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Wednesday, January 12, 2022
Make outdoor adventures your resolution
Photo courtesy Unsplash
By Alexander Popp
DCN regional staff
In 2021, we in the out
doors industry saw some
thing really amazing.
Amidst a global pan
demic that halted travel
around the world and
kept people isolated in
their homes for months
at a time, more people
than ever before began
going outdoors, hiking,
backpacking, camping,
paddling, and enjoying
nature in ways they never
had before.
But if you weren’t a
part of that movement,
don’t feel bad because
there’s still time to get
outdoors in 2022, and
hiking, backpacking, and
camping are a really
good way to do that.
Are hiking and back
packing right for me?
To make a long story
short, yes. Hiking and
backpacking are great
activities for basically
anyone of any age, skill
level, or physical condi
tion. Not everyone is
climbing 12,000-foot
mountains on their first
outing, but no matter
where you live there will
almost always be a hike
for your skill level.
In addition to its
accessibility, hiking is
also a really great way to
get in shape and stay in
shape. Hiking is an exer
cise that mixes aerobics,
endurance, strength
training, and is very
good for the lungs and
How do I start hiking
and backpacking?
Starting to hike is sim
ple, find a nature trail
near you and start walk
ing. If you’re new or
aren’t in the best shape,
start with something flat
and not too long, walk
and enjoy the scenery.
From there, start look
ing for new short hikes
(which we call “day
hikes”) in your area and
as you grow stronger and
more used to the exer
cise, make the hikes lon
ger and more intense.
Boom, you’re a hiker
For backpacking, things
get a little more compli
cated, because with back
packing you need gear,
food, plans, permits, and a
bunch of other things that
take a bit more planning.
Getting started backpack
ing on your own is defi
nitely possible, but in
most cases, it’s easier to
get started with a friend,
family member, or profes
sional guiding service that
can help you on your way.
Why take atrip
with World's Best
If you are interested in
the outdoors but don’t
have the gear, knowl
edge, or time to plan a
trip for yourself, we
totally understand.
Everyone who loves the
outdoors has been there
at some point or another.
World’s Best
Adventures was founded
on the idea that you
shouldn’t have to be an
expert with tons of time
for planning and prepara
tion to have a meaningful
wilderness adventure.
Our adventures are all-
inclusive, giving you a
hassle-free adventure
that includes all gear,
food, planning and per
mits, with exceptional
service, tons of fun and
education on outdoor
skills that will lead you
on future adventures into
the great outdoors.
Learn more about our
upcoming Spring 2022
adventures to North
Carolina and the Great
Smoky Mountains at
This article was originally
published by DCN's sister
company, World's Best
Adventures, based out of
Gainesville, Ga. To read the
original article and to view
the World's Best Adventures
backpacking quickstart
guide, go to https://worlds-
‘Keep moving and stay active’
Eagle scout candidates,
nonprofit build life jacket
structures on Lake Lanier
By Erica Jones
Recently, two Dawson
County Eagle Scout
candidates joined
together with nonprofit
organization Friends of
Lake Lanier to complete
the construction of two
structures designed to
house lifejackets free of
charge for use by day
park visitors at Lake
Friends of Lake
Lanier is a nonprofit
that was founded in
2017 and works directly
with the U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers
(USACE) on Lake
Lanier to help enhance
recreational opportuni
ties and promote water
safety and natural
resources for the enjoy
ment of all people using
the USACE parks,
campgrounds and boat
ing facilities. This
includes collecting
money for and funding
projects at the USACE
facilities, one of which
are called “Life Jacket
Loaner Stations”.
According to Friends
of Lake Lanier
Treasurer and Board
Member Tim Baker,
each Life Jacket Loaner
Station contains life
jackets ranging in size
from infant to adult, and
are available for anyone
to use when they are in
the USACE park.
Through partnership
with local Eagle Scout
See Scouts 13B
Dawsonville's Premier Collision Center
Photo courtesy Onelife Fitness
The 50,000 square foot club features three boutique studios, an indoor salt
water pool and whirlpool, cutting-edge cardio and strength equipment,
functional turf training, a cardio cinema, Kids Club and more.
We’ve Gone Green!
‘We will be here when you need us. ”
130 Industrial Park Rd, Dawsonville
M-F: 8:00 - 5:00
Erica Jones Dawson County News
Onelife Fitness Center has officially opened at 534 Marketplace Parkway in Dawsonville.
Onelife Fitness officially opens location in Dawsonville
By Erica Jones
Onelife Fitness has offi
cially opened its new loca
tion in Dawsonville,
according to a press release
by the organization.
The 50,000 square foot
fitness sports club, which
officially opened on Dec.
30, is located in the
Kroger shopping center
on Marketplace Parkway
and features three bou
tique studios, an indoor
saltwater pool and whirl
pool, cutting-edge cardio
and strength equipment,
functional turf training, a
cardio cinema, Kids Club
and more, the release
“Onelife Fitness will
change the health and
wellness landscape of the
Dawsonville communi
ty,” the release said.
Onelife Fitness has
clubs in Georgia,
Maryland, Virginia, West
Virginia and Missouri.
The Dawsonville loca
tion is the 12th location
in the state.
“We are incredibly
excited to open a new
Onelife Fitness Sports
Club in Dawsonville, as
we have been reminded
during this challenging
time that our personal
health, both mental and
physical, has never been
more important,”
Regional Vice President
Jason Pelusi said in the
release. “We need to
keep moving and stay
active, and we need to
maintain bonds and con
nectivity to one another.
We want to be part of the
solution helping the
community by providing
a haven for those who
seek to live a healthier
and happier life.”
All Onelife locations,
including the new one,
have the latest AirPHX
air and surface disinfec
tant system in addition to
their numerous safety
measures to help prevent
the spread of COVID-19
among the club’s mem
bers. The filtration sys
tem works 24 hours a
day to disinfect and sani
tize the air, equipment
and surfaces all around
the club.
“It’s our goal to pro
vide the cleanest and saf
est clubs in the county,”
President and COO Ori
Gorfine said in the
release. “We have insti
tuted rigorous cleaning
protocols using medical
grade disinfectants and
hydrostatic cleaning
technology and deployed
sanitation stations
throughout the clubs.
Fitness is vital to preven
tative health and boost
ing our immune systems
and we’re working tire
lessly to provide our
members an outlet for
physical and mental
health in a safe and clean
To learn more about
the new Dawsonville
Onelife Fitness Club, go
to one life
Photo courtesy of Connie Howell
Dawson County Eagle Scout candidate Nathan
Muncy stands with Ranger Ernest Noe in front
of one of their recently completed Life Jacket
Loaner Stations.
Player Of
The Week!
Rylie Erickson
Erickson is a senior at DCHS, an
integral part of the Lady Tigers
softball team and recently signed
a letter of intent to continue
playing softball at Piedmont
University next year.