Dawson County news. (Dawsonville, Georgia) 2015-current, December 01, 2021, Image 2
2A I DAWSON COUNTY NEWS I dawsonnews.com Wednesday, December 1,2021 OBITUARIES Jane Catherine Hamilton Jane Catherine Hamilton, 93, died Sunday, November 21, 2021. A memori al service will be held at 1:00 p.m., Saturday, December 11, at Church of the Apostles, Dawsonville. Bearden Funeral Home of Dawsonville is in charge of the arrangements. Dawson County News December 1, 2021 Johnny Virl Hughes, Sr. Johnny Virl Hughes, Sr., 73, of Cumming, died Monday, November 22, 2021. A memorial service was held at 11:00 a.m., Saturday, November 27, in the chapel of Ingram Funeral Home. Ingram Funeral Home & Crematory of Cumming was in charge of the arrange ments. Dawson County News December 1, 2021 Sharon Ann Lee Sharon Ann Lee, 83, of Cumming, died Friday, November 19, 2021. A funeral service was held at 12:00 p.m., Saturday, November 27, at Alpharetta Church of God. Ingram Funeral Home & Crematory of Cumming was in charge of the arrangements. Dawson County News December 1, 2021 John "Hillbilly" Raymond O'Dell John “Hillbilly” Raymond O’Dell, 59, of Cumming, died Sunday, November 21, 2021. A funeral service was held at 2:00 p.m., Wednesday, November 24, in the chapel of Ingram Funeral Home. Ingram Funeral Home & Crematory of Cumming was in charge of the arrange ments. Dawson County News December 1, 2021 Mary Franklyn "Frankie"Talton Mary Franklyn “Frankie” Talton, 74, of Dawsonville passed from this worldly existence into the loving arms of her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on Monday, November 22, 2021. She died peace fully after more than two years of health issues. Frankie was born March 7, 1947, in Emory University Hospital where her parents, the late Jim and Helen Talton, had been married in 1942 in the Emory University Chapel. After high school and some business school, Frankie lived in and around the Atlanta area until she moved to her parents’ home in Dawsonville, “Laurelwood”, to help take care of family. Frankie loved the woods, nature, and all the animals who came there. She was a long-time mem ber of the First Baptist Church of Dawsonville where she served as a vol unteer in the church office for many years. Frankie is survived by her sister, Susan Talton Reeves, and her “favorite” brother-in-law, William “Bill” D. Reeves, her “second sister”, Angela R Giles, and numerous Talton cousins with whom she shared many family vis its and trips. A memorial service was held at 11:00 a.m., Monday, November 29, at the First Baptist Church of Dawsonville. Rev. Stan Fovell will offi ciate. The family will receive friends beginning at 10:30 a.m., at the church. In lieu of flowers contributions may be made to the First Baptist Church of Dawsonville for the Music Program, a favorite of hers and her parents. Donations may be mailed to 900 Highway 9 North, Dawsonville, GA 30534. Condolences may be expressed at www.beardenfuneralhome.com. Bearden Funeral Home, Dawsonville. Dawson County News December 1, 2021 FROM 1A Rotary tweaked our logistics a little bit so it could go smoother and so every thing didn’t back up — we learn a little bit each year and kind of applied that to the operations,” Brewer said. “The food line was designed by Tara Hardwick, she really had it down to a fine-tuned operation this year, and we had not only Rotarians but some com munity member friends of Rotarians too, so it was a big group and we got it all arranged.” Jim Eaton is a Rotary Club member who has helped with the Thanksgiving dinner in the past when it was an in-person, sit-down meal. Eaton said that getting to help with the event, regardless of if it’s in per son or a drive through, is just as much of a blessing to the volunteers as it is to the people they serve. “It’s not about us, it’s about the people we serve; it just fills your heart,” Eaton said. “I just think doing this is really great and I love it. It ener gizes the club too; every body jokes with every body and we all have a good time so it’s pretty cool.” Tracy Verrigni, a Rotary Club member who helped with the Thanksgiving meal for her first time this year, said it was humbling to be a part of such a great community event. “It warms your heart to think that this just brings community together and you’re a small part of it but you’re making such a powerful impact,” Verrigni said. “When you see someone like that lit tle girl in the backseat with her big smile or all the people just thanking us for being here, it’s humbling.” Verrigni added seeing the community all come together and being sur rounded by so many other people sharing the same goal was a blessing to her. “In a time where so many people are isolated for many reasons, we can come out as a community