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    Wednesday, September 11,2019
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Food Insecurity Resources
Joshua Demarest 424 Hwy. 53 E
jdemarest@dawsonnews.com Dawsonville
Below is a list of resources that are
available for those suffering from food
insecurity or needing other resources in
Dawson County. They are also all great
organizations for those looking to
donate their time or money.
RIC-Rack: RIC-Rack is a charity
thrift store and food bank founded in
1992 by Jean Greenway, Helen Taylor,
the Dawson County Woman’s Club, and
members of some local churches. They
operate a thrift store and a food bank in
order to accomplish their mission of
feeding the hungry in Dawson County.
829 Hwy. 9 N
Department of Family and Children
Services: DFCS is a state organization
dedicated to strengthening families.
Adults can apply for food stamps and
learn about their many other resources
for supplementing local families.
Ninth District Opportunity: NDO is
a non-profit in the region that works
with families that have housing or other
self-sufficiency needs.
(706) 265-3744
189 Hwy. 53 E #105
St. Vincent De Paul: St. Vincent De
Paul works with RIC-Rack as a referrer
of services to the food bank and also
provides financial aid to help families
tackle short-term, immediate struggles
with basic needs.
(706) 265-2106
Good Shepherd Clinic: The Good
Shepherd Clinic is a non-profit that pro
vides free non-emergency healthcare
and wellness services to individuals
without access to insurance who live or
work in Dawson County.
(706) 216-7477
45 Medical Center Dr.
DCES announces Seth
Taylor as new firefighter
From staff reports
Dawson County Fire and Emergency
Services recently announced its newest
firefighter Seth Taylor.
According to a press release from Fire
Chief Danny Thompson, Taylor graduat
ed from the Georgia Fire Academy basic
firefighter (FF) program Aug. 30 where
he successfully completed his National
Professional Qualifications for
Firefighter 1.
The program is eight weeks and cov
ers topics as, search/rescue, ventilation,
firefighting tactics, forcible entry and
water supply.
“The training received at the academy,
is the foundation for many more years
of training,” Thompson said.
FF Taylor was assigned to shift this
“We are very pleased to have FF
Taylor join our department, he will
bring needed help to his shift,”
Thompson said.
Aaron Toy for
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Basic Firefighter
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Photo for Dawson County News
Firefighter SethTaylor and Dawson County Fire Chief DannyThompson.
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David Barnes DCN Regional Staff
Jim Seymour handles a bull snake on Saturday during Snake Day at
Elachee Nature Science Center in Gainesville.
Snake Day slithering back to Elachee
By Layne Saliba
DCN Regional Staff
Itching for Shark Week to come back?
Well, Elachee Nature Science Center
thinks it has something just as good: Snake
That’s right, a full day of snakes at its
center in Gainesville.
“It’s our biggest public event of the year
and it’s an intriguing topic that attracts an
extraordinary cross section of our commu
nity,” said Peter Gordon, director of educa
tion at Elachee.
The event, scheduled 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Saturday, Sept. 14, will feature more than
100 live snakes and reptiles for you to look
at and learn about from the 20-plus exhibi
tors. Tickets are $10 per person for ages 2
and up, but Elachee members get in for
half that price.
“There’s just something compelling and
interesting about snakes and the fact that
we live in the South and have such a diver
sity (of snakes), there’s a lot for folks to
learn about,” Gordon said.
And if you’re at Elachee on Sept. 14,
you’ll be able to do just that. Gordon said
one of the main goals of this event, which
is in its 27th year, is to “dispel a lot of
myths about snakes.”
“This idea that the only good snake is a
dead snake, we try to work a long way in
that regard to try and dispel that myth,”
Gordon said. “These aie essential and very
much vital parts of our ecology of
Northeast Georgia.”
He hopes that over the years and for
years to come, people have come to appre
ciate snakes. Children are learning about
them in class, so seeing them at Elachee
will hopefully connect what they’ve
learned with what they see. He hopes the
same for adults.
“Folks come away, hopefully, with a
new appreciation and respect for them and
that goes into practice in their daily lives,”
Gordon said. “If they see a black rat snake
Snake Day
What: Festival at Elachee featur
ing over 100 snakes and reptiles
When: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Saturday, Sept. 14
Where: Elachee Nature Science
Center, 2125 Elachee Drive,
How much: $10 per person for
ages 2 and up, $5 for Elachee
More info: www.elachee.org/
or a garter snake in their yard, their first
impulse isn’t to reach for their hoe, but to
think, ‘This is a cool animal. It’s harmless.
Fet’s watch it and see what it does,’ and
kind of go from there.”
Apart from the educational aspect of the
event, Gordon said they will have different
Snake Day crafts and face painting for the
kids. They’ll host hikes and the whole
nature science center will be open to look
around. Dickey’s Pit Barbeque, Frozen
Frenzee and Hot Dog Ninja will be there to
make sure the family is fed.
“Rather than a drop in, it becomes for
many people, three, four or five hours,”
Gordon said. “They’ll spend a whole day
circulating through the exhibits. So it’s a
great family event. And kind of a kickoff
for our fall season.”
He often sees the same people come
back to the event each September and is
excited to see some of the same faces
again. But he’s more excited about the new
faces he’ll see who come to learn about
snakes and see what Elachee has to offer.
“It’s just a really fun festival and I think
folks understand that and that explains why
they keep coming back year after year,”
Gordon said.
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