Fayette County news. (Thomaston, GA) 2009-current, February 01, 2023, Image 1

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<4?THE TRUTH SINCE 1886 «$*
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| McIntosh, Starr’s Mill Split Battle
ojthe Bubble Round 2, Bl
VOL 151, NO. 5
Third Annual PALS Pageant Hosted by Starr’s Mill, B2
The Zachary Family Competes on Family Feud , A2
PTC Resident Airs Hardship for Disabled Daughter
City Makes Special Exception for Crabapple Lane Path Closure
Leah Banks
Investigative Reporter
During the Jan. 19 Peach
tree City Council meeting,
PTC resident Evan Huelfer
took to the podium during
public comment to discuss
his concerns and thoughts
on changes that have been
made to the Crabapple
Lane path.
With a portion of the
path now closed, Huelfer
said the impact has taken
away his disabled daugh
ter’s independence.
PTC Mayor Kim Lea-
nard told Fayette County
News that since the meet
ing, “Peachtree City has
agreed to provide accom
modation for a local ADA-
qualified golf cart driver,
Ms. Lily Huelfer, with a
key for private use until
such time as Tyrone
creates permanent access
via an alternative route.”
Closure of the path has
been long debated as
members of both Peach
tree City and Tyrone have
crossed decision lines due
to the importance of the
path, as far as transporta
tion between Peachtree
City and the Town of Ty
On Dec. 1, 2022,
Peachtree City Council
took action to close the
path to golf cart traffic and
locked the path’s gate,
which led to a local discus
sion between both Tyrone
residents and Peachtree
City residents of the true
See Hardship, A5
The Huelfer Family
Heroic Rising Starr Student Saves a Life
The quick thinking ofMaiya George, center, saved her mother’s life, and the Rising Starr Middle
School seventh grader is being lauded for her actions. When Maya’s mother ivas choking, she per
formed the Heimlich maneuver, which she learned in Meehan Murphy’s family and consumer science
The Peachtree City Fire-Rescue Department honored her heroic efforts with an official recognition.
Commissioners OK
$200,000 Tech Upgrade
to FC Water System
Sydney Spencer
News Reporter
Fayette County Com
missioners unanimously
approved expenses of
$60,400 and $140,000
last week for hardware and
software related to the Su
pervisory Control and
Data Acquisition (SCADA)
system for Fayette’s water
Susan Lee, operation
and production manager
for the water system, gave
a presentation at the Jan.
26 meeting on why hard
ware and software should
be upgraded. She ex
plained how she and staff
have identified the most
necessary improvements.
“SCADA is a system of
hardware and software
components that are used
to monitor and control
equipment and system
status in the water system.
Fayette County water sys
tem staff have worked with
Arcadis to identify and pri
oritize immediate im
provement needs in the
SCADA system,” said Lee.
Lee went on to specify
the first item that needs to
be improved. She ex
plained how there is a
need for two new com
puters that will offer a
human machine interface,
full design integration, and
allow more control of the
water system.
“Item one, this is for
two computers that are for
the main SCADA. One for
each treatment plant, in
cluding software upgrades.
These computers monitor
and control raw and fin
ished water comps and
See Tech Upgrade, A5
FTC PD Releases Fourth
Quarter Crime Update
Leah Banks
Investigative Reporter
As the calendar rolls to
2023, Peachtree City Po
lice Department released
its fourth quarter crime re
port for percentages and
the most prominent
crimes and arrests that oc
curred in 2022.
Regarding the crime
highlights, it was noted
that crime was up three
percent in 2022, with the
top crime in the Peachtree
City area being theft by
See Crime Update, A6
FCN Seeking Salesperson
Fayette County News is
hiring! We are seeking tal
ented, sales-oriented individ
uals to join our fast-paced
and exciting work environ
ment; folks who will estab
lish and maintain effective
relationships with clients,
prospects, and fellow em
Located outside of At
lanta, Fayette County is one
of the most amazing com
munities in the state. The
area features a thriving econ
omy and increased opportu
nities for marketing and
helping local businesses
grow customers through the
Fayette County News, Fay-
ette-news.com, and local
We offer a flexible eight-
hour day, Monday-Friday, an
established list of clients, and
pay top commissions. Sales
experience preferred. Email
resume to dlord@upsonbea-
con.com or mail to Fayette
County News, P.O. Box 96,
Fayetteville, Ga. 30214. No
phone calls, please.
From left are Judges David Moore, Jason Thompson, Alisha Thompson, and Hillard Castilla
after the swearing in ceremony at Fayette County Courthouse on Jan. 6. Submitted
Moore, Castilla Sworn In
to Fayette County State Court
Leah Banks
Investigative Reporter
FAYETTE - When it
comes to giving back to the
community, the state court
makes daily strides to pro
vide for the greater good of
Fayette County citizens.
On Jan. 6, Judge David
Moore of the magistrate
court and Hilliard Castilla
were sworn in to the state
court of Fayette County as
Judge Pro Hac.
The swearing in of
Moore and Castilla fol
lowed the swearing in of
State Court Judge Jason
Thompson, who was ad
ministered the oath of of
fice by his wife, Judge
Alisha Thompson, at the
Fayette County Court-
See State Court, A5
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