Fayette County news. (Thomaston, GA) 2009-current, March 15, 2023, Image 2
OBITUARIES A2 Fayette County News Shannon Alexandra Wade Shannon Alexandra Wade, age 27, was bom July 19, 1995, in Atlanta. She passed away Feb. 23, 2023, after a five-year battle to re cover from spinal injuries. She fought valiantly and well with her friends and family by her side. In her short 27 years, she packed so much life and love for all. Shannon was pas sionate about many things: art, theater, dance, music, books, and nature. Most im portant to Shannon were her family and friends. She loved fiercely and saw the best in everyone. Shannon had a knack for making people feel con fident in themselves, and as her friends describe, always including the weird, the out sider, and others looking to find their way. She celebrated diversity in race, creed, and sexual orientation without limita tions because she knew ev eryone was a child of God and treasured their unique ness. She had a fierce love for all and was willing to fight against anyone and anything that hurt other people or any animals. Shannon worked as the marketing coordinator for our family’s law firm, Wade Law, during the last four years of her life, but her true career was creative expres sion. Even when physical challenges limited her abil ity to act, paint, or draw, she found other ways to express herself. Shannon was an honor graduate from Young Harris College with a degree in the atre performance and a minor in communication. After graduation, she worked as the technical di rector for all shows at Idle- wild Park in Pennsylvania. She came home for that winter and began working for Jon building the new law firm, Wade Law. Due to her subsequent injuries, she re mained there for the rest of her life, where her imprint on the law firm continues to be seen and felt by all every day. Shannon is survived by her parents, Jonathan and Leslie Wade of Fayetteville; her sister, Caitlin, and brother-in-law Jose’ Cabal lero; and her precious nephew, Jace Caballero, of Marietta; her grandmother, Marcia Williams ofNewnan; aunts and uncles, Debbie and Chuck Pace of Fay etteville, Greg and Mary Margaret Armstrong of Ma rietta, Dan and Kathleen Wade of Bradenton, Fla. and their daughter Carly; first cousins, Jennifer and Rob Little and their daughter Allie of Vinings, Chris Pace and his daughter Olivia of Vinings; great-aunt, Lor raine Wade of Hernando, Miss., great-aunt and uncle, Gail and Joe Alexander of Savannah, and countless other beloved relatives. She also left behind a devoted and loving boyfriend, Sezer Tetik. Shannon has joined sev eral other loved ones who arrived in Heaven before her, including her grand father, Lockwood “OD” Wil liams of Newnan; grandparents, Jim and Jane Wade of Bradenton, Fla.; and Uncle Lockwood “Chip” Williams of Peachtree City. She has also joined many cherished pets, including Butterscotch and Midnight. We know all of them are al ready celebrating with her. Visitation was held Thursday, March 2, at Mow- ell Funeral Home, 180 N. Jeff Davis Drive, Fay etteville, Ga. The celebration of life for Shannon was Fri day, March 3, at Fayetteville First United Methodist Church in Fayetteville. In the musical Les Mis- erables, there is a famous line, “To love another per son is to see the face of God.” Shannon loved so many and was loved by all of us so well. She knew that she would be with God whenever she died. Many have spoken ofher role in that musical as Gav- roche, the little orphan who ran the city from under ground. She was that “Little People” in the song and the part. Like Gavroche, she died too soon. We pray that her loving light will continue to shine on through her family and friends as we take care of each other and the new people who cross our paths. In lieu of flowers, please consider a donation to one of Shannon’s numerous fa- Wednesday, March 15,2023 vorite charities. She sup ported many in her life, but was passionate about Bloom Our Youth, which provides housing, clothing and sup port for children who are re moved from their homes due to abuse or neglect, and Promise Place, which pro vides resources and housing for victims of domestic vio lence. Finally, her last mission trip was to Mexico with her dear friend Joey Potter with Joey Potter Missions. JPM feeds, builds, and provides for children in missions around the globe. Donations to any charity including these three will bring a huge spiritual grin from our be loved Shannon. Her love language was giving gifts. We welcome you to pro vide your condolences, thoughts, and prayers of Shannon on our Tribute Wall. Mowell Funeral Home & Cremation Service, Fay etteville, www.mowells.com. MOWELL FUNE RA L HOME t j^7@_Crematicm Service ISO N. Jeff Davis Drive FAYETTEVILLE, GA 302 14 770-461-764 1 • FAX:770-460- 1 003 FYTOF FlCEC@MOWELLS.COM 200 Robinson Road PEACHTREE CITY, GA 30269 770-487-3959 • Fax:770-487-5959 PTCOFFlCE@MOWEI_LS.COM No one should have to choose between their '. health and a paycheck. Every day in Fayette County, someone places their health at risk by breathing in secondhand smoke at work. In a recent survey, 67% of Fayette County residents say they experience secondhand smoke* Nonsmokers exposed to secondhand smoke increase their risk of heart disease by 25-30% and risk of lung cancer by 20-30%. Given that spending one hour in a smoke-filled room is equal to smoking one cigarette, those working in the hospitality industry — including in bars, restaurants and hotels — are especially vulnerable. *Based on a 2021 Drug Free Fayette community survey with 4,271 responses BREATHE EASY FAYETTE We are a collaborative alliance of residents and local and national organizations working to protect our Fayette County neighbors 1 rights to enjoy smoke-free air. We