Dawson County news. (Dawsonville, Georgia) 2015-current, October 23, 2019, Image 8

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    8A I DAWSON COUNTY NEWS I dawsonnews.com
Wednesday, October 23,2019
Do what Dolly
Parton would do
A couple of years ago,
Tink and I had the
opportunity - which
turned out to be an honor
and a privilege - to work
with Dolly Parton on a
television project.
I had always heard
lovely things about
Dolly. Everyone who knows her,
loves her. And, after dealing with
her, I can say fully that the love is
well placed. Regardless of how won
derful you may think Dolly is, let me
promise you: She’s even better.
She’s kind. She’s humble. She never
says a word against anyone. She’s
brilliant, both creatively and busi
ness-wise. She’s more beautiful in
person than her images.
And, my favorite quality: She is
NEVER late. In fact, it’s hard to get
to a meeting before Dolly. I had
heard this from others but I now
know it to be a fact. Tink and I are
normally 10 or 15 minutes early.
Dolly always arrived before we did.
One day, we had a meeting on the
Warner Studio lot in Burbank. We
got there 30 minutes early. Tink said
“We’re too early. Let’s wait in the
We sat, watching assistants hurry
ing with coffee and tour guides on
golf carts who pointed out where
Bette Davis and James Cagney had
filmed movies. An occasional star
would wander by en route to a set or
a meeting. It was 20 minutes before
the hour when I glimpsed Dolly,
dressed in black slacks, a billowing
cream silk top cinched at the waist
with a wide black belt and four inch
platform heels, tottering toward the
office where we were to meet.
“Tink! There’s Dolly.” I grabbed
frantically at the door handle.
“We’re going in now. We are not
going to let her be this much earlier
than us!”
One day we arrived for a network
meeting, fifteen minutes early. Dolly
was very under the weather. Yet,
when we, the healthy ones, got to the
conference room, there sat beautiful,
glamorous, sick Dolly. Waiting on us.
Dolly Parton is one of the biggest
international stars that the world has
ever known yet she is
professional and gracious
enough to treat others and
their time with respect.
She knows what my
daddy always preached
firmly, “You always be on
time. Be early. Because
when you’re not, you’re
telling the other person that you’re
better than them. That your time is
more important than theirs.”
He instilled in me the necessity of
keeping my word to others. I left
Mama’s burial as the gravediggers
were tossing the first dirt on the cas
ket, got into my car and drove eight
hours to Mississippi to keep a speak
ing engagement the next morning.
I am so tired of scheduling mainte
nance and repair people then either I,
Tink or both of us sets our work aside
to wait on them. The majority of the
time they don’t show up or they call
at the last minute to reschedule.
Today as I write this, I have just been
cancelled at the last minute by a
repairman who has promised daily
for a week to be here.
Then there is Sandy, my hairdress
er. I’m usually her last appointment.
Of course, she works a short day. But
I have never arrived for my scheduled
time with her and had to wait. I find
this pretty amazing since others can
be unreliable but somehow Sandy
keeps it timely.
Sandy met Dolly once. She was a
teenager at a show when Dolly was
still building her stardom. A light
from the stage tumbled off and hit
Sandy and a friend. There was no
harm but, as a reward, they got to go
back stage and meet Dolly. Maybe
Dolly’s penchant for timeliness
rubbed off on Sandy that night.
Whenever someone stands me up
or reschedules an appointment at the
last minute, I always think of Dolly
and her respect for others.
I want to always be like Dolly
Ronda Rich is the best-selling author of Let
Me Tell You Something. Visit www.rondar-
ich.com to sign up for her free weekly
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If Neuropathy Discomfort
Plagues Your Day, This Crazy
Trick Will Bring You Relief
It’s true: In a recent clinical use survey trial,
15 minutes is all it took for participants to feel
relief from burning, tingling and numb legs and
feet. And now, you can use his secret, too.
The Secret To Leg And Foot Relief Is Found Right
Below The Skin, According To New Research:
Diabasens Increases Sensation And Blood Flow
Wherever Its Applied. It’s Now Being Used To Relieve
Burning, Tingling, Numbness Among Other Discomforts.
By Dr. Stephen Klayman.
BOSTON - An exciting
clinical use survey study
shows that a new cream
can relieve leg and foot
discomfort in just 15
minutes of applying.
And according to
the study participants,
sensations of burning,
tingling, and numbness
were the most common
symptoms to be relieved.
The cream, called Di
abasens, recently de
veloped by scientists in
California and became an
instant hit among those
suffering with neuropa
thy discomfort.
It’s patent pending
formula works within
minutes of contacting
the skin, initiating two
phenomena’s in the body.
The first phenomenon
is known as vasodilation
which triggers arteries
to expand, improving
circulation in the
The second is called
TRPA1 activation and this
is what really has people
Research Shows
Correlation Between
Nerve Damage and
Published research
shows that neuropathy
symptoms arise when
the nerves in your legs
and feet break down and
blood flow is lost to the
areas which surround
As the nerves begin
to die, sensation is lost.
