer of my left eye
sitting under my chair that I had not ever noticed before.
Something told me to pick it up, (in which I did) and low
and behold, there it was, inside that little red hymnal, God
be merciful to me. So, I quickly showed it to the keyboard
player (as the Pastor kept talking, and kept waiting for me to
start the song) and finally, we started singing the old hymn.
Then all of a sudden after the first verse, you could feel
the spirit start to move, and the Pastor ask all of us to stop.
We did. SILENCE.
Then, he proceeded to say, "Let's all take a piece of that
paper in front of you in the chair or pew, and write down one
sin that has bothered you your whole life that you cannot
shake and satan just won't let you, let it go." "Write it down,
fold it up and come forward and nail it to the Cross, give it
away, give it to Jesus and nail it to the Cross."
You see we had used a Cross for several musicals in the
weeks before and it was still there in the Sanctuary.
Then, all of a sudden we began to sing that old hymn
again, and everyone started filling the aisles, and one by one
the hammer started to hit that old Cross. The more that large
hammer hit that Cross, the louder it became. The louder it
became, the harder it was to sing. The harder it was to sing,
the more the tears started to flow. The more tears started to
flow, the more we all felt the spirit move.
It was if, we were nailing Jesus and all of our sins to the
Cross all over again one, by one, by one. by one.
I cannot tell you how it was hearing that pounding,
pounding, pounding over 800 plus times. But I can say, I
was simply in awe. Simply in awe in what the Majesty and
Glory of his name had done in that place that particular
Sunday. Lives were changed, people were truly saved, lives
were reedemed, marriages were put back together, it was
something I had never seen before in my life.
lean truly say, God was merciful to his faithful that day. On
his grace we rested our plea's and we asked for compassion
and he gave it. We asked for healing of transgressions, and
he healed them all, we asked for pure cleasning, and we all
received it. What a wonderul day.
"God, be merciful to me, on Thy grace, I rest my plea"
is a setting of Psalm 51, David’s great hymn of repentance,
forgiveness, and faith. More than most hymns and worship
songs, it sets forth the stark reality of human sin and turns
to God as our only hope for salvation and spiritual renewal.
Composed anonymously for the 1912 Psalter and the
Anglican Church, it has been copied and incorporated
into a growing number of hymnals. The traditional tune
is REDHEAD, also known for its use in “Go to Dark
Now, David wrote Psalm 51 when he felt convicted of
his sin for sleeping with Bathsheba and murdering her
husband, Uriah. David’s key insight is that he has no excuse
or possibility of shifting the blame. And so David appeals
directly to God’s mercy at the beginning of the psalm, which
is captured in the opening verse of this hymn.
Now, none of us want to be judged. That is why we are so
good at making excuses. I know I am, how about you? We
see in the second verse, we not only confess transgression,
we also confess that God's judgement is just. This is the
sense in which we are speechless. Not that we have not
words at all, but that we have no words to excuse our sin.
Let's always remember, we are all sinners and God died
for all of us to cover our sins. Remember, ask and it will be
given, he is always faithful and just to forgive us our sins,
and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Amen.
Sing with me.
1 God, be merciful to me,
on Thy grace I rest my plea;
plenteous in compassion Thou,
blot out my transgressions now;
wash me, make me pure within,
cleanse, O cleanse me from my sin.
2 My transgressions I confess,
grief and guilt my soul oppress;
I have sinned against Thy grace
and provoked Thee to Thy face;
I confess Thy judgment just,
speechless, I Thy mercy trust.
3 I am evil, bom in sin;
Thou desirest tmth within.
Thou alone my Savior art,
teach Thy wisdom to my heart;
make me pure. Thy grace bestow,
wash me whiter than the snow.
4 Broken, humbled to the dust
by Thy wrath and judgment just,
let my contrite heart rejoice
and in gladness hear Thy voice;
from my sins O hide Thy face,
blot them out in boundless grace.
5 Gracious God, my heart renew,
make my spirit right and tme;
cast me not away from Thee,
let Thy Spirit dwell in me;
Thy salvation's joy impart,
steadfast make my willing heart.
6 Sinners then shall leam from me
and return, O God, to Thee;
Savior, all my guilt remove,
and my tongue shall sing Thy love;
touch my silent lips, O Lord,
and my mouth shall praise accord.
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