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Wednesday, December 8,2021 I DAWSON COUNTY NEWS I 5A
Neighborhood collects $8K, food donations for nonprofit
Photo courtesy of Jeanne Tompkins
Residents from Chestatee neighborhood in Dawson County
recently collected hundreds of food donations and over
$8,000 in monetary donations to support families in need
through RIC-Rack.
By Erica Jones
In their tenth annual
Thanksgiving food drive, resi
dents from Chestatee neighbor
hood in Dawson County collect
ed 72 turkeys and hams, 400
cans and packaged goods and
$8,041 in financial donations to
benefit local nonprofit RIC-Rack.
According to Chestatee resi
dent Hugh Holley, who helped to
organize the food drive, each
year that the neighborhood has
held the drive they have managed
to collect more donations for the
food bank.
“When we originally started it
was maybe like 15 or 20 turkeys
and that was all we collected,”
Holley said. “But Chestatee has
grown so much and the people
just really wanted to do it, so we
did it again and it worked out
real well.”
Holley said this year, the real
surprise was the amount of mon
etary donations that were collect
“The most we’ve ever collect
ed in the past is around $5,000
last year which surprised us too
because of covid,” Holley said.
“It was outstanding; I don’t know
that anybody has ever collected
that much out of Chestatee and
we did it in a week when we nor
mally take two weeks.”
According to Holley, he and
his neighbors in Chestatee are
grateful for the opportunity to
give back to their local commu
“The thing is, people like to
give local,” Holley said. “Most
of us came from Atlanta or
Alpharetta or bigger communi
ties, but here you really have to
rely on the individual homeown
ers and community members to
support these types of programs,
so to see that return is just great.”
Throughout the year,
Chestatee residents participate in
other fundraisers, like the
Backpack Buddies program
which provides snacks and other
items to children in the commu
nity. Holley said that he loves
being part of a neighborhood
like Chestatee that is so generous
toward other people in the coun
“We are obviously just very
very pleased with the generosity
of our community and how they
reach out for a lot of different
causes,” Holley said. “It’s a plea
sure to be involved with them;
they usually surprise me every
Holley added a special thanks
to the Chestatee residents who
served on the drive committee
and who helped with pick up
and drop off: Dianne
Huthhwaite, Jim Harvey, Coley
and Steve Patton, John
Zimmerlee, Shari and Peter
Paglio, Wayne Smith, Rheta and
Randy Johnson, Tom Jayroe,
Alan Zubay, Bette and Dale
Holland, Frida and Jim Murray,
Barbara and Bill Dumont,
Melody and Joe Parola, Linda
and Larry Freeland, Kathy
Cretney, Heather Warner and
Phyllis and Hugh Holley.
Dawsonville holding holiday
food drive to support families
By Erica Jones
From now through the end of December, the City
of Dawsonville is holding a food donation drive to
support local families through The Place of Dawson
County and RIC-Rack.
According to the donation drive flyer, the city is
collecting several specific items to benefit the local
nonprofit. The items requested for the drive include
cereal, jelly, juice, dry pasta, pasta sauce and hygiene
Any items donated can be dropped off at
Dawsonville City Hall at 415 Highway 53 East. The
drive is going on now through Dec. 23.
Items donated will go to support Dawsonville fami
lies through local nonprofit The Place of Dawson
County and RIC-Rack.
According to the event flyer, the goal is to keep the
food and donations collected in the local community
to help support those in need of a little extra help.
“We need you; donate food now for families in
Dawsonville,” the flyer said. “What’s collected in
Dawsonville stays in Dawsonville.”
For more information about the city’s food drive,
go to
page/donation-drive or call the Dawsonville City Hall
at (706)265-3256.
For more information about The Place of Dawson
County, go to
Dawson County Humane Society
a no kill shelter
Doggy Spotlight
Meet Goofy, our big ol’ boy! At 130 lbs Goofy will give any Great Dane a
run for their money as far as size goes. While Goofy is a world of sweet,
he can be difficult to bond with due to his fear of new people. Goofy is
most comfortable with what is familiar, and new faces tend to make him
uneasy and standoffish. He will require multiple visits with potential
adopters in order to get familiar with them and allow him to truly put his
best foot forward and bond with them. Patience is key with our big guy.
While Goofy is admittedly, hard to get to know, these is nothing he likes more
than spending time with his favorite people. While he would love someone to take
him on walks and stay active with them, he is also a big ol’ lounge dog and would
love to spend time curled up on the floor enjoying nothing more than quality time.
Because of his fear of change and the strange, Goofy would do best in an older and more established home,
without children, other pets, or much foot traffic. Goofy is approximately give years old and a real sweetheart.
For more information contact the 706-265-9160 | 633 Martin Rd, Dawsonville
Dawson County Humane Society Adjacent to the Rock Creek Sports Complex
Wed. - Sat. 10 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. | 54 S. Lumpkin Campground Rd.
All proceeds benefits
the Humane Society
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