Dawson County news. (Dawsonville, Georgia) 2015-current, February 13, 2019, Image 5
Wednesday, February 13,2019 dawsonnews.com I DAWSON COUNTY NEWS I 5A Making a splash for a good cause Annual Leap for Literacy set for Saturday, Feb. 23, on Lake Lanier By Jessica Taylor jtaylor@dawsonnews.com It’s almost that time of year again, when color fully costumed teams will either wade or jump into Lake Lanier in the chilly, late February weather. The Dawson County WEE Books program is hosting its yearly Leap for Literacy event begin ning at 10:30 a.m. Feb. 23, and the event is sure to make a splash. WEE Books is a pro gram that puts age-appro priate books in the hands of preschool children. The organization serves more than 800 children in Dawson County who receive a book in the mail each month for free. The event is a fundrais er with all proceeds going toward the purchase of books for children. At last year’s event more than $5,000 was raised to put books into the hands of local children. Sponsors pay for leap- ers, who can be individu als or teams, to dress in costume and put on a show as they walk down the dock at War Hill Park to jump off the edge. Participants also have the option to be a “ramp runner” and get just their legs wet, or be “toe tap pers” who walk down the boat ramps to stick a pinky toe in the frigid water. Celebrity judges will choose winners based on costumes and perfor mance in each of the cate gories. For more information or to pre-register a team, call (706) 216-7955 or email info@dawsonwee- books.org. Above: Ken Goines and the Dawson County Middle School Interact Club leap into Lake Lanier at the annual Leap for Literacy benefit for WEE Books Feb. 24, 2018. Left: Commission Chairman Billy Thurmond and District 2 Commissioner Chris Gaines jump into the frigid lake in a sur prise leap Feb. 24, 2018. Below: Team RIC Rack waded up to their knees in the chilly lake water to raise money for WEE Books at the annual Leap for Literacy Feb. 24, 2018. Photos by Jessica Taylor Dawson County News DAWSON COUNTY WEE BOOKS PROGRAM LE/YP TtfR LITERACY Saturday,February 23,2019 at 10:30 am War Hill Park on Lake Lanier Sponsor a ~Toaw\ or m Tv\d\V\d(Aal Leap ii/i+o Lake Lm\er Celebrity judges will choose winners based on costumes and performance! Don’t miss this fun opportunity to: • Show your business or organization’s support of childhood literacy • Leap as part of a Winning Team or Leap individually • Run down the Ramp • Toe Tap in the water • Or Sponsor a Leaper to GET WET! SPONSORSHIP LEVELS • $250 each Leaping Team (up to 4 members per team) • $100 each Individual Leaper • $50 each Individual Ramp Runner* (legs wet) • $10 each Individual Toe Tapper* (feet wet) *get together with a GROUP of friends for even more fun! FOR MORE INFORMATION & TO PRE-REGISTER TEAMS Contact: 706-216-4763 info@dawsonweebooks.org PO BOX 1883 DAWSONVILLE ik F@r$t Foundation for CHILDHOOD LITERACY Books (or Georgia's Children Dawson County Wee Books is a 501 (c)(3) Not For Profit Organization - Donations are tax deductible as allowed by law. „ Protect “out boat! For boat-to-boat tie-ups & docks •4 lengths: 2’, 4', 6’&12' • 2 diameters: 18" & 24" • quickly inflates / deflates • custom ID / graphic option Order Direct & Save $! www.bigbumpercompany.com