and serve the community and engage with people, it’s energizing,” Verrigni said. “It’s just a spirit of good; you’re just sur rounded by people and there’s just this energy all around you. Having never done this before, I can’t wait for the next event.” According to Brewer, the hope is that by next year’s Thanksgiving meal the Rotary Club will be able to move the event back to an in-person community dinner rather than a drive through. “I’m hoping next year we’ll be able to bring it back inside, just so we get to visit with the com munity members a little bit more,” Brewer said. “But it feels really good; I’m very proud that it went off so smoothly.” Brewer added events like the Thanksgiving meal exemplify the Rotary Club’s motto of “service above self’ and the club’s goal to serve the community. “We’re proud to be part of the Dawson County community; we love our community and we love food so this is kind of a great coming together of our two loves,” Brewer said. “We really enjoyed this event and look for ward to it every year.” Erica Jones Dawson County News Rotary Club of Dawson County volunteers pack Thanksgiving meals with food catered by Tam's Backstage during the club's community "drive thru dinner" event on Nov. 22. Helon "Valaree" Walls Helon “Valaree” Walls, 88, of Dawsonville, died Thursday, November 25, 2021. A funeral service was held at 2:00 p.m., Sunday, November 28, at the Bearden Funeral Home Chapel. Bearden Funeral Home of Dawsonville was in charge of the arrangements. Dawson County News December 1, 2021 Bobby Eugene Walton Bobby Eugene Walton, 84, of Canton, died Sunday, November 28,2021. A graveside ser vice was held at 2:00 p.m., Wednesday, December 1, at Central Time at Springs Chapel Cemetery in Banner Roslin, TN. Ingram Funeral Home & Crematory of Cumming was in charge of the arrangements. Dawson County News December 1, 2021 Charles Daniel (Danny) Watkins Charles Daniel (Danny) Watkins, 52, of Cumming, died Monday, November 22, 2021. A graveside service was held at 3:00 p.m., Saturday, November 27, at Sawnee View Gardens. Ingram Funeral Home & Crematory of Cumming was in charge of the arrangements. Dawson County News December 1, 2021 King Crossword ACROSS 41 Greek letters 11 Apple center 1 Creche trio 42 Regard highly 17 H.S. math 5 The whole 45 Morals 19 Eldest Stark enchilada 49 Legume used child on 8 Outlet letters in Asian cuisine "Game of 12 Teensy bit 51 Acknowledge Thrones" 13 Irish actor 52 Wax-coated 22 Sailing vessel Stephen cheese 24 Central 14 Vivacity, in 53 Baton Rouge 25 Green prefix music sch. 26 Fall-related 15 At the summit 54 Country's 27 Relax of McEntire 29 Actress 16 Her bed was 55 Actress Ward Thurman too soft 56 Shrill bark 30 — de plume 18 Jungle trek 57 "Hey!" 33 Make a scarf 20 Make happy 36 Puzzle 21 Swindles DOWN 38 It's equivalent 23 Workout site 1 "Serpico" to C, in some 24 Spaghetti top author Peter scores per 2 girl!" 40 Sphere 28 Whirled 3 Blunder 42 Iowa city 31 Hosp. area 4 Influence 43 Ranch visitor 32 Small stream 5 How lovers 44 Slithery 34 "As I see it," to may stroll 46 Currier's part a texter 6 Meadow ner 35 Lavish affec 7 Genie's home 47 Corn castoffs tion (on) 8 Monasteries 48 Smack a base 37 Lunar light 9 Slapstick mis ball 39 Family card sile 50 was saying game 10 "Buenos -!" ii 1 2 3 4 1 5 6 7 1 8 9 10 11 12 ,3 14 15 16 17 18 19 ■ 20 21 22 ■ 23 24 25 26 27 ■ 28 29 30 31 ■ 32 33 ■ 34 35 36 ■ l 38 39 40 ■ 1 42 43 44 ■ 45 46 47 48 49 50 1 51 52 1 53 54 55 56 57 1 S s d d 1 a 1 v 1 a s V a 3 « n s IAI V a 3 M 0 A V N V 3 a O N n IAI S 0 1 H 1 3 3 a 1 IAI a V S 1 s D £ N n IAI V 3 a N 0 0 IAI f 3 i O a O i/\i ' ■ . 0 0 a ■ n 0 i N n d S 1 1 V a 1 V 3 IAI IAI A |S N 0 0 3 s V 3 d | a V d V s H V 3 a IAJ V IAI d 0 1 V O i a a 8 V 3 a IAI 0 1 V 0 a 0 v 1 1 v ' 0 V IAI ^ Daws o n C o u nty N e ws A Metro Market Media Publication Established in 2015 by the merger of Dawson Community News and Dawson News and Advertiser 30 Shoal Creek Road i PUBLISHER | Stephanie Woody Dawsonville, GA 30534 PHONE (706) 265-3384 EDITOR | Jacob Smith FAX (706) 265-3276 usps 018-876 | Updates online at DawsonNews fi: Display advertising For Wednesday: Retail and Classified deadlines are 3 p.m. Friday Classified liners (help wanted, for sale, etc.) For Wednesday: Deadline is noon Monday Advertising rates available upon request. To subscribe in Dawson County: ONE YEAR | $45 TWO YEARS | $75 To subscribe elsewhere in Georgia: ONE YEAR | $65 To subscribe outside of Georgia: ONE YEAR | $65 Published Wednesdays by the Dawson County News Co., 30 Shoal Creek Road, Dawsonville, GA 30534. Second-class postage paid at Dawsonville, Ga., and additional offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to Dawson County News, P.O. Box 1600, Dawsonville, GA 30534.