Newspaper Page Text
Wednesday, July 17,2019
Arrest Reports
July 8
Jose Meliton Pedraza, 29, Atlanta:
Driving while license expired, failure to
stop for stop sign.
July 9
Angela Leigh Ertzberger, 46, Dahlonega:
Bench warrant/failure to appear in court.
Dustin Grady Ingram, 34, Dawsonville:
Probation violation/felony.
Angela Dawn Rutledge, 38, Dawsonville:
Possession of marijuana less than one
ounce, two counts drug related objects.
Kenneth Lee Tomes, 28, Dahlonega:
Possession of a controlled substance.
Austin Blake Truelove, 20, Dahlonega:
Fourth degree forgery.
July 10
Melissa Allene Bennett, 38, Dawsonville:
Here for court.
Brandy Jeanette Milligan, 35,
Gainesville: Bench warrant/failure to
appear in court.
Katisha Lynn White, 35, Marble Hill:
False name/date of birth, theft by shoplifting.
July 11
Timothy Conway Arnwine, 49,
Dawsonville: Possession of a controlled
substance with intent to distribute, drug
related objects, possession of marijuana less
than one ounce.
Daniel Robert Barnard Jr., 35, Dawsonville:
Criminal trespass/family violence.
Charles Walker Cox, 18, Dawsonville:
Possession of marijuana less than one
ounce, drug related objects.
Hunter Davis Glover, 22, Dawsonville:
Serving county sentence.
Edward Henson, 27, Dawsonville: Failure
to comply/HELP Court.
Evelyn Hailey Hudson, 30, Gainesville:
Bench warrant/failure to appear in court.
Carrie Renee Johnson, 37, Griffin: Bench
warrant/failure to appear in court, probation
July 12
Steven Wayne Baker, 24, Cumming:
Theft by shoplifting.
Christopher Sean Coleman, 30, Dawsonville:
Theft by receiving stolen property.
Empress Michelle Dyer, 48: Possession
of a controlled substance, drug related
objects, failure to maintain lane.
Keley Ashton Quarles, 25, Dawsonville:
Serving county sentence.
Sarah Allison Sailors, 22, Cumming:
Theft by shoplifting.
Adam Scott Terry, 21, Cumming: Theft
by shoplifting.
July 13
Jody Todd Brown, 30, Cleveland: Driving
without valid license, signals required in
changing lanes.
Kayla Leann Dore, 26, Gainesville: Theft
by receiving stolen property.
James Clark Gable, 34, Dahlonega: Theft
by shoplifting.
Andrew Thomas Goulding, 32,
Dawsonville: DUl/alcohol.
Alan Junior Little, 39, Cumming:
Tampering with evidence, possession of a
controlled substance with intent to distribute,
drug related objects, fleeing/attempting to
elude police officer, failure to maintain lane.
Brittany Nicole Wallace, 29,
Dawsonville: Probation violation/felony.
Wiley Wooten, 22, Gainesville: Obstruction
of officer, simple assault, hijacking a motor
vehicle, entering automobile, pedestrian must
walk on sidewalk if provided.
July 14
Dolly Jarvis Henson, 58, Dahlonega:
Theft by shoplifting.
Foul play not ruled out for human
remains found in ‘shallow grave’
By Layne Saliba
DCN Regional Staff
The Gainesville Police Department
is not ruling out foul play in the dis
covery of human remains in
Gainesville, Friday, July 12.
The remains found in a drainage
culvert near the site of a carnival off
Browns Bridge Road had been buried,
according to Gainesville Police Chief
Jay Parrish.
“The majority of the remains were
located in a shallow grave that
became exposed due to erosion over
time,” Parrish said in an email. “We
are comparing missing persons
(reports) both from Gainesville and
surrounding jurisdictions.”
Parrish said they believe the remains
have been there “for several years.”
The remains were transported to the
Georgia Bureau of Investigations
crime lab for an autopsy, scheduled
for Monday, July 15.
Anyone with information is asked
to call the police at (770) 534-5251.