are concerned about the effects of exposure to secondhand smoke, particularly in workplaces and public spaces. Scan to learn more! Ifyou support a smoke-free Fayette County, be sure to let us know! Visit our website for more information: drugfreefayette.org/breathe-easy-fayette Breathe Easy Fayette 120 Commerce Circle, Suite D Fayetteville, Georgia d ru g f reefayette@faye ttefa cto r.o rg 678.489.3279 Fayette County News Launches New Website Fayette County News is proud to announce the launch of its new website, which is available today, March 15, as of 10:30 a.m. Fayette-News.net offers a new, interactive ex perience for Fayette County News readers, with free on line access for all print sub scribers. All content printed in weekly editions of FCN, along with E-editions of weekly and special publica tions, will be available on the website. Sections like Legal Notices, Funeral Notices, and Meetings and Events will be available to all site vis itors, with or without an on line subscription. Print subscriptions are available for purchase on the website at regular annual rates. All print subscribers receive free online access upon request. Online-only subscriptions are also avail able for tech-oriented users who prefer not to receive the print edition, and can be pur chased online. In addition to viewing news content, online users can request to change their address, purchase gift sub scriptions, temporarily pause subscriptions, report delivery issues, view area weather re ports, and submit content, announcements, and classi fied advertisements online. How can current print subscribers gain free online access? When one visits Fayette- news.net, current sub scribers will have the option to fill out a small form to ver ify contact information and connect to their print sub scription account. To set up an online ac count prior to launch of the website, please email sup- port@fayette-news.net with subscriber’s name, phone number, and delivery ad dress. Please note that activa tion of online access may take 24 to 48 hours after no tifying Fayette County News. Fayette-news.net is avail able on desktop and mobile platforms. Content will be updated online weekly on Wednesdays, following the release of each print edition of Fayette County News. Owned, operated, and staffed locally, Fayette County News is a weekly newspaper with content ded icated entirely to area news and information. Published every Wednesday, FCN strives to provide accurate, fair, and balanced accounts of events which affect Fayette County residents, and to highlight accomplishments of people connected to the area. Established in 1886, and now the only printed me dium locally, FCN serves as Fayette County, Georgia’s legal organ. Carmichael - Hemperley Funeral Home and Crematory 135 SENOIA ROAD, PEACHTREE CITY, GA 30269 770-631-9171 OFFICE * 770-631-9144 FAX Dignity* C7MI MORIAI J I FAYETTE COUNTY NEWS P.O. Box 96, Fayetteville, Ga. 30214 ■ Phone: 770-461-6317 Fax: 770-460-8172 ■ fayette-news.net Award-winning member of the Georgia Press Association and the National Newspaper association. The Staff Leah Banks Investigative reporter • leah@fayette-news.net Sydney Spencer News Reporter • sspencer@fayette-news.net Jennifer Lyons Legals Editor, Classifieds • legals@fayette-news.net Luke Haney Editor, Digital Media Coordinator • support@fayette-news.net Debbie McClain Publisher, Co-owner Bridge Turner Managing Editor, Co-owner Fayette County News (USPS 188-420) is published Wednesdays for in county rates of $40 yearly. Georgia out-of-county is $50, and out-of-state is $60. Published by Upson Newspapers, Inc., 219 Thomas Street, Thomaston, GA 30286. Periodicals postage at Fayetteville, GA, and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Fayette County News, P.O. Box 96, Fayetteville, GA. 30214. Our Goal: Fayette County News is proudly published for the citizens of Fayette County and East Coweta by Upson Newspapers, Inc., owned and operated by Debbie McClain and Bridge Turner. Our goal is to produce qual ity, community-oriented publications of which our readers can be proud. We will attain that goal through diligence, teamwork, and dedication to printing the truth in an accurate, fair, balanced, and objective manner. Our Policies: Signed letters to the editor are welcomed and encouraged. We do not edit for content, only grammar, spelling, and punctuation when necessary, as designated by Associated Press style guidelines. Unsigned, li belous, or profane letters will not be published. Please limit letters to 400 words or less and to only two letters per month. Liability for errors in ad vertising will not exceed the space occupied by the error. We reserve the right to edit all submitted materials. The Meeting Place Fayette County Board of Edu cation meets the third Monday of the month at 7 p.m. Fayette County Commission meets the second and fourth Thursday of the month at 6:30 p.m. Fayette County Planning Com mission meets the first Thursday of the month at 7 p.m. Fayetteville City Council meets the first and third Thursday of the month at 6 p.m. Fayetteville Planning Commis sion meets the fourth Tuesday of the month at 6 p.m. Fayetteville Work Session meeting on the last Tuesday of each month at 9 a.m. at Fay etteville City Hall. Peachtree City Council meets the first and third Thursday of the month at 6:30 p.m. Peachtree City Planning Com mission meets the second and fourth Monday of the month at 7 p.m. Tyrone Town Council meets the first and third Thursday of the month at 7 p.m. Tyrone Planning Commission meets the second and fourth Thursday of the month at 7 p.m. Tyrone Downtown Devel opment Authority meets at 9 a.m. on the second Monday of the month. Brooks Town Council meets the third Monday of every month at 6:30 p.m.