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Wednesday, October 13,2021
Signs of
charitable fraud
Giving to charity is a self
less endeavor that's vital
to the survival of countless
nonprofit organizations
across the globe. Without
the generosity of donors,
many charitable organiza
tions would cease to exist,
leaving the people they help
vulnerable to illness and
financial hardship.
Fraud may be the furthest
thing from donors' minds,
but it's something charitable
individuals must be aware
of as they consider donat
ing to charity. According
to the Federal Bureau of
Investigation, charity fraud
increases during the holiday
season, when many people
embrace the spirit of giving
and seek to made end-of-
year tax deductible gifts to
their favorite charities. The
FBI also warns that charity
scams are common after di
sasters or tragedies, includ
ing pandemics. In fact, the
Federal Trade Commission
noted in September 2020
that Americans had lost
more than $ 145 million to
charity fraud related to the
coronavirus in the first six
months of the pandemic.
One measure all prospec
tive donors should take is to
learn the signs of charitable
fraud. Many charity scams
target seniors, but no one
is entirely safe from charity
fraud. AARP" notes that the
following are some warning
signs of charity fraud.
► Pressure to give: Repu
table charities do not pres
sure prospective donors
into giving. A strong, trust
worthy charity will accept
donations whenever do
nors choose to make them.
Legitimate operations like
the American Red Cross
may heighten their solicita
tions after natural disasters,
but such groups still will not
try to pressure people into
► Thanking donors for
donations they don't recall
making: AARP" notes that
some charitable fraud per
petrators will try to convince
potential victims they have
already given to a cause.
This is done in an effort to
lower potential victims' re
sistance, giving them a false
sense of security and the
impression that a fraudulent
operation is legitimate. If do
nors don't recall donating to
a specific charity, chances
are strong they didn't make
such a donation and that
the message of gratitude
is merely a fishing expedi
tion intended to reel in new
► Requests for cash, gift
cards or wire transfers:
Cash, gifts and wire trans
fers are difficult to trace,
which makes it easier for
perpetrators of fraud to es
cape the authorities. Repu
table charities will welcome
donations made by person
al check or credit card.
Perpetrators of charitable
fraud prey on the vulnerabil
ity of well-meaning donors
who simply want to sup
port a good cause. Learning
to spot signs of charitable
fraud can provide an add
ed measure of protection
against the criminals behind
such operations.
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