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Wednesday, October 20,2021 I DAWSON COUNTY NEWS I 7A
How to
prepare your
family when
an aging
loved one is
moving in
No man or woman, regardless of
his or her age, wants to consider
that a day may come when they
need to rely on loved ones to help
them perform everyday activities.
But every day tens of millions of
people serve as unpaid caregivers
for their aging friends or family
A 2015 survey from the National
Alliance for Caregiving and AARP
found that approximately 34.2
million people had provided
unpaid care to an adult age 50
or older in the last 12 months.
Many unpaid caregivers are pulling
double duty, caring for their aging
parents while also raising families
of their own.
While there's no guarantee that
aging men and women will
require care, caregivers figure to
become more necessary as life
expectancies increase. In fact,
recent years have seen the senior
population in the United States
exceed 50 million for the first time
in the country's history, and figures
from the U.S. Census Bureau
suggest that figure will continue to
rise until 2029.
Men and women who are
preparing to welcome an aging
loved one into their homes
may wonder how to make that
transition go smoothly, especially
if they have young children at
home. The following are some tips
that can help families prepare to
welcome an aging friend or family
member into their homes.
► Speak with your
loved one's physicians.
Speak with an aging loved one's
physicians so you can get a
complete picture of their physical
and mental condition. This can
give you an accurate depiction of
how much care your loved one
needs now and how much they
might need in the future if their
condition worsens.
► Discuss forthcoming
changes as a family.
Once you gain a full understanding
of your loved one's physical and
mental condition and before
this person moves into your
home, discuss it with your family.
Adding a new member to your
household will affect everyone,
so each member of the family,
including young children, should
be included when discussing how
the family dynamic will change.
Parents must recognize that even
young children may be asked to
make sacrifices to accommodate
aging loved ones. Explain these
sacrifices in advance and how
important it is to make an aging
loved one feel welcome when they
move in.
► Discuss conditions
with children.
Children may recognize their
grandparents or elderly loved
ones have physical limitations,
but they likely won't understand
conditions such as dementia
or Alzheimer's disease. Parents
can ask a physician about how
to explain cognitive decline to
young children. Children may not
recognize cognitive decline as
readily as adults, so parents may
need to discuss these conditions
with their children periodically
and/or if the conditions worsen.
Millions of people across the
globe welcome aging loved ones
into their homes when they can
no longer care for themselves.
Such caregiving changes family
dynamics, and these changes
should be discussed before and
after a loved one moves in.
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