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Wednesday, November 24,2021 I DAWSON COUNTY NEWS I 5B
Safe ways for
seniors to volunteer
Charitable organizations rely
on the efforts of volunteers to
meet their missions every day.
People of all ages can volun
teer, and a great number of
volunteers are seniors.
A 2016 survey from the U.S.
Bureau of Labor Statistics
found that nearly one-quarter
of American volunteers are
age 65 and over. That was
never more apparent than
during the COV1D-19 pan
demic, when many nonprofit
organizations were suddenly
forced to confront a volunteer
shortage due to the adoption
of social distancing guidelines
that were designed to keep
vulnerable populations, such
as seniors, as safe as pos
sible. One study from Fidelity
Charitable found that two out
of three volunteers decreased
or stopped contributing time
during the pandemic.
The rollout of various CO-
VID-19 vaccines has allowed
vaccinated individuals to re
turn to a certain degree of pre
pandemic normalcy. However,
the threat posed by strains of
the virus like the Delta vari
ant has made some seniors
apprehensive about returning
to volunteering. Though each
individual should consider
various factors before return
ing to volunteering during the
pandemic, the following are
some options seniors can
consider as they aim to safely
pitch in once again.
► Look for contactless op
portunities. Interactions with
the people they help and work
alongside is what drives many
volunteers to lend a helping
hand. That's especially so for
seniors whose children have
grown up and moved out. In
person interactions may be
too risky during the pandemic,
but seniors can still volunteer
via contactless opportunities.
For example, in lieu of deliver
ing meals by hand, seniors
who work with organizations
such as Meals on wheels can
deliver prepackaged meals
outside recipients' residences.
► Pitch in with fundraising.
A report from Giving USA
released in 2021 revealed
that Americans gave more to
charity in 2020 than in 2019.
That increase came in spite
of an economic downturn that
saw millions of people lose
their jobs or take pay cuts as
companies scrambled to deal
with lost revenue related to
the pandemic. Though giving
might have increased in 2020,
many nonprofit organizations,
including local community
theaters, likely suffered due to
cancellations and audience re
strictions. As a result, many lo
cal nonprofit organizations are
in need of financial support.
Seniors who want to pitch in
but stay safe can volunteer to
help local organizations raise
funds. Seniors can participate
in fundraising efforts from the
comforts of their own homes.
► Offer professional exper
tise. Many seniors retired after
spending decades mastering
their crafts, and that experi
ence can be an invaluable
resource to local nonprofit or
ganizations. Seniors can offer
professional advice and men
tor youths remotely via apps
like Zoom without putting their
physical health at risk.
Seniors concerned for their
safety can still lend a hand by
volunteering with their favorite
nonprofit organizations.
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