Dawson County news. (Dawsonville, Georgia) 2015-current, December 22, 2021, Image 2
2A I DAWSON COUNTY NEWS I dawsonnews.com Wednesday, December 22,2021 OBITUARIES Segoe Ul Douglas R. "Doug" Blalock Douglas R. “Doug” Blalock, 54, of Cumming, died Monday, December 13, 2021. A memorial visitation was held from 4:00 p.m., to 7:00 p.m., Monday, December 20, at Bearden Funeral Home. Bearden Funeral Home of Dawsonville was in charge of the arrangements. Dawson County News December 22, 2021 Ralph O. Bruce Ralph O. Bruce, 80, of Dawsonville, died Saturday, December 18, 2021. A funeral service was held at 2:00 p.m., Tuesday, December 21, at Bearden Funeral Home Chapel. Bearden Funeral Home of Dawsonville was in charge of the arrangements. Dawson County News December 22, 2021 James Olen Castleberry James Olen Castleberry, 81, of Cumming, died Friday, December 17, 2021. A graveside service was held at 4:00 p.m., Monday, December 20, at Salem Baptist Church Cemetery. Ingram Funeral Home & Crematory of Cumming was in charge of the arrange ments. Dawson County News December 22, 2021 Dr. James Clouser Dr. James Clouser, 58, of Dawsonville, passed away on December- 12, 2021, following a brief illness. Jim was born on December 11, 1963, in Dubois, PA, to Charles and Mary (Lombardo) Clouser. He graduated from Centr al Catholic High School in Dubois in 1982 and was a member of Saint Catherine of Sienna Church throughout his life in DuBois. He received an Associate degree in accounting from Penn State University in the mid 1980s. Jim was a volunteer firefighter for his hometown until he moved to Georgia. He moved to Marietta, in 1990 to attend Life College and School of Chiropractic where he earned his Doctor of Chiropractic degree in 1996. He opened Clouser Chiropractic in downtown Dawsonville in 1997. Jim ran his chiro practic practice until he sold it in 2009. He then started J Clouser Foods and began purchasing Subway restaurants, which was his current venture. Jim is preceded in death by his father Charles F Clouser. He is survived by his wife Cindy, daughter Abby and stepson Kyle Bertolone, all of Dawsonville; mother Mary Clouser of DuBois, PA; sister Mary Theresa (Rick) Lindemuth of Falls Creek, PA, sister Christine (Don) Hess of Dubois, PA, brother John Clouser of Surprise, AZ and many cousins, nieces and nephews. Jim loved Dawsonville and enjoyed giving back to the commu nity through both of his businesses throughout the year's. He enjoyed target shooting with his stepson Kyle and he loved camping in the North Georgia mountains, but without a doubt his greatest enjoyment was watching his daughter play volleyball for Dawson County High School. A memorial ser vice for family and friends was held at 2:00 p.m., Sunday, December 19, at Beardens Funeral Home in Dawsonville. Condolences may be left online at www. beardenfuneralhome.com. Bearden Funeral Home, Dawsonville, GA, 30543 Dawson County News December 22, 2021 Judy Harris Judy Harris, 75, of Dawsonville, died Friday, December 17, 2021. A funeral service will be held at 1:00 p.m., Monday, December 27, at Bearden Funeral Home Chapel. Bearden Funeral Home of Dawsonville is in charge of the arrangements. Dawson County News December 22, 2021 Jack Denney McClure Jack Denney McClure, 89, of Suwanee, died December 12, 2021. A celebration of life was held at 11:00 a.m., Wednesday, December 15, in the chapel of McDonald and Son Funeral Home. McDonald and Son Funeral Home of Cumming was in charge of the arrangements. Dawson County News December 22, 2021 Reverend Numen Jeff Nichols Reverend Numen Jeff Nichols, 85, died Monday, December 13, 2021. A funeral service was held at 2:00 p.m., Sunday, December 19, at the Ingram Funeral Home Chapel. Ingram Funeral Home & Crematory of Cumming was in charge of the arrangements. Dawson County News December 22, 2021 Shirl Diane Nix Shirl Diane Nix, 69, of Dawsonville, died Sunday, December 12, 2021. A memorial service was held at 12:00 p.m., Saturday, December 18, at Bearden Funeral Home Chapel. Bearden Funeral Home of Dawsonville was in charge of the arrangements. Dawson County News December 22, 2021 FROM 1A Panera 1000 toys through the fun draiser. Now, Director of Marketing Shannon Taylor said that they have not only met but exceeded