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Wednesday, March 15,2023
Fayette County News A3
Learnard, Curnow Meet with GDOT to Discuss Highway 54/74
Leah Banks
Investigative Reporter
Since 2021, traffic flow be
tween Peachtree City, Fay
etteville, Tyrone, and
Coweta County through the
intersection of Highways
54 and 74 has been a hot
topic due to the high vol
umes and congestion.
A few weeks ago, Peach
tree City Mayor Kim Lear
nard, along with the PTC
City Manager Robert Cur
now, met with the Georgia
Department of Transporta
tion to further discuss
plans surrounding traffic
“I was excited to intro
duce them to our new city
manager, and we had a
three-hour meeting that
was positive, productive,
detailed, and informative,”
Learnard said. “And what
we learned were the details
about the upcoming dis
placed left turn configura
tion project that GDOT is
bringing to Peachtree City.”
Learnard aired details
of the project and how it
will adjust and accommo
date for the traffic flow in
and out of the city.
“What this will involve
is a change in the lane [on
Highway 74] northbound
and southbound and an
overall reduction in traffic
light phases, from eight to
four, and an improvement
in efficiency and safety
throughout the entire in
tersection,” Learnard ex
GDOT is currently com
pleting right-of-way acqui
sition, according to
Learnard, which is the act
of acquiring land, or an
easement, to complete the
overall project. This can in
clude providing additional
information for the project,
including other parties who
may be impacted by the
changes, and visual depic
tions of the changes once
they have agreed upon spe
cific shapes and signs for
the displaced left turn con
“Once they do that in
the next few weeks, they
will begin relocation of util
ities, and once that’s com
plete, they can go out to bid
and award the contract,
and they anticipate doing
that by the end of 2023,”
Learnard said.
After awarding the con
tract, Learnard predicts
that construction for the
turn will begin in 2024.
“This is the first step in
a series of necessary steps,
and we are moving for
ward,” Learnard said, “I
think it is important to let
our citizens know that all of
this information is on our
Peachtree City website.”
Learnard also encour
ages citizens to contact her
or the city manager to meet
and discuss any of the gov
ernment plans moving for
“I don’t think I have
ever turned down an offer
from a citizen to meet for
coffee to discuss anything
that’s on their minds, and I
welcome those opportuni
ties,” Learnard said.
Moody's Upgrades Peachtree
City's Bond Rating to AAA
Peachtree City recently
secured the highest rating
from one of the world’s
leading credit rating
On Monday, March 6,
Moody’s Investment
Service announced that it
has upgraded Peachtree
City’s issuer rating to
AAA from AAl. Moody’s
also upgraded the general
obligation unlimited tax
(GOULT) rating on the
city's outstanding storm
water and sewer system
bonds to AAA from AAl.
“The upgrade of the
issuer rating to AAA re
flects the city's growing
economy, strong financial
position, and declining
leverage,” Moody’s offi
cials stated. “Fund bal
ance and cash reserves
have grown steadily over
the last four fiscal years,
bolstered by special pur
pose local option sales tax
(SPLOST) revenues. The
trend of improving oper
ating performance is
likely to continue through
fiscal 2023, supported by
strong property and sales
tax collections.”
PTC Mayor Kim Lear
nard says securing the
highest possible rating is
a testament to the fiscal
responsibility practiced
in Peachtree City.
“We are incredibly
grateful to our financial
services director, Paul
Salvatore, and his entire
team for their hard work
managing the city’s
money,” commented
The AAA rating from
Moody’s represents an
independent evaluation
of Peachtree City’s finan
cial strength and ability
to repay a bond’s princi
pal and interest. Being
similar to having a good
credit score, an AAA rat
ing allows Peachtree City
to issue bonds at rel
atively lower interest
Peachtree City pre
viously received a AAA
credit rating from Stan
dard & Poor’s Global Rat
ings in 2008. S&P Global
renewed the high rating
in 2011, even as the Fay
ette County municipality
battled effects of the
2008 recession.
To read the entire
analysis from Moody’s
Investment Service, visit
Located 22 miles
south of Hartsfield-Jack-
son Atlanta International
Airport, Peachtree City is
Fayette County’s largest
city. The planned com
munity, chartered in
1959, boasts more than
too miles of multi-use
paths that allow more
than 34,000 residents to
navigate the town using
golf carts instead of cars.
Dementia Caregiver Workshop
scheduled March 28 at FSS
Caring for someone liv
ing with dementia can be
challenging, and at times
On Tuesday, March
28, social workers from
Sixty Plus Services and
Fayette Senior Services
will lead a comprehen
sive workshop for care
givers. Participants will
learn about the types
and stages of dementia,
helpful resources, and
how to take care of one
The team of profes
sional social workers
with Sixty Plus Services
at Piedmont Healthcare
have been assisting fam
ilies affected by demen
tia since 1987.
The workshop will
take place at Fayette
Senior Services, located
at 4 Center Drive in Fay
etteville, from 8:30 a.m.
to 3 p.m. Cost for the
workshop is $15 and in
cludes a light lunch. To
register, call 770-461-
0813 or register in per
son at either location of
Fayette Senior Services.
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Courtesy of PTC and GDOT
Rendering of plans for intersection of Highways 54 and 74 in Peachtree City.
Good Shepherd
SPL@ST 2023
Ways We Benefit From
E-Splost Funds:
• Reduce traffic congestion
• Repair and replace aging
• Provide new and updated
recreation amenities
• Enhance public safety
• Enhance connectivity of
multi-use paths
The E-SPLOST is up for renewal again vote early now
until March 17th. Election Day, March 21,2023.