Dawson County news. (Dawsonville, Georgia) 2015-current, September 14, 2022, Image 13
Wednesday, September 14,2022 dawsonnews.com I DAWSON COUNTY NEWS I 5B Fun&Games Pluggers by Gary Brookins pluggermail@aol.com ©2022 Tribune Content Agency, LLC 9/9 Thanks to Kathleen J. Van Steenhuyse Vinton, Iowa IT’S ONE A OF THE FOUR FOOD GROUPS! You’re a plugger when a blueberry doughnut hole is your "fruit" for the day. Speed Bump by Dave Coverly now mfe not kwmno on tu e vvmrviBG? WORD S) CJ R3 0 M) A) G) Ejr BY JUDD HAMBRIOK © 2022 UFS/Dist. by Andrews McMeel Syndication for UFS (XXXXXX) ©©©©©©© 1 st DOWN 1 st Down f +60 PTS V y (XXXXXX) v, D®§)®©© 2 nd DOWN 2nd Down f +60 PTS V y (XXXXXX) 3 rd DOWN 3rd Down f +60 PTS 1 fJ (XXXXXX) ©!)©©©©© 4 th DOWN 4th Down ( +60 PTS V y 9£I = NMOa mV @®®®@®® S£1 = NMOa pj£ m = NMOa pug ®®@®®®® 9n = NMOQist ®®®@®®@ SdnJOJuojieoipuAsiaaflPWSMaipuvAq jsia / sdfl 2£0£ ® lflU|a||a||\J00 11110 AA xomai/\ivH aanr as Nonmos mJJvl/HWlaJoUaUiil B.C. by Hart Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller '^[hrYezoa Wiuey INK, LTO ? NllFflNKA DKMUNk .NET gss HOW TO PLAY: All the words listed below appear in the puzzle — hori zontally, vertically, diagonally and even backward. Find them, circle each letter of the word and strike it off the list. The leftover letters spell the WONDERWORD. MICROFIBER Solution: 8 letters P U K C 1 P O T R E T N U o C F M © ® ® © G N O L T S A L L 1 1 T o R E D U C 1 N G E E O E C S s 1 C H R O M E A A S T T R H p E L E S Y X N T T N H A O S A O B S E M 1 H 1 T 1 T L S H A M M Y C N E N R R R N U C 1 U C O 1 G R 1 A G A A D M o N U R O 1 R W U H R C C E U p Y T N 1 L S R O B S T 1 B C 1 H P A R G O T o H P S R R C c T H 1 C K E R E R S O B 1 A T N E G R E T E D U S T A S A E R A 1 R E T C A B B U F F D A M P E E D 1 M A Y L O P S 2022 Andrews McMeel Syndication www.wonderword.com Absorb, Accumulate, Area, Attracts, Bacteria, Best, Buff, Care, Chamois, Chrome, Cleaning, Cloth, Color, Countertop, Damp, Debris, Deep, Detergent, Drying, Dust, Fabric, Grit, Last Longer, Leather, Lint, Microscopic, Mirrors, Mops, Number, Oils, Photographic, Pickup, Polyamide, Reducing, Rinse, Scan, Scrub, Shammy, Shine, Shiny, Show, Smear, Thicker Answer below Dear Abby To purchase WONDERWORD books, visit www.WonderWordBooks.com, or call 1 -800-642-6480. Wife fights losing battle vs. husband and his mom Over the Hedge by Michael Fry &T. Lewis GEORGE, WE’RE NOT EXAGTLV IN CHARGE OF HUMANS. WE’RE MORE LIKE COW&OVS... ...WE CAN HERD THEM THIS WAT OR HERD THEM THAT WAV AND HOPE FOR THE BEST... Momma by Mell Lazarus FgOM HOW Obi, m I HMAfZ&B of/Momufe/ttivuo LDH6BZ tUBJBCT To MAVBTOFBB.LllKe.AbS \KR£}P0rS6\&LB CFAlOl HOW, IF YOU’LL BXCUOB Me, I b\AXero6bT&A£K CREATORS SYNDICATE, INC. C 2006 MEU. LAZARUS WWW.CREATORS.COM gm Rose Is Rose by Pat Brady DEAR ABBY: My hus band inherited a nasty habit from his mother. He calls people “crazy” to discredit them so he can win arguments and stifle discussion. I have told him it’s lazy to pass judg ment on someone that way. It also shows the world how ignorant he is, because he thinks he’ll win every argument by playing the crazy card — a personal attack. I think it’s immature and immoral to take advantage of others’ bias against mental health issues. He has done it to me in front of people. I have said, “You wish!” right back at him. It has reached the point that I think he’s character defi cient. His misogyny is exhausting to fight. His mother is even worse. She throws in her arm chair diagnosis, which is always “schizophrenia.” My husband’s argument is an emotional one and too pervasive to enjoy time with him. Any idea how I can fight these below-the-belt punches? — DEFINITELY NOT “CRAZY” DEAR DEFINITELY NOT: That shouldn’t be too hard. When your hus band acts this way, don’t engage with him. Ignore his comments, leave the room or the house. Spend less time with him and NO time with his mother. And while you’re doing that, ask yourself why you tolerate the disrespect you’re receiving from both of them. DEAR ABBY: My brother is old enough to work on the farm, but he refuses. He goes to school, comes back angry and doesn’t like to be told what to do. Everyone has to work except him. We have tried time and time again to get him to help out. We appease him, but he only gets worse. How can we get him to devel- DEARABBY Jeanne Phillips op good work ethics? It hurts when we ask him to do something and he gets angry and starts swearing. All we want is for him to help out. — GOOD WORKER IN MINNESOTA DEAR WORKER: I wish you had been clearer about who “we” is. If it’s you and your siblings, there isn’t much you can do to teach your brother the lessons he needs to learn. However, if it’s your parents you are referring to, there is plen ty THEY can do to set rules and enforce them while their son lives under their roof. Hint: It involves rewards for good behavior and consequenc es if he is disrespectful and noncompliant. DEAR ABBY: When my husband and I were dating, he introduced me to the sport of cycling. Before that, it had just been a means of transpor tation. A few years of training later, it turns out I’m actually pretty good at it. I have been on the podium three times this year, but he has not. He is definitely jealous. Should I stop competing? — BICYCLE GAL IN MICHIGAN DEAR BICYCLE GAL: A man who loves his wife wants to be the wind beneath her wings, not an anchor around her ankles. You should not have to give up some thing at which you excel in order to salve your husband’s childish ego. Rather than give you heartburn for your suc cess, he should be prais ing you for your progress. Shame on him. Wonderword answer: Fixtures