Dawson County news. (Dawsonville, Georgia) 2015-current, January 19, 2022, Image 1

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    Overstreet leaves
behind long record
of altruism, inside, 3a
Dawson school board
holds recognitions
for DCHS sports
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teams, sports, ib
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Wright named 2022 STAR student
Hope Honea named STAR teacher
By Erica Jones
Dawson County High
School senior Megan Wright
has been named as the school’s
2022 STAR Student and has
selected DCHS teacher Hope
Honea as her STAR Teacher.
The Student Teacher
Achievement Recognition
(STAR) program is a program
by the Professional
Association of Georgia
Educators (PAGE) that seeks
to recognize and honor stu
dents for their achievements in
high school. To qualify for
STAR nomination, high school
seniors must have the highest
score on a single test date on
the SAT and be in the top 10
percent or the top 10 students
in their class based on grade
point average.
Wright was selected for the
honor based on her academic
achievement and high score on
the SAT. On Jan. 13, she was
presented with a certificate
honoring her accomplishment
by members of the
Dawsonville Lions Club, the
local STAR program sponsor.
After being chosen as the
STAR Student, the student
See Wright 16A
DCHS Senior Megan
Wright has been named
as Dawson's 2022 STAR
Student, and Hope
Honea has been named
as the STARTeacher.
From left to right: Jim
Buckley, Dawsonville
Lion's Club; Don Cargill,
Dawsonville Lion's
Club; Michael Negley,
DCHS principal, Hope
teacher, Megan Wright,
DCHS STAR student,
Cherie Ferguson, DCHS
counselor, Marty
Horne, Dawsonville
Lion's Club.
Erica Jones
Dawson County News
Snow comes to Dawson County
By staff reports
This weekend, Dawson County,
along with many other Georgia coun
ties, saw winter weather for the first
time this season. Whether residents
were in a part of the county that got a
lot of snow or in a part that got a little,
they reported a fun weekend with
snowmen, sledding and watching the
snow come down.
Here are some of our favorite, reader-
submitted photos of your fun on the
snow day.
Photo by Erin Reznicek Wade
Photo by Andrea Rexroat
Man accused of
stealing $60K
in fraud scheme
by Julia Fechter
One man from another state was recently
booked into the Dawson
County Detention Center
in connection with a case
from over two years ago.
Samal Kumar Dimdung,
41, of Herndon, Virginia,
was arrested by the
Dawson County Sheriff’s
Office on Jan. 3, 2022, on Dimdung
one felony charge of
exploiting, threatening or intimidating a
disabled or elderly person.
See Dimdung 12A
Dawson school
board votes for
officers for year
By Erica Jones
During the Jan. 11 meeting of the Dawson
County Board of Education, board members
voted to elect a chairperson and vice chair for
the year and voted to approve a reapportion
ment plan to mirror the county’s districting.
Board members voted to approve Doris
Cook as the incoming board chair, and Karen
Armstrong as the incoming vice chair. The
two board officers will serve from Feb. 2022
through Jan. 2023, when the board will vote
again to approve the next year’s chair and
vice chair.
Cook is the current vice chair. Board mem
ber Nathan Ingram made a motion, seconded
by Board member Karen Armstrong and
approved unanimously by the board mem
bers, to elect Cook as the incoming board
chair. Board member Barry Slaton made a
motion, seconded by Ingram and approved
unanimously by the board members, with
See B0E 16A
9 0 9 9 4
Volume 8, Number 3
© 2021, Dawson County News
Dawsonville, Georgia
Dear Abby
4B Humane
Society Resale
Shop unveils
new trailer.
4A Dawson FFA
student places
2nd in regional
is in Your Neighborhood colorectai