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www.ReporterNewspapers.netl SEPT.20 —OCT.3,2013 | 5
Amended 2013 Budget
■ Taxes
■ Licenses & Permits
■ Intergovernmental Revenues
■ Charges for Services
Fines & Forfeitures
■ Investment Income
Contributions & Donations
■ Miscellaneous Revenue
Other Financing Sources
Expenses, Amended 2013 Budget
Economic Development,
■ City Council
■ City Manager
■ City Clerk
■ Finance & Administration
■ Information Technology
3 Marketing
■ City Attorney
■ Municipal Court
3 Police
■ E-911
n Public Works
■ Parks
Community Development
Economic Development
Expenses, 2014 Budget
■ City Council
■ City Manager
■ City Clerk
■ Finance & Administration
■ Information Technology
■ Marketing
■ City Attorney
■ Municipal Court
■ E-911
■ Public Works
Community Development
Economic Development
Source: City of Dunwoody
City considering $24.7 million general fund budget for 2014
Dunwoody city officials propose to
spend about $24.74 million on city op
erations in 2014, up less than a percent
age point from the amount budgeted for
this year.
The proposed budget Mayor Mike
Davis and City Manager Mike Davis pre
sented to Dunwoody City Council calls
for a 0.42 percent increase in general
fund expenditures over the $23.9 in the
city’s 2013 amended budget.
The 2014 budget plan predicts the
city will collect $24.89 million in general
fund revenue, up from $23.86 million in
2013. That includes an increase in prop
erty taxes collected to about $20 million,
up from $18.4 million in 2013. The dif
ference represents an increase in the value
of taxable property in Dunwoody. City
Council recently voted to keep the city’s
tax millage at 2.74 mills.
“The city has experienced modest but
steady expansion and economic devel
opment in 2013,” the budget message
says. “The same diversity in our revenue
streams that made the city more resilient
during the economic recession has been
beneficial during the slow recovery peri
od. The city is on track to exceed the $23
million in revenues appropriated in the
[fiscal year] 2013 budget primarily due
to healthy franchise fees and permitting
The budget says the total of city ex
penditures from all funds, including spe
cial-use funds such as the hotel-motel tax,
will reach about $30 million.
The mayor and city manager’s bud
get message says the city plans to spend
$5.9 million from the general fund bud
get on projects such as street resurfacing,
sidewalks, intersections, parks and public
safety equipment.
Some highlights of the proposed 2014
budget, according to the budget message
and a memo presented at a recent council
budget committee meeting:
—City Clerk’s budget drops by 36 per
cent next year because of the cost of run
ning city elections this year;
—City officials plan to spend $1.8 mil
lion for street resurfacing and paving;
about $1.75 million for construction and
intersection improvement projects; and
$230,000 on sidewalks;
—City officials plan to spend about
$1 million to develop a 5-acre park on
the 19-acre parcel the city is buying for
the Renaissance redevelopment project;
$65,000 for an emergency notification
system at Brook Run Park; and $ 100,000
to replace the roof at the North DeKalb
Cultural Center;
—City officials plan to spend $40,000
for a redesign of the city logo and brand;
The city has scheduled a public hear
ing and council discussion of the bud
get for Oct. 14. The council is to vote
Oct. 28 on whether to adopt the bud
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