Dawson County news. (Dawsonville, Georgia) 2015-current, October 27, 2021, Image 2
2A I DAWSON COUNTY NEWS I dawsonnews.com Wednesday, October 27,2021 OBITUARIES Mary Elizabeth Belz Buckner Mary Elizabeth Belz Buckner, 74, of Cumming, died October 19, 2021. A memorial service was held at 11:30 a.m., Friday, October 22, at John’s Creek Baptist Church. Ingram Funeral Home & Crematory of Cumming was in charge of the arrangements. Dawson County News October 27, 2021 Michael (Mikey) Dwayne Carnes Michael (Mikey) Dwayne Carnes, 43, of Dawsonville, died October 17, 2021. A funeral service was held at 3:00 p.m., Friday, October 22, in the Chapel of Ingram Funeral Home. Ingram Funeral Home & Crematory of Cumming was in charge of the arrangements. Dawson County News October 27, 2021 Benjamin Earl Duncan Benjamin Earl Duncan, 93, of Dawsonvihe, passed away Sunday morn ing, January 3, 2021, at the Seasons Hospice & Palliative Care Center in Cumming. Earl was born in FaGrange, on November 10, 1927. He was the son of the late Earl Calvin Duncan and Margaret Jane Morgan Duncan. He was preceded in death by his brother Paul Duncan and sister Margaret Duncan Gaston. Since Mr. Duncan’s passing, his brother Roy Duncan, MD has also passed away. Earl was a member of Bethel United Methodist Church. He sewed on various committees at Bethel and was a teacher of the Koinonia Adult Sunday School Class. He was a Navy Vet of War World U. After the war Ear l attended Georgia Tech and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering. Earl was employed at Georgia Power for over 39 year's. He was very active in the Georgia Power- Ambassadors, where he held several leadership positions. He loved to travel and spend time with family and friends. Earl is survived by his wife of 31 year's, Lois Duncan; children, Gary Duncan; daughter Bebe Duncan Pluemer; step sons, Darrell (Rhonda) Broom and Kenneth Broom; 8 grandchildren; 3 great grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews. A memorial service will be held at 11:00 a.m„ Saturday, November 13, at Bearden Funeral Home Chapel in Dawsonvihe. In lieu of flowers, memori als may be made to the Seasons Hospice & Palliative Care, Cumming, GA or the American Cancer Society. Condolences may be expressed at www.beardenfuner- alhome.com. Bearden Funeral Home, Dawsonvihe, GA. Dawson County News October 27, 2021 Connie Cox Medlock Connie Cox Medlock, 69, of Dawsonvihe, died Sunday, October 17, 2021. A funeral service was held at 2:00 p.m., Thursday, October 21, at the First Baptist Church of Dawsonvihe. Bearden Funeral Home of Dawsonville was in charge of the arrangements. Dawson County News October 27, 2021 Rickey Phillips Rickey Phillips, 62, of Gainesville, died Tuesday, October 19, 2021. A funeral service was held at 11:00 a.m., Friday, October 22, at Bearden Funeral Home Chapel. Bearden Funeral Home of Dawsonville was in charge of the arrangements. Dawson County News October 27, 2021 Sheyenne Skye Seabolt Sheyenne Skye Seabolt, 24, of Dawsonvihe, died Sunday, October 17, 2021. A celebration of life visitations was held from 6:00 p.m., to 8:00 p.m., Friday, October 22, at Bearden Funeral Home, Dawsonville. Bearden Funeral Home of Dawsonvihe was in charge of the arrangements. Dawson County News October 27, 2021 William Lee "Bill" Stockton William Lee “Bill” Stockton, 84, of Watkinsville, died October 21, 2021. Born in Jackson County, he was one of 13 children, a son of the late William McKinley Stockton w j and Minnie Lee I ^ Smallwood Stockton. Bill had made his r, 1 home in the Athens area since 1966. He was retired from American General Life Insurance Company in 1995 fol lowing 18 years of service. During his career, he was 7th out of 7000 agents in 1984 and was in the top 300 every year. Prior to American General, he was Sales Manager for Bensons Bakery. Bill was a member of the Bread of Life Club at Tuckston United Methodist Church, Excursions Unlimited, where he traveled exten sively, and the XYZ Club at Prince Avenue Baptist Church. Bill was a member of Johnson Drive Baptist Church, Athens. Survivors include his wife of 66 years, Maudine Lawson Stockton; son and daughter in law, Dennis and Amelia Stockton of Gainesville, GA; brother, Grady F. (Carolyn) Stockton of Williamson, GA; sister-in-law, Kay Stockton of Stockbridge; grandchildren, Jessica (Edward) Thompson and Joshua Stockton. The family received friends FROM 1A Stores COR Properties LLC. He said his client wanted the variances to help with sub dividing property at the Kroger Marketplace devel opment. The land in question is currently a part of Kroger’s 15-acre property, tax par cel 106-075-014. Kroger is under contract to sell an approximately one-thirds-acre site to Cianci, who will develop it, Underwood said. This square portion is at the front of a grass rectan gle between Kroger’s phar macy and pick-up areas and Marketplace Boulevard. The lawyer elaborated that because Cianci will collateralize into a separate tax parcel, the need for the parking variance arises. Currently, section 