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LeBlanc’s game-
field goal starts Tigers
off with bang, sports, ib
Teacher arrested for indecent exposure
Man charged in FL with performing lewd acts toward hotel pool
Kelly Whitmire
DCN Regional Staff
A DeSana Middle School
teacher has been arrested on
two charges of indecent expo
sure in Florida.
According to an incident
report from the Okaloosa
County Sheriff’s Office, Coby
Shane Rosson, 35, of Dawson
County, faces two counts of
indecent exposure, exposure of
sexual organs after being
arrested at a condominium in
Fort Walton Beach, Florida.
He was arrested and taken to
the Okaloosa Department of
Corrections on Monday,
Sept. 20 and released
on bond Tuesday, Sept.
Per the report, a first
victim reportedly pro
vided deputies a cell
phone video that
showed Rosson “fully
disrobed and masturbat
ing toward the pool deck” and
“looking down at guests in the
pool from his room.”
A second victim, who was
floating in the pool, told depu
ties she saw Rosson standing
fully nude at the window of his
unit and witnessed him per
forming lewd acts “for
approximately three-
five minutes while
looking at her and oth
ers in the pool, which
was occupied by adults
and children.”
The responding offi
cer said Rosson was
detained and read his
In an interview with law
enforcement, Rosson reported
ly admitted to consuming alco
hol and committing lewd acts
toward those in the pool.
“He stated he and his wife
have not had much ‘alone
time’ and he ‘made a bad
choice,”’ the deputy wrote in
the report.
According to officials with
Forsyth County Schools,
Rosson has been an employee
of FCS since 2017 and is a PE/
Health teacher and basketball
coach at DeSana Middle
“We were made aware of his
arrest this evening and will
investigate the charges,” said
Jennifer Caracciolo, Forsyth
County Schools. “Coby will
not be at school after fall
Since this is a personnel
issue, Forsyth County Schools
is unable to provide further
comment at this time.
The school system is on fall
break through Sept. 24.
The report said Rosson had
no previous convictions or any
other criminal history.
According to information
from the Florida state Senate’s
website, exposure of sexual
organ charges are given when a
suspect appears to “expose or
exhibit one’s sexual organs in
public or on the private premis
es of another, or so near thereto
See Rosson 13A
Local high
schoolers start
breakfast bar
The Scarecrows are back
Erica Jones Dawson County News
Dawson County Junior High School has recently put up a larger-than-life painted tiger made out of hay bales as
the first entry in the Good Shepherd Clinic's 2021 "Scarecrow Fest" contest.
Good Shepherd Clinic holding 2021 ‘Scarecrow Fest’
By Erica Jones
The Good Shepherd Clinic in
Dawson County has officially begun
accepting entries in its 2021
“Scarecrow Fest”, allowing local
businesses and organizations a
chance to compete for the best scare
crow in the county.
According to the official entry form
for the contest, it is open to all
Dawson County businesses, offices,
churches, organizations and home-
owners associations. The entry fee to
participate is $100 to the Good
Shepherd to help the nonprofit with
its mission of providing health servic
es to uninsured residents of Dawson
Participants in the contest will
build their best scarecrow and dis
play it in front of their business or
organization. They will then take a
photo of the scarecrow and email the
photo, scarecrow’s name and name
of the company or organization to by no later
than Oct. 15 at 10 p.m.
Entries will be posted on the Good
Shepherd Clinic’s Facebook page,
and the scarecrow with the most
Facebook likes will be declared the
official winner.
Dawson County Junior High
School was the first place in the
county to put up a scarecrow, placing
By Erica Jones
On the morning of Friday, Sept. 24, four
students at Fighthouse Christian Academy
in Dawson County started a brand new
business at their school: a breakfast stand
aimed at raising money for a junior/senior
trip to Washington D.C.
High school senior Daniel Wilson, one
of the four students involved in the proj
ect, said that the idea first came to him
and his friends when they were trying to
think of a way to fundraise for the
school’s first-ever senior trip.
“We’ve never had a senior trip,” Wilson
said. “So, we were kind of sitting there
one day and Mr. Moye was talking about
fundraising a senior trip, so we were try
ing to think of how to fundraise it. We
were all hungry at the time for breakfast,
so we came up with what if we create a
breakfast stand to raise money for that trip
for both juniors and seniors.”
Wilson and his group took a poll of the
student body at their school and deter
mined that less than half of the students
eat breakfast before school starts in the
morning. Because of this, Wilson said that
they decided that starting the breakfast
stand would be a win-win.
“We thought that was perfect,” Wilson
said. “We can feed kids and fundraise for
this trip. It’s this school’s first trip to
somewhere outside of Georgia.”
Wilson, along with high school seniors
Alex Diemer and Kay den Arp and junior
Alyssa Freeman, met with a local CPA for
advice on how to start the business. They
gave a formal presentation with details on
the prospective business to the CPA, who
decided to become an investor in helping
to start up the breakfast stand.
Soon after, they managed to gain anoth
er local investor, who offered to under
write free breakfast for all the students
and staff on the first day of the breakfast
stand being open.
Wilson said he and his group went to
the local Kroger to purchase food for the
first day, and met with the store manager
there to see if they could help with the
See Breakfast 16A
See Scarecrow 13A
K.A.R.E. for Kids finalizes parking for Moonshine Festival
By Erica Jones
At the Sept. 20 meeting of
the Dawsonville City Council,
K.A.R.E. for Kids representa
tives updated city council mem
bers on the most current plans
for the upcoming 54th annual
Mountain Moonshine Festival,
with the confirmation of park
ing lots for the event weekend .
K.A.R.E. for Kids President
Rhonda Evans, along with
Councilman William Illg, met
with the owners of the biggest
businesses in the city hall com
plex, including Food Fion,
Bojangles and the Dawson
County Board of Education. In
those meetings, K.A.R.E.
received written confirmation
from all three entities for use of
their parking lots throughout
the event weekend.
“The meeting that we had
with Todd at Food Fion was
great,” Councilman Illg said at
the meeting. “The citizens
don’t get to see a non-profit, a
for-profit and a government all
work together to pull some
thing like this off, but I got to
see it and I was so proud —
proud of you guys, proud of
Food Fion and proud of our
The first map for the festival
showed their stage in an area
that might hinder the trucks
entering and leaving Food
Fion, so the two agreed to
move the stage and added she
and other festival leadership are
working on finalizing maps of
where the vendors, car show
and performance stage will go.
Evans also met with Fire
Chief and EMA Director
Danny Thompson to provide
14 feet along the curbs for
emergency vehicles to get
through if necessary. She said
that she plans to meet with all
parties involved, including the
fire department and sheriff’s
office, closer to the event to
make sure that they are all on
the same page going into the
Covid-19 guidelines and
requirements for the festival
were also addressed at the City
Council meeting.
See Moonshine 12A
9 0 9 9 4
Volume 7, Number 35
© 2021, Dawson County News
Dawsonville, Georgia
Church Events
Dear Abby
City council
discusses vac
cine incentives
for employees
5A North Ga.
Model Aviators
hold ‘Extreme
Flight’ fly-in