the goal that they set. “We are so thrilled to announce that our patrons and staff donated over 1100 gifts to The Place Holiday House 2021,” Taylor said. “We surpassed our goal of collecting 1000 gifts between the Dawsonville and Cumming locations and are so excited to help give back to the community, and to partner with such a great local community to do so.” The Place Holiday House aims to provide gifts to families in the community who need a lit tle extra help at Christmas time. Local nonprofit The Place, which has locations in both Forsyth and Dawson, collects toy dona- tions throughout November and the first part of December, and then the parents who are partici pating in the program are given the chance to come “shop” and pick out pres ents for their children. For more information about The Place Holiday House, go to https ://www. theplaceofforsyth.org/holi- dayhouse.html. Photo courtesy Shannon Taylor for DCN Panera Bread's Shannon Taylor and Jackie Nowetner stand with over 1100 gifts collected by the restaurant and donated toThe Place Holiday House. Albert Joseph Pirkle Albert Joseph Pirkle, 80, of Cumming, died Saturday, December 18, 2021. A funeral service was held at 2:00 p.m., Tuesday, December 21, in the cha pel of Ingram Funeral Home. Ingram Funeral Home & Crematory of Cumming was in charge of the arrange ments. Dawson County News December 22, 2021 Vendyl Martin (Vince) Reynolds Vendyl Martin (Vince) Reynolds, 64, of Cumming, died Monday, December 13, 2021. A funeral service was held at 10:00 a.m., Thursday, December 16, at the Ingram Funeral Home Chapel. Ingram Funeral Home & Crematory of Cumming was in charge of the arrange ments. Dawson County News December 22, 2021 King Crossword ACROSS souvenir 9 Biased 1 Earring site 40 Writer 10 Aleppo's land 5 Smack Quindlen (Abbr.) 8 Blog entry 41 Short jacket 11 Eastern "way" 12 Regrettably 45 Gambling 19 Central 13 Fuss game 21 Consumed 14 "May It Be" 47 Jay follower 23 Monarchs singer 49 San —, Italy 24 Evening, in an 15 Dealer's foe 50 Help a crook ad 16 Moving-day 51 Hosp. sections 25 Peepers rental 52 Author Sheehy 26 Bygone days 17 Aviation prefix 53 Striped fish 27 Exotic berry 18 Energetic per 54 Perched 28 "So what?" son 55 Deco artist 32 Chimney pipes 20 Galley supply 33 Maker of 22 Strikers' queue DOWN ornate eggs 26 Manhandled 1 Crow's-nest 35 Gents 29 Chemical suffix cry 36 Coloration 30 Hobbyist's 2 Skin care 38 Shoelace woes abbr. brand 39 Secret rendez 31 Rue the run 3 Hoedown site vous 32 German con 4 Jailbreak par 42 Dread junction ticipant 43 Send forth 33 Lavish party 5 Mayhem 44 Portrayal 34 — Paulo 6 Greek moun 45 "Terrif!" 35 Fuel stat tain 46 Lawyers' gp. 36 Devil's domain 7 Ad nauseam 48 Altar constella 37 Playgoer's 8 Oyster's prize tion 1 2 3 4 1 6 6 7 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ■ 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 ■ 41 42 43 44 45 46 1 47 48 1 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 © 2021 King Features Synd., Inc. 3 1 y 3 -L V S S S V a 1 1 V 9 s y 3 -L 3 a V O l/\l 3 « * V » o y V d y 3 3 3 3 ■ v N N V a n 1 s 1 3 >i 0 i i s 3 a V h| 0 d 0 V s 3 1 3 j a N n r 3 H 0 V A 1 a 3 N 1 3 M V d 3 N i i 1 3 >1 0 i d s y V O ■ O IAI V N A a O y 3 v N V A 3 y V N V A N 3 o a v s V 1 V 1 s O d 1 i H 3 a 0 1 ^ Daws o n C o u nty N e ws A Metro Market Media Publication Established in 2015 by the merger of Dawson Community News and Dawson News and Advertiser 30 Shoal Creek Road i PUBLISHER | Stephanie Woody Dawsonville, GA 30534 PHONE (706) 265-3384 EDITOR | Jacob Smith FAX (706) 265-3276 usps 018-876 | Updates online at DawsonNews rii Display advertising For Wednesday: Retail and Classified deadlines are 3 p.m. Friday Classified liners (help wanted, for sale, etc.) For Wednesday: Deadline is noon Monday Advertising rates available upon request. To subscribe in Dawson County: ONE YEAR | $45 TWO YEARS | $75 To subscribe elsewhere in Georgia: ONE YEAR | $65 To subscribe outside of Georgia: ONE YEAR | $65 Published Wednesdays by the Dawson County News Co., 30 Shoal Creek Road, Dawsonville, GA 30534. Second-class postage paid at Dawsonville, Ga., and additional offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to Dawson County News, P.O. Box 1600, Dawsonville, GA 30534.