Reporter Nick Watson contributed to this
Photo for the Dawson County News
Hayden Wiggins recognized as June Employee of the Month
Finance Administrator Hayden Wiggins was recognized as the June Employee of the Month at the July 8 city
council meeting. He was nominated by a number of his fellow department heads for exemplary work during
the entire budget process, including: development of the FY20 budget, closing out FY19, astute mind and
supreme job dealing with day-to-day budget, expenditure and revenue issues. Additionally, Wiggins managed
the FY19 budget so well that more than $42,784.00 approved to be spent from the reserve accounts was cov
ered by the general fund via increased revenue, better budget forecasting and management. Pictured from left
are Wiggins, Mayor Pro Tern StephenTolson, council members Caleb Phillips, Jason Power and Mark French.
Photo for the Dawson County News
Hayden Wiggins recognized as Employee of the 2nd Quarter
Finance Administrator Hayden Wiggins was recognized for Employee of the 2nd Quarter at the July 8 City
Council Meeting. Wiggins has been employed with the City of Dawsonville since October 30, 2017, and was
nominated by a number of his fellow department heads and presented the Employee of the 2nd Quarter award
for his exemplary work during the budget process. Pictured from left are Wiggins, Mayor Pro Tern Stephen
Tolson, council member Caleb Phillips, council member Jason Power and council member Mark French.
James William
McGuirt III
James William McGuirt
III graduated to Eternal
Life on June 16, 2019 in
Tampa, Florida. How this
exceptional man was
loved by so many people
throughout the world. He
was born in Tampa,
August 24, 1943 to Jim
and Betty McGuirt. He
attended local elementary
schools and graduated
from Plant High in 1961.
Jim established a musical
group called The
Satellites while attending
Plant High and played in
the German Band and
Marching band at many
wonderful football games
in “Dad’s Stadium.” He
also enjoyed his time at
He enlisted in the
United States Air Force
and was assigned to the
Air Force Security
Service serving in
Misawa, Japan and
Peshwar, Pakistan on the
U-2 project. It was in
Pakistan that he met his
wife of 53 years. He was
employed as a Detective
and Deputy Sheriff for
Duval and Hillsborough
Counties. He retired as
the Investigative Manager
of the State of Florida
DBPR. His greatest love
besides his family was his
music. He was a multi
talented musician, profi
cient percussionist, gui
tarist and vocalist. His
band, The Satellites, were
well known throughout
Florida and backed up
many well-known musi
cal stars. When he wasn’t
found with a guitar in his
hand, or grandchild in his
arms, he had his fishing
pole instead, enjoying all
that Florida had to offer.
Jim surrounded himself
with positive force, others
would gather around him
to feel that influence. He
was a beacon to all. Jim
will be forever remem
bered as a kind, thought
ful man. A man who
loved his family, country,
and friends. Truly a won
derful, wonderful man.
Many friends will cherish
their memories of him,
but he will be deeply
cherished and missed by
his wife, Patti; son,
Jimmy; daughter, Kelly
and husband, Corey;
daughter, Michelle; his
grandchildren, Todd,
Kaleb, Kylee, Ty, Alaire,
James (V), Liam, Blake,
and Malia; sister Lin and
husband Win Weber;
Brant, Whitney and son
by love, Kevin. Funeral
arrangements by Trinity
Memorial Gardens.
Dawson County News
July 17, 2019 '
Death Notices
James E. Anderson
James E. Anderson, 88,
of Savannah, formerly of
Dawsonville died
Monday July 8, 2019.
Bearden Funeral Home of
Dawsonville was in
charge of arrangements.
Dawson County News
July 17,2019 '
Clayton Arthur
Clayton Arthur Stocks,
37, passed away Monday,
July 9, 2019. Bearden
Funeral Home of
Dawsonville was in
charge of arrangements
Dawson County News
July 17,2019 '
David "Arnold"
David “Arnold” Stowers,
82, of Gainesville died
Saturday July 13, 2019.
Bearden Funeral Home of
Dawsonville was in charge
of arrangements.
Dawson County News
July 17,2019 '
^ Daws o n C o u nty N e ws
A Metro Market Media Publication
Established in 2015 by the merger of Dawson Community News and Dawson News and Advertiser
30 Shoal Creek Road i PUBLISHER | Stephanie Woody
Dawsonville, GA 30534 GENERAL MANAGER | Brenda Bohn
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FAX (706) 265-3276
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