Dunwoody reporter. (Sandy Springs, GA) 20??-current, December 27, 2013, Image 5

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Top Stories @
• DeKalb schools
fallout continues
• High-end apartments
lure new tenants
• Work starts soon to shut
down Ga. 400 toll pi za
• Map, timeline for Ga.
400 trail released
• Fancying fine living leads
to a backyard chicken coop
✓ \
DeKalb school
board members
It was a tumultuous year for
the DeKalb County Board of Ed
ucation. In February, Gov. Na
than Deal removed six mem
bers of the school board after a
regional accrediting agency put
the school system on accredita
tion probation. A report from
the Southern Association of Col
leges and Schools cited the school
board members with financial
mismanagement and meddling
in the operations of the schools.
Interim Superintendent Michael
Thurmond, a former labor com
missioner and state legislator,
was brought on to help lead the
struggling school system.
Parents want
city schools
Seeing the DeKalb school sys
tem’s troubles, a group of Dun-
woody parents organized to try
to create a separate public school
system in the city In 2012, State
Rep. Tom Taylor, a Dunwoody
Republican, introduced legisla
tion to allow “new” cities creat
ed since 2005, including Dun-
woody and contiguous cities to
start their own school systems. A
group calling itself Dunwoody
Parents Concerned About Qual
ity Education sponsored a study
that found Dunwoody could op
erate its own schools and have
a $30 million surplus from the
amount city taxpayers were pay
ing for DeKalb County schools.
Shortly after the release of the
study a new parents’ group called
Georgians for Local Area School
Systems, or GLASS, organized to
lobby the state Legislature to pass
Taylor’s bill next year.
Tired of waiting on a traffic signal to turn left? In another step to improve
traffic congestion in the Perimeter Business District, the Perimeter
Transportation Operations Program (PTOP) is bringing changes to traffic
signals at 4 intersections on Perimeter Center Parkway near Perimeter Mall.
During the week of Jan. 6, 2014, flashing yellow arrows will be added to
left-turn signals. With a flashing yellow arrow, after yielding to any
oncoming traffic and pedestrians, drivers are able to make a left turn
without waiting for the next green arrow. The result: More efficient traffic
To learn more about flashing yellow arrows, please visit the Perimeter CIDs'
website: www.PerimeterCID.org
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www.ReporterNewspapers.netl DEC. 27, 2013 — JAN. 9,2014 | 5