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Joseph and Mary’s story: Joseph and
Mary were betrothed when they traveled
to Bethlehem to be counted in the Roman
census. While there, Mary gave birth to
Jesus. An angel told Joseph that Jesus was
in danger from King Herod. The family
fled to Egypt. They returned afier Herod’s
death and settled in Nazareth.
Qualls, asso
ciate pastor at
de Leon Bap
tist Church,
turned to the
story of Joseph and Mary, the
parents of Jesus.
“You kind of piece their sto
ry together by looking at the
four Gospel accounts,” said
Qualls, who serves as Second-
Ponce’s associate pastor for pas
toral care, and counsels married
couples and divorcees.
What he finds in the sto
ry of Joseph and Mary is trust.
Although there is little written
about Jesus’ father in the Bi
ble, Qualls says there’s enough
to realize he was “a pretty deter
mined, pretty decent guy.”
“The more convenient and
the safer thing for him to do
would have been to break off
the engagement because she
was pregnant. But we know
that they went on to have a
pretty complete family,” Qualls
said. “You see mentions of the siblings
of Jesus. Jesus was brought up in the
carpentry trade, according to tradition.
He would have learned that at his fa
ther’s side. You’ve got this clear picture
of a family life that grows up due to
sheer determination and trust.”
The Story of Ruth Thomas Matthews Rooke, 1876
Rev. Will Zant,
pastor of the North
Springs United
Methodist Church,
first thought of words
from the New Testa
ment, in the Book
of John. He often
quotes these words in weddings, he
said. “It’s just a beautiful testament
about the word ‘love,’” he said. “We
love one another because God’s es
sence is love. That’s a reminder to me
... that our lives should be the same.”
He also singled out the story of
Ruth from the Old Testament. “It’s a
story about how a woman who lost
her husband remains faithful to her
mother-in-law,” he said. “Her devo
tion eventually helps her find another
husband. I just love that story.”
Here’s Ruth’s story: Ruth’s husband
died. When her widowed mother-in-
law decided to return to her homeland,
Ruth went with her. “Entreat me not to
leave thee, or to return from following
after thee; for whither thou goest, I will
go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge”
Ruth said. “Tljy people shall be my peo
ple, and thy God my God. ”
Once there, Ruth set to work in the
fields, where she met Boaz. Boaz agreed
to marry her, but another man had first
claim on her. After the other man relin
quished his right to marry Ruth, Boaz
and Ruth were able to marry.
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