Dawson County news. (Dawsonville, Georgia) 2015-current, December 25, 2019, Image 6
6A I DAWSON COUNTY NEWS I dawsonnews.com Wednesday, December 25,2019 FROM 1A Teacher learning experiences. Sometimes it’s telling sto ries about her time growing up on the farm. Sometimes that means bringing in cow manure for students to dissect, or asking her teaching assistant to hop down to the river to bring her back some fish so she can show students how gills work. “These kids had never seen gills before...so here I am cleaning fish in my classroom and I can remember him saying ‘Renee you have lost your ever-loving mind’ and I said ‘No I haven’t,”’ Rogers said, laughing. “They have the opportuni ty to put their hands on what it is I talk about and actually see the digestive system, see how that food progresses, actually see the respiratory sys tem.” With more than 30 years under her belt, Rogers still doesn’t see herself retiring anytime soon. “I toy with the idea, but honestly teaching is not just a job. Teaching is my life, and I believe that the Lord calls us to do different things and teach ing is my calling. And even if I were to retire, I can’t retire,” Rogers said, smiling. “I don’t have time to retire.” Now that Rogers has been announced as Dawson County’s Teacher of the Year, she will be representing Dawson County at the state level to compete for Georgia’s Teacher of the Year. “I feel very, very honored, very, very blessed and very humbled. I’ve never been one to try to toot my own horn, and I just feel very honored that the community would choose me to represent them as their teacher of the year,” Rogers said. “I hope that I do a good job representing Dawson County and if I were to get state teacher of the year that I would do an excellent job representing Dawson County...it’s my home, the kids and the community, it’s my passion and I just want to be that positive that people see so that it lets them know what an awesome county that we have.” Photos by Jessica Taylor Dawson County News Above: Dawson County Middle School seventh grade science teacher Renee Rogers is the 2019-20Teacher of the Year for the Dawson County School System. Left: Rogers adjusts a microscope before class begins on Dec. 16. She will represent the district at the state level. Photo for the Dawson County News Wendy Schuster, director of curriculum, instruction and professional devel opment at Lanier Tech, was awarded the Blackboard Exemplary Program Course Award for her development of a course on Principles of Fraud Examination. Lanier Tech director of curriculum awarded for ASHEVILLE BILTMORE HOUSE DOWNTON ABBEY ADVENTURE March 9,10,11, 2020 3 Day / 2 Night All Inclusive Trip Repeat customers receive a gift! Join us as we explore Asheville, the Biltmore House and the Downton Abbey Exhibit! Limited Space, Reserve Today! ALL INCLUSIVE PRICE ONLY: $835*pp Double Occupancy $1,161*pp Single Occupancy online course From staff reports Lanier Tech’s Wendy Schuster, direc tor of curriculum, instruction and pro fessional development, was awarded the Blackboard Exemplary Program Course Award for her development of a course on Principles of Fraud Examination. After hundreds of hours of course development, Schuster’s online course set a new standard for communication, online interaction, and collaboration among online students at Lanier Technical College, according to a press development release. As the former chair of the Distance Education Committee at Lanier Tech, Schuster was aware of many of the strengths and weaknesses of online courses, which she used in creating the course. Schuster noted that the course created a strong sense of community among the online students. “This award shows that this approach to online courses is what students’ value and engage with, which improves the outcomes from online courses,” Schuster said. Payment Deadline: $100 Deposit Due: January 24, 2020 Final Payment Due: February 12, 2020 For additional details and to reserve your spot: Call Lori Maxim at 770-535-6323 or email lmaxim@worldsbestadventures.com TOUR INCLUDES MANY WALKING EVENTS *Must be 21 years of age to participate in the tour. Alcoholic drinks extra except as noted. World’s Best Adventures Powered by The Times | Forsyth County News | Dawson County News | South Forsyth News