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Youth Choir Concert
Tuesday, June 4, 7 p.m. — Shallowford’s Cha
pel Choir, consisting of 65 singers from more than
eight schools around Atlanta, in grades 7- 12, is tak
ing their concert, “Let Your Life Shine,” on tour
throughout the southeastern U.S. this summer.
Check them out at Northwest Presbyterian Church
before they go on the road! The concert explores
how faith, hope and love can help others. Open to
all; a free-will offering to be taken at the event. 4300
Northside Dr., NW, Atlanta, 30327. For more de
tails call 404-321-1844, go to:
or email:
The Jungle Book
Wednesday, June 5, 3 p.m. — The Dunwoody
United Methodist Church puts on specially-adapted
short performances of Disney’s “The Jungle Book.”
With colorful characters and a toe-tapping jungle
rhythm, the musical includes many favorite Disney
tunes: “The Bare Necessities” and “I Wan na Be Like
You.” Additional show at 7 p.m. Open to the com
munity. Donations benefit the Atlanta Animal Al
liance. 1548 Mount Vernon Rd., Dunwoody. Call
770-394-0675 with questions.
Allison Richter
Thursday, June 6, 6-7:30 p.m. — The Blue
Heron Nature Preserve hosts an opening reception
for its newest summer art exhibit: Awareness of Birds
Thru Art: “Ugly Pretty,” by Allison Richter. Rich
ter uses an impasto look and feel to add texture and
depth to South Florida’s Roseate Spoonbills. Free
and open to the public. Show continues through
August 31. 4055 Roswell Rd., Atlanta, 30342. To
learn more, call 404-345-1008, email: nancyjl- or visit:
Peachtree Hills
Saturday, June 8, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. — The 2nd
annual Peachtree Hills Festival of the Arts brings
200 artists to the area for a two-day event. Festivities
held in and around the Peachtree Hills Park & Rec
reation Center, including food, acoustic music and
kids’ activities. Event continues Sunday, June 9, 11
a.m.-6 p.m. Free admission. Pets allowed on a leash.
Rain or shine. Parking restricted in residential neigh
borhoods. 308 Peachtree Hills Ave., NE, Atlanta,
30305. Call 404-845-0793, email:
or go to: with questions.
Ukulele Orchestra
Sunday, June 9, 3 p.m. — Arts & Culture at the
Marcus Jewish Community Center —Atlanta wel
comes the Ukulele Orchestra of Great Brooklyn, in
presenting “Missionary in Manhattan,” a new mu
sical about three polygamist pop stars on the hunt
for their husband in HOTlanta. Tickets: $15 for
MJCCA members; $20, non-members; $10 for stu
dents. Show is for mature audiences only. Morris &
Rae Frank Theatre, 5342 Tilly Mill Rd., Dunwoody,
30338. For details or to purchase tickets, visit www. or call 678-812-4002.
Japanese Art
Wednesday, June 12, 7-8 p.m. — Event fea
tures Elaine Jo, who demonstrates Ikebana, the
Japanese art of flower arrangement. Presented in
conjunction with the exhibition “Jiki to Hanga: Jap
anese Porcelain and Prints.” $5 admission; free for
Oglethorpe University Museum members and chil
dren under 12. Free parking. Third Floor, Welt-
ner Library, 4484 Peachtree Rd., NE, Brookhav-
en, 30319. For information, visit: http://museum. or call 404-364-8555.
Set Beer Bucket (5) $15,
1/2 lb Peel & Cat Shrimp
Bucket $jo. 95 or
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TBK Steakburger
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404 474 9508
3279 Roswell Rd. ATL GA 30305
Our Town
Friday, June 14,
7 p.m. — Join others at
Dunwoody United Meth
odist Church for the 75th
anniversary of this classic
American play by Thorn
ton Wilder. Narrated by
a stage manager and per
formed with minimal props and sets, audiences follow
the Webb and Gibbs families as their children experi
ence “Daily Life,” “Love and Marriage” and “Death
and Eternity” in the small town of Grover’s Corners.
Tickets, $10 at the door. Additional performances,
June 15, 7 p.m.; June 16, 3 p.m. In Fellowship Hall.
1548 Mount Vernon Rd., Dunwoody, 30338. Call
770-394-0675, email: kathy.kuntz@dunwoodyumc.
org, or go to: to learn more.
The Liberators
Saturday, June 15, 7-9 p.m. — The Dun
woody Nature Center welcomes The Liberators to
its concert series, a cover band who focuses on rock
n’ roll, blues and reggae. Bring a chair, blanket, pic
nic dinner and your favorite beverages as you listen
to music in the center’s newly-restored meadow.
Concerts are free for members; $5 for non-member
adults; $3 for students. 5343 Roberts Dr., Dun
woody, 30338. Call 770-394-3322, email: info@ or visit: www.dunwoodyna- for details.
Submit listings to
Calendar@ReporterNewspapers. net
Its A Good Day
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Expires 6/30/13. Limit one coupon per
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listed. Must be claimed in-store during
normal business hours. No cash value.
Sandy Springs
(404) 236-2114
5975 Roswell Rd. Suite A-103
Live Music
We would like to thank Sandy Springs for your support with
a special 12 day celebration of music, food and drink!
All weekday tickets are 2 for the price of 1
• Special guest musicians will be joining us each night
in addition to the scheduled performers
• Food and drink specials and ticket giveaways!
Tuesday, June 4: Georgia Crackers (old time string band)
Wednesday, June 5: Hair of the Dog (Cajun/Zydeco)
Thursday, June 6: Heaven Davis (Blues/Jazz)
Friday, June 7: Julie Gribble (Songwriter/Folk/Country)
Saturday, June 8: Jimmy Robinson, Floatstone, Wes Cook
Sunday, June 9,1pm: Atlanta Big Band (Jazz Lunch & Dancing)
Sunday, June 9, 6pm: Bill Hart Music
Monday, June 10: Open Mic
Tuesday, June 11: The Night Travelers
Wednesday, June 12: Heather Luttrell (1 Year Anniversary!)
Thursday, June 13: ‘As of Yet’ Band & Blues Jam
Friday, June 14: WALLER
Saturday, June 15 Randall Bramblett
Traditional Irish Music and Dance Every Saturday at 3 pm!
Tuesday Nights - Hootenanny at 6pm! (Folk music sing-a-long,
bluegrass and old time string jam)
Like us:
Tickets on sale at
234 Hilderbrand Drive, Sandy Springs, GA 30328 | 404-418-6777 f | MAY 31—JUNE 13, 2013 | 17