Dawson County news. (Dawsonville, Georgia) 2015-current, October 19, 2022, Image 8

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    8A I DAWSON COUNTY NEWS I dawsonnews.com
Wednesday, October 19,2022
Dawson Schools reports
93.1% grad rate for 2022
Photo courtesy of Unsplash
By Erica Jones
The Dawson County
School System recently
announced that the class of
2022 received a graduation
rate of 93.1 for the 2021-
22 school year.
According to graduation
rates released on Oct. 6 by
the Georgia Department of
Education, the Dawson
County School System’s
four-year cohort gradua
tion rate is 93.1 percent,
which is higher than the
state average of 84.1 per
During the Dawson
County Board of
Education’s meeting on
Tuesday Oct. 11,
Superintendent Nicole
LeCave explained that over
the last 10 years, the
Dawson County school
district has increased its
graduation rate by 13.6
percentage points, from
79.5 percent in 2012 to
93.1 in 2022. Over the past
five years, the district has
maintained a five-year
average of 95 percent.
“We’re really very proud
of that; we are maintaining
and holding firm our 95
percent five-year average
and that is something that
the district can be really
proud of, so great job to
everyone,” LeCave said
during the meeting.
In a social media post by
the school system
announcing the graduation
percentage rate, LeCave
added her congratulations
to all of the students, staff,
families and others that
made it possible for the
system to achieve such a
high rate.
“The Class of 2022 is to
be commended for their
accomplishments,” LeCave
said in the post. “I am
grateful for the hard work,
dedication, and support of
our teachers, support staff,
leaders, families, and com
munity partners! We are
laser-focused and commit
ted to graduation for all
students and ensuring our
graduates are ready for col
lege, career, and life.”
Several lakeside parks to close
partially or fully until spring
By Julia Fechter
Multiple parks along
Lake Lanier in Dawson
County have either fully or
partially closed until the
springtime, according to an
Oct. 12 Lacebook post
from the county govern
Dawson County officials
met with the U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers the
morning of Oct. 12 about
Nix Bridge, Toto Creek and
Thompson Creek parks.
Nix Bridge Park is
closed until spring 2023.
Toto Creek Park’s camp
ground is closed, but its
boat ramp remains open.
Thompson Creek’s park
and boat ramp are both
open, and War Hill Park’s
campground will close on
Monday, October 31.
However, War Hill’s
park, boat ramp and trails
will remain open, accord
ing to the Dawson County
Government post.
Previously, multiple
locals voiced their frustra
tion after learning about
closures at some of their
favorite parks along Lake
Lanier in Dawson County.
Local officials learned
about the park closures on
Sept. 29, according to a
post on the Dawson
County government’s
Lacebook page.
“This was a very produc
tive meeting where the
Corps presented various
options for the county to
consider,” the Lacebook
post stated. “These options
include leasing the parks
from the Corps - similar to
the agreement with War
Hill Park- or to have joint-
management of the parks
under a memorandum of
agreement with the Corps.”
“Today was just an initial
meeting,” the post added,
“and there will be more
information to follow in the
next several weeks and
In other news, there will
be a meeting to discuss
War Hill Park’s master plan
and proposed future
improvements at the park.
The meeting will be held
Oct. 19 starting at 6 p.m. at
Dawson County Lire
Station 2’s community
room. Lire Station 2 is
located at 145 Liberty
Drive in Dawson County.
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