607(e) of Dawson County Land Use Resolution Article VI allows for up to half of a business’s parking to be on a separate tax parcel. Underwood added that there’s “loads of parking” currently in front of the supermarket. He also showed the planning commissioners a reciprocal easement agree ment that would establish a non-exclusive easement over common areas. The measure would allow for shared parking and pedes trian access to Kroger and Cianci’s property. Ingress and egress for a forthcoming business would happen on and off of Marketplace Boulevard. The business’s driveway would be accessible via an easement rather than a curb cut. “We can’t tell you who it is,” said Underwood, refer ring to the future business. “But you’ll like it.” FROM 1A Voting two Dawsonville City Council seats. The City Council Post 2 seat is between incumbent Will Illg and Mike Sosebee, and the City Council Post 4 seat is between incumbent Mark French and Jamie McCracken. Ferguson said that, for city council elections like this one, the voter turnout is typically lower than it is in other elections. She said that the last election with only council seats up to vote was in 2017 and saw only 282 voters. The total number of registered city voters who could vote in this election, Ferguson said, is around 3,044 based on the last poll the Board of Elections took. Ferguson said she and other election officials are hopeful more citi zens will come out to cast their votes during advanced voting or on election day. Advanced voting for the Dawsonville Municipal Election hap pens now through Friday, Oct. 29 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day Election Day will be on Tuesday Nov. 2, and the polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. The Dawson County Board of Elections office is located at 96 Academy Avenue in Dawsonville. For more information on the Dawsonville Municipal Election, go to https://www.dawson- county.org/elections. at 12:30 p.m., Sunday, October 24, at Lord and Stephens, EAST, 4355 Lexington Road, Athens, GA 30605. Services followed in the chapel at 2:00 p.m., with Rev. Anthony Watts and Dr. Wayne Phillips officiating. Entombment was at Athens Memory Gardens. Pallbearers will be Danny Rogers, Mark McKinnon, Steve Davis, Rick Dover, Randy Dover and Jerry Nelms. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Johnson Drive Baptist Church. Dawson County News October 27, 2021 WayneTravis Willoughby Wayne Travis Willoughby, 66, of Cumming, died October 17, 2021. A funeral service was held at 11:00 a.m., Wednesday October 20, in the chapel of Ingram Funeral Home. Ingram Funeral Home & Crematory of Cumming was in charge of the arrangements. Dawson County News October 27, 2021 King Crossword ACROSS 38 Dish 16 Detail, briefly 1 Tibetan monk 41 Pirate's drink 20 Dallas hoop- 5 Triumphed 42 Expert ster, briefly 8 Used car sites 45 San —, Italy 21 Biography 12 Trojan War 46 Single pay 22 Peruke hero ments 23 Scratch 13 Lincoln nick 48 Borodin's 24 Mil. morale name "Prince —" booster 14 Taj Mahal city 49 "Uh-huh" 25 "Mayday!" 15 TV fare for a 50 Perched on 26 Lemon night owl 51 Like slasher 27 Wahine's gift 17 Gusto films 28 Guy's date 18 Gallery display 52 Mag. staff 29 Curvy letter 19 "The Raven" 53 Shetland, for 31 Coloration writer one 34 Spell-off 20 "Noway!" 35 Cavort 21 Sign before DOWN 37 Checker Virgo 1 In — land moves 22 "Now, where 2 Slightly open 38 Bluenose — I?" 3 Damon of 39 Toy block 23 Vivaldi's output Hollywood name 26 Reveal 4 Chopper 40 Cupid's spe 30 Dating from 5 "Yippee!" cialty 31 Embrace 6 Bassoon's kin 41 Regretted 32 Salty septet 7 Just out 42 Car 33 "Citizen Kane" 8 Revolving 43 "Let's go!" sled server 44 Glimpse 35 Train tracks 9 Curved mold 46 Caustic solu 36 Observe ing tion 37 "Ray Donovan" 10 Serving aid 47 Potential syrup actor Voight 11 Auction A N O dl d O 1 V s IAI n s 3 0 V Q_3 d 3 A 1 V 0 n_ i H |a y 0 0 y O 0 1 p IAI 3 U i V 1 d i v umo n a 3 s o y 3 SHO n H i n a 3 A 3 A 1 V 3 Z V y O V s i O 1 | O S V a s n iai V M 3 1 3 O d i y V m O H s a i V i a a v 1 x V r V N 0 M v IAJ V i 9^ Daws o n C o u nty N ews A Metro Market Media Publication Established in 2015 by the merger of Dawson Community News and Dawson News and Advertiser 30 Shoal Creek Road i PUBLISHER | Stephanie Woody Dawsonville, GA 30534 PHONE (706) 265-3384 EDITOR | Jacob Smith FAX (706) 265-3276 usps 018-876 | Updates online at DawsonNews rii Display advertising For Wednesday: Retail and Classified deadlines are 3 p.m. Friday Classified liners (help wanted, for sale, etc.) For Wednesday: Deadline is noon Monday Advertising rates available upon request. To subscribe in Dawson County: ONE YEAR | $45 TWO YEARS | $75 To subscribe elsewhere in Georgia: ONE YEAR | $65 To subscribe outside of Georgia: ONE YEAR | $65 Published Wednesdays by the Dawson County News Co., 30 Shoal Creek Road, Dawsonville, GA 30534. Second-class postage paid at Dawsonville, Ga., and additional offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to Dawson County News, P.O. Box 1600, Dawsonville, GA 30534.