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Music Time
Wednesday, July 3, 10:15-10:45 a.m. — Join
others for a high-energy, interactive music and move
ment program that will have you and your baby sing
ing and jamming with an array of child-friendly musi
cal instruments! Led by Ms. Jennifer, Buckhead’s early
childhood music specialist. Free and open to all. Ap
propriate for ages 3-11 months and their caregivers.
Buckhead Branch Library, 269 Buckhead Ave., Adan-
ta, 30303. Call 404-814-3500 or email: comments@ to find out more.
Bead Fun
Monday, July 8, 3-4 p.m. — Explore different
ways to express your creativity with beads. Free, and the
public is welcome. For ages 13-17. Open to the first
10 participants. No registration required. For groups
of five or more, call the branch at 404-848-7140 for
an appointment. Brookhaven Branch Library, 1242 N.
Druid Hills Rd., NE, Brookhaven, 30319.
Craft Closet
Tuesday, July 9, 4-5 p.m. — Dig into the
Brookhaven Library’s Craft Closet, and make some
thing fun out of the bits and pieces left over from
previous crafts. Open to the first 10 participants. For
groups of five or more, contact the branch for an ap
pointment. Free and open to the community. For
ages 5-12. 1242 N. Druid Hills Rd., NE, Brookhav
en, 30319. Call 404-848-7140 with questions and
to sign up.
“BEE” Healthy
Wednesday, July 10, 10:30 a.m.-12:15
p.m. — “Buzz” into the Buckhead Library for hula
hoop fun, and to make food art you can eat. Learn
it’s fun and healthy to be an active, busy bee! Hula
hoop activity from 10:30-11 a.m.; health work
shop begins at 11 a.m. Diabetes awareness includ
ed. Free, and appropriate for youngsters ages 5-12.
All are welcome. Registration required by going to:, calling Fe
licia Clift at 404-955-8352 or visiting the branch.
269 Buckhead Ave., Atlanta, 30305.
Dig in the Dirt
Wednesday, July 10, 3-3:45 p.m. — Sarah
Brodd, of the DeKalb County Cooperative Exten
sion, shows you how to have fun with dirt! Regis
tration begins July 1. Free, and everyone is welcome.
For ages 5-12. Open to the first 15 participants. Call
404-848-7140 or visit the Brookhaven Branch Li
brary to register. 1242 N. Druid Hills Rd., NE,
Brookhaven, 30319.
Magic Show
Wednesday, July 10,
4-4:45 p.m. — Bill
Packard, the “Magic
Man,” combines mag
ic, comedy, music,
puppetry and special
effects to “wow” you.
Free. For preschool and
elementary school au
diences. Northside Branch Library, 3295 North-
side Parkway, NW, Atlanta, 30327. Email: com- or call 404-814-3508 for
more details.
Edible Sciences
Thursday, July 11, 10:30-11:30 a.m. —
Want to learn about “edible science?” Topics in
clude: the dry ice mystery; making Play-dough;
“gooey goop” (cornstarch and water); how does
popcorn pop; fun with Pop Rocks candy; find
ing iron in cereal, “s is for Skittles,” and making
candied apples. Free and open to the communi
ty. Sign-up required and started June 20. For el
ementary and middle school youth. Additional
session from 2-3 p.m. Children may sign up for
one session only. Sandy Springs Branch Library,
in the Meeting Room, 395 Mount Vernon High
way, Sandy Springs, 30328. Email: leah.germon@ or call 404-303-6130 to reg
ister or with questions.
Turtle Tours
Saturday, July 13,
11 a.m.-12 p.m. —
Heritage Sandy Springs’
“Turtle Tours,” an edu
cational series appro
priate for children ages
2- 5, continues. In this
program, museum mas
cots “Sandy” the Chip
munk and “Spring”
the Turtle celebrate the
Fourth of July. Free;
donations encour
aged. 6075 Sandy Springs Circle, Sandy Springs,
30328. For more information, email: kbrigance@, call 404-851-9111 or
Ancient Egypt
Saturday, July 13, 3-4 p.m. — Ms. Leah
provides ancient Egypt-themed activities for the
whole family! Sign up required and started June
20. Free and open to the public. Suggested au
diences: preschool and elementary school youth.
Sandy Springs Branch Library, in the Meet
ing Room, 395 Mount Vernon Highway, San
dy Springs, 30328. Email: leah.germon@fulton- or call 404-303-6130 to register or
for additional information.
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('kuJziX) | JUNE28 — JULY 11, 2013 | 17