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Wednesday, October 13,2021
Photos by Erica Jones Dawson County News
On Oct. 8, the Dawson County Chamber of Commerce officially cut the ribbon on new local business Broad Essentials.
CBD-infused aromatherapy
store cuts ribbon at Outlet Mall
Dawson County Chamber of Commerce President Mandy Power introduces Broad Essentials owners Lauren and Chris
Cope during the ribbon cutting on Oct. 8.
By Erica Jones
On Friday Oct. 8, the Dawson
County Chamber of Commerce
held an official ribbon cutting
for Broad Essentials, a new local
business specializing in CBD-
infused aromatherapy, bath and
body, skin care and wellness.
Broad Essentials is owned by
husband and wife duo Lauren
and Chris Cope, who moved to
Georgia from California three
years ago.
“I originally came up with this
idea with my husband Chris,”
Lauren Cope said. “Chris had
one of the most successful can
nabis dispensaries in the bay
area, so we’ve taken our knowl
edge and our science behind the
plant and really created this
product that provides a true ben
efit to people.”
Cope and her husband create
every product personally, from
CBD infused essential oils and
lotions to candles and bath
soaks. Lauren Cope said that
they never put anything on their
shelves without making sure it
first reaches the high standards
they have set for themselves.
“We test, test, test to make
sure it’s perfect before we put it
on the shelves, so there’s defi
nitely a little bit of love in every
thing you see in here,” Cope
Seeing their idea grow from a
concept to a product and now
having their own storefront is
both requiring and exciting, she
“for us, it’s kind of a passion
project that we’ve been working
on for the last two years, so to
see it here in this form has really
brought it to life for us,” Cope
said. “We’re just really happy to
be here; that’s really just the big
message we want to get out
Before cutting the ribbon to
welcome the new business to
Dawson County and into the
Dawson County Chamber of
Commerce, Chamber President
Mandy Power told the Cope
family how happy she and the
rest of the chamber members are
to have them in the community.
“We love having small busi
nesses join the chamber,” Power
said to Lauren and Chris Cope.
“We are all one big happy family
here, and we’re very super excit
ed to have you.”
Broad Essentials is located in
the North Georgia Premium
Outlet Mall off of Highway 400
in Dawson County. Lor more
information on Broad Essentials
and the products the business
offers, go to https://broadessen-
'People first is our first and foremost thing, so we wanna
make sure that our guests are happy, team members, every
one, and it's a whole community vibe that we have going on.
We wanna be involved with everyone in the community and
whatever else we have going on.'
Vincent Ugo
Millers Ale House general manager
said to the assembled Chamber
of Commerce members before
the ribbon cutting. “It is a beau
tiful, beautiful area; thank you
for allowing us to build here and
be part of the environment.”
Ugo said that a big part of
what Miller’s stands for is put
ting people and the community
first. He said that he’s excited to
show this in the Dawson County
community by providing excel
lent customer service and by
getting involved in local fund
raisers or events.
“People first is our first and
foremost thing, so we wanna
make sure that our guests are
happy, team members, every
one, and it’s a whole community
vibe that we have going on,”
Ugo said. “We wanna be
involved with everyone in the
community and whatever else
we have going on.”
Gwen Kellar, board chair for
the Dawson County Chamber of
Commerce, welcomed Ugo and
his team, expressing on behalf
of herself and the other chamber
members how excited they all
are to have Miller’s opening in
the county.
“We’re so excited to have you
guys here from Llorida and to
welcome you to our nice little
tiny community,” Kellar said to
Ugo preceding the ribbon cut
ting. “We love it here; if you
need anything reach out and
we’re all available.”
Ugo said that, while the pro
cess of building and opening has
had its bumps and setbacks, he’s
thrilled to finally be opening.
“It’s been a very long road to
get here, but a couple of Zingers
and Mountain Melts later we are
now here with some awesome
food and some signature items
that are part of what Miller’s is
and the culture,” Ugo said.
Miller’s Ale House
Dawsonville is located at 84
Duval Road and is officially
open for business as of Monday
Oct. 11. Lor more information
about the restaurant including
hours and menu, go to https:// or call