This lack of sensation is
a major cause of burning,
tingling, and numbness
Remarkably, Diabasens
contains one of the few
known substances to
activate TRPA1, a special
sensory pathway right
below the skins surface
which activates the
sensitivity of nerves. It’s
these nerves that allow
you to feel hot, cold, and
And although this
pathway has been known
about for years, neither a
drug or a pill has been able
to target it successfully.
That’s why Diabasens is
so impressive.
“It all comes down
to sensation. When
sensation is lost the foot
feels constantly asleep.
It may also burn and
tingle. When sensation
is increased, these
nagging symptoms often
go away”, explains Dr.
Stephen Klayman, a
spokesperson for the
“That’s why Diabasens
performed so well in our
clinical use survey study.
It increases sensation and
blood flow wherever it’s
applied. It’s impressive to
say the least”
A Brilliant
Technology Most
Failed to Consider
Until now, many
pharma companies have
failed to develop a means
of TRPA1 activation to
manage neuropathy
discomfort. Diabasens is
one of the first to take
full advantage of this
amazing discovery.
“Today’s remedies have
focused on minimizing
discomfort instead of
attacking its underlining
cause. That’s why
millions of adults are still
in excruciating discomfort
every single day and are
always battling effects”
explains Klayman.
“Diabasens is different.
Since the most commonly
reported symptoms...
burning, tingling and
numb legs and feet...
are caused by lack of
sensation of the nerves,
we’ve designed the
formula increase their
And since these nerves
are located right below
the skin, we’ve chosen to
formulate it as a cream.
This allows for the
ingredients to get to the
site faster and without
any systemic side effects”
he adds.
Study Finds
Increasing Sensation
the Key To Effective,
Long Lasting Relief
With the conclusion of
the human clinical use
survey trial, the makers
of Diabasens are offering
it nationwide. And
regardless of the market,
its sales are exploding.
Men and women from
all over the country are
eager to get their hands
on the new cream and
according to the results
study participants
reported, they should be.
In the trial above,
participants taking Di
abasens as needed ex
perienced relief in just
15 minutes after apply
ing! Burning, tingling
and numbness were the
most commonly reported
symptoms to improve.
Even more impressive,
when asked if this was the
best product they used for
their legs and feet, 90%
gave a resounding “Yes”
with all participants
concluding they would
absolutely recommend it
to someone else.
Diabasens Increases
Sensation and Blood
Flow Wherever
It’s Applied
Dr. Klayman proved that
the trick to relief resides
in your ability to improve
blood flow and sensation
in the extremities.
When this happens...
• Discomfort Subsides
• Burning, Tingling and
Numbness Decreases
• Swelling Goes Down
• Balance and
Coordination Improves
Targets Nerves
Right Below
the Skins Surface
Diabasens is a topical
cream that is to be
applied directly the legs
and feet. It does not
require a prescription.
The active ingredient
is a compound known
as CBE (cinnamon bark
Studies show that
neuropathy and
discomfort caused
when peripheral nerves
breakdown and blood is
unable to circulate into
your legs and feet.
As these nerves
deteriorate, sensation is
This is why you may
not feel hot or cold and
your legs and feet may
burn, tingle and go numb.
Worse, without proper
blood flow, tissues and
cells in these areas begin
to die, causing discomfort
that seems to never go
The CBE in Diabasens
is one of the very few
compounds in that can
activate TRPA1, a special
sensory pathway that
runs through your entire
According to published
research, activating this
pathway increases the
sensitivity of nerves,
relieving feelings of
tingling and numbness in
your legs and feet.
Supporting ingredients
boost blood flow, support
cellular health and
stimulate the nerves for
increased sensation.
Amazing Relief
Exactly Where You
Need It
With daily use,
Diabasens users
report remarkable
improvements in their
quality of life without
of the serious side
effects or interactions
associated with systemic
prescription drugs.
Readers can now enjoy
an entirely new level of
comfort that’s both safe
and affordable.
Users have found is
also extremely effective,
especially if nothing else
has worked with 90%
ravings it’s the best leg
and foot product they’ve
ever tried.
How to Claim a
Risk Free Supply
of Diabasens
This is the official
release of Diabasens.
As such, the company
is offering a special
discounted supply to any
reader who calls within
the next 48 hours.
A special hotline
number and discounted
pricing has been created
for all Georgia residents.
Discounts will be
available starting today
at 6:00 AM and will
automatically be applied
to all callers.
Your Toll-Free Hotline
number is 1-800-350-1397
and will only be open for
the next 48 hours. Only a
limited discounted supply
of Diabasens is currently
available in your region.
Consumers who miss
out on our current product
inventory will have to
wait until more becomes
available and that could
take weeks. The company
advises not to wait. Call
1-800-350-1397 today.