Buckhead reporter. (Sandy Springs, GA) 2007-current, February 02, 2020, Image 14
BH 14 | Commentary Facebook.com/TheReporterNewspapers ■ twitter.com/Reporter_News Reporter Newspapers Our mission is to provide our readers with fresh and engaging information about life in their communities. Published by Springs Publishing LLC 6065 Roswell Road, Suite 225 Sandy Springs, GA 30328 Phone: 404-917-2200 • Fax: 404-917-2201 Brookhaven Reporter | Buckhead Reporter Dunwoody Reporter | Sandy Springs Reporter www.ReporterNewspapers.net Atlanta INtown www.AtlantaINtownPaper.com Atlanta Senior Life wwwAtlantaSeniorLife.com CONTACT US Founder & Publisher Steve Levene stevelevene@reporternewspapers.net Editorial Managing Editor John Ruch johnruch@reporternewspapers.net INtown Editor: Collin Kelley Editor-at-Large Joe Earle Staff Writers Dyana Bagby, Hannah Greco Creative and Production Creative Director Rico Figliolini rico@reporternewspapers.net Graphic Designer Quinn Bookalam Advertising Director of Sales Development Amy Arno amyarno@reporternewspapers.net Sales Executives Jeff Kremer, Janet Porter, Cory Anne Charles Office Manager Deborah Davis deborahdavis@reporternewspapers.net Contributors Robin Conte, Kevin C. Madigan, Phil Mosier, Carol Niemi, Judith Schonbalc, Jaclyn Turner Free Home Delivery 60,000 copies of Reporter Newspapers are mailed monthly to homes in ZIP codes 30305,30319,30326, 30327,30328,30338, 30342 and 30350 and delivered to more than 200 business/retail locations. For delivery requests, please email delivery@reporternewspapers.net Honored as a newspaper of General Excellence © 2020 with all rights reserved Publisher reserves the right to refuse editorial or advertising for any reason. Publisher assumes no responsibility for information contained in advertising. Any opinions expressed in print or online do not necessarily represent the views of Reporter Newspapers or Springs Publishing, LLC. Commentary: When should local governments provide tax breaks? Elected officials and board members are belat edly re-thinking Atlanta’s go-along approach to tax breaks after public outcry over recent mega-deals. Giving Arthur Blank $900 million of our hotel- motel taxes to replace his stadium, according to my analysis of the city’s 2019 financial report, was ridic ulous - which is why for mer Mayor Kasim Reed in sisted it ‘only’ cost $200 million. Giving real-estate bil lionaires $1.9 billion in tax exemptions for a private development in the down town area known as “The Gulch” was crazier - and some of us challenged the deal’s legal flaws, still in court. So, when should Invest Atlanta or the Development Authority of Fulton Coun ty give tax breaks? Based on eight years on Invest Atlanta’s board, discussing this with good people, I recommend the follow ing principles. Goals that tax breaks potentially serve include: growing the tax base, at tracting jobs, housing af fordability and sustain ability. Breaks reduce resources for schools and public services or increase residents’ taxes, so should be treated like real money ($27 million in 2018, and rising). Projects should only get breaks if they would not happen without one. Developers and employ ers pitch breaks smoothly - it’s free money for them. So responsible boards have to assess what the compa ny would do without an in centive. Recent luxury apart ment and trophy office towers in Midtown Atlan ta? They were coming re gardless of the millions in tax breaks they received, to meet hot demand. Em ployers seeking tech talent and access to a hyper-convenient air port are also coming regardless, though some prizes warrant modest incentives as insurance - think NCR’s 5,000 jobs. For deals that likely won’t hap pen without incentives, what price is worth paying? Property tax breaks are 25% for 10 years. It’s better to grow the tax base by 75% than by zero on devel opments that have location choices, like UPS’s Fulton Industrial hub. For jobs wins: How much per job, and what quality of jobs? Sadly, few employers attracted to the city offer mid-skill jobs for non-degreed folks, our highest need. We’d be better off funding skills training than over-pay ing Norfolk Southern to relocate HQ jobs here. Georgia’s film tax credit has us paying some $50,000 each year for every job. We should instead pay that to teachers to educate our kids. For apartment projects that offer discounted units in exchange for a break: Is the subsidy reasonable? Re cent deals costing $10,000-$20,000 per unit per year were developer welfare. Better to give breaks or grants to pre serve older multi-family properties. Apartments at MARTA stations might merit breaks for sustainability, if they walk the talk and forego parking. Tell your elected officials you expect them and the boards they control to agree incentives only in return for good value for residents. Your voice helps! Julian Bene Julian Bene is a former member of the board of di rectors of Invest Atlan ta, the economic develop ment authority of the city of Atlanta. A retired man agement consultant, he has a degree in econom ics and politics from Ox ford and an MBA from Harvard. He comments on local incentive topics on Twitter at @julian_bene Your Views on Tax Abatements How often should the government offertax abatements - a break on property taxes - to large real estate projects as an incentive? Local governments’ use of property tax abatements to spur development of large real estate projects found lit tle support from 51 readers who responded to an informal Reporter online survey. About half the 51 respondents to the survey opposed the use of such abatements, agreeing that the private mar ket should decide the viability of projects. Another quar ter said abatements should be used rarely, only when a Frequently. Redevelopment creates new tax revenue. Always. They are a tactic for staying competitive. No opinion/ Not enough information. project wouldn’t happen otherwise. Ten respondents agreed that tax abatements should be used frequently or always to boost long-term tax revenue or stay competitive with other areas. The survey was posted on the Reporter’s social media and distributed through our weekly email newsletter of top stories in our communities. To participate in future surveys, subscribe to the newsletter at ReporterNewspapers.net. ReporterNewspapers.net YOUR LOCAL DAILY NEWS ONLINE - EVERY DAY Rarely. Only when the project would not happen otherwise Never. Let the private market decide.