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Wednesday, May 17,2023 I DAWSON COUNTY NEWS I 5A
Keller Williams agents help food bank, thrift store
By Erica Jones
On Thursday May 11, several
agents from Keller Williams vis
ited The Place of Dawson at
RIC-Rack to volunteer their time
and efforts in the nonprofit’s food
pantry and thrift store as part of
Keller Williams’ annual RED
RED Day, which stands for
Renew Energize Donate, is a day
on which Keller Williams agen
cies across the nation volunteer
at local nonprofits as a way of
giving back to the community
they’re in.
The group that volunteered at
The Place of Dawson at RIC-
Rack consisted of 11 volunteers
from Keller Williams
Community Partners, which is
headquartered in Forsyth County.
According to Keller Williams
realtor Joanie Cullity, every RED
Day different groups of agents
sign up for different projects in
their community. This year, rep
resentatives of Keller Williams
Community Partners served at
not only The Place but also at the
Dawson County Humane Society.
“Different agents sign up for
different projects, so we’re all
over the place today,” Cullity
said. “It’s just an excellent way
for us to give back to the people
in the county that we service;
even though a lot of these people
don’t use us it’s just a really great
way for us to give back.”
During their day of community
service at The Place, agents
helped organize and sort items in
the nonprofit’s thrift store and
food bank, and they also served
free barbecue sandwich lunches
to food pantry clients who came
to pick up their food.
“They’re doing a little bit of
everything; organizing, sorting,
basically just helping out with
whatever we need,” thrift store
retail associate Marina Peulen
said. “We always need help and
One of the agents who volun
teered at The Place on RED Day
Photos by Erica Jones Dawson County News
Left to right: Keller Williams realtors Amy Kinsey, Deanna Dickinson, Joanie Culitty and Donna Brewer, William Evans, Luke
Evans and Keller Williams realtor David Evans stand in front of the sign forThe Place at RIC-Rack during the agency's annual
RED Day on May 11.
Keller Williams agent Joanie Cullity, right, stands with repre
sentatives of the food pantry atThe Place at RIC-Rack during
the agency's annual RED Day on May 11.
was David Evans, who volun
teered alongside his father
William and son Luke. Deborah
Ross, food services manager for
The Place, said that seeing three
generations volunteering together
with one another was extremely
special for her to see.
“We’ve got three generations
working together; that just gives
me hope for the future,” Ross
Ross said that having a group
like the Keller Williams team
come in and serve at their thrift
store and food bank is not only
helpful but extremely encourag
ing to her and other leadership.
Food Bank Hours:
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FOOD bank
Red Day 73
Keller Williams volunteers prepare to pass out free barbecue
sandwiches to food pantry clients atThe Place at RIC-Rack
during the agency's annual RED Day on May 11.
“The Keller Williams team
does this across the whole world
on this day; it’s really incredible
that they decided they were
going to carve out some time for
nonprofits in the community, and
I love that they chose us,” Ross
said. “I’m just grateful that
they’re here with us and serving
our clients; that makes my heart
“It’s just a really good feeling
to let people know that we’re not
just agents, we also care about
our community,” Cullity said.
“It’s a great way of giving back.”
Bradley M. Maple
2390 Thompson Rd • Ste 100
ANH Collision
103 Industrial Park Road,
Lake Lanier is one of the most visited lakes with
12 million enjoying its waters annually. It's also
the site of several drownings each year.
Visit our RESALE SHOP & BOUTIQUE All proceeds benefits
Wed. - Sat. 10 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. | 54 S. Lumpkin Campground Rd. the Humane bociety
A sign is seen at the beach, telling patrons there
is no lake access at any time.
Dawson County Humane Society
a no bill shelter
Doggie Spotlight
Meet Gorilla!
Margaritaville removes swimming in Lanier
By Ben Anderson
DCN regional staff
He is a fun boy who loves people. He’s a chill dog who
loves to lounge around. That being said Gorilla also enjoys
long walks and butt scratches. Schedule a meet and greet to
see if Gorilla is your perfect match!
Gorilla is three years old and weighs 45 pounds.
For more information contact the 706-265-9160 | 633 Martin Rd, Dawsonville
Dawson County Humane Society Adjacent to the Rock Creek Sports Complex
Margaritaville at Lanier
Islands will no longer allow
visitors to swim in the lake
area by the beach due to
safety concerns.
“While we understand
that this may be disappoint
ing for some, we believe it
is the right decision to
maintain a safe environ
ment for all our guests to
enjoy and will allow us to
put added focus on other
parts of the park to offer a
better overall experience
for all our water park
guests,” Margaritaville offi
cials said in a statement.
“The beach area will
remain open for lounging
and relaxing, and we hope
you will still take advan
tage of this space to soak
up the sun and enjoy the
beautiful surroundings.”
Lake Lanier is one of the
most visited lakes with 12
million enjoying its waters
annually. It’s also the site of
several drownings each
A fence has been
installed along the shore
line. The only area where
lake access will remain
open is the Aquatic
Adventure Wibit
Attraction, which is being
expanded to include more
inflatable attractions.
Bucky Perry, vice presi
dent of Margaritaville,
Photos by Scott Rogers DCN regional staff
A fence is placed along the beach Wednesday, May 10, at the Lanier Islands
beach to keep people out of the water. Margaritaville at Lanier Islands will
no longer allow people to swim in beach waters out of safety concerns
declined to explain the spe
cific safety concerns. Perry
did describe some of the
renovations underway
before the water park opens
fully for the summer.
One of the water park’s
most popular attractions,
the wave pool, will now be
shallower at the deep end,
which used to be 8 feet but
will now be 5 foot, 9 inch
es. And instead of just a
couple wave patterns, the
wave pool will feature as
many as a dozen.
The park is also bringing
back the splash bucket by
the LandShark Bar & Grill,
though without the water
guns. Other renovations
include the Aquatic
Adventure, Parakeet
Springs kids’ zone and the
new Parrot Mountain sum
mer tubing slide.
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