Fayette County news. (Thomaston, GA) 2009-current, May 17, 2023, Image 3
Wednesday, May 17,2023 Fayette County News A3 Sheriff Reports Arrests The following recent ar rests and charges were re ported by the Fayette County Sheriff’s Office: Tremaine D. Bailey — terroristic threats and acts; misdemeanor disrupting public school. Tyler J. Brady — entering auto. Derryl Fountain — drug possession/sale/manufac ture. Donovan Fountain — drug possession/sale/man ufacture. Marteze D. Reid — pos session of weapon by con victed felon. Patrick L. Smith — two counts of drug possession/sale/manufac ture; theft by possession of stolen mail; misdemeanor loitering or prowling. Johnny Stephens — un lawful acts of violence in a penal institution; obstruction of officer; misdemeanor sim ple battery against police. Keith P. Anderson — fel ony probation/parole vio lation. Rotana Khov — sen tenced on previous offense. Keith P. Anderson — fel ony probation/parole vio lation. Qaadir L. Brown — two counts of drug possession/sale/manufac ture; possession of weapon by convicted felon; posses sion of firearm/knife during commission of crime; and misdemeanors possession/use of drug re lated objects, speeding, ve hicle headlight violation, and failure to dim headlights. Janet S. Loyd — elder abuse. Alan D. Ross — fleeing/eluding law enforce ment; criminal damage to property second degree; and misdemeanors obstruction of officer and criminal tres pass. Jacob L. Sullivan — ter roristic threats and acts. Antoine S. Frye — aggra vated stalking; two counts of bench warrant (failure to ap pear only). Contessa J. Haynes — fel ony probation/parole vio lation. James O. Bentley — for gery in the third degree. Daniel A. Evans — terror istic threats and acts. Brent E. Ivy — in for court. Randall E. Smallwood — theft by receiving stolen property; possession of weapon by convicted felon. Denzel L. Ancrum — theft by receiving stolen property; misdemeanor no driver’s license. Shamica M. Ezell — crossing guard line with con traband; misdemeanors giv ing false name to officer and possession/use of drug re lated objects. Kristen R. Foltz — drug possession/sale/manufac ture; misdemeanors posses sion of marijuana less than one ounce, improper left turn, failure to maintain lane, and improper equipment. Enrico Hicks — theft by taking. Franklin V. Hooker Jr. — false imprisonment; misde meanors interfering with 911 call, battery. Hillary W. Langston — forgery second degree; two counts of drug possession/sale/manufac ture; and misdemeanors ob taining drugs by fraud, possession of drug related objects, and five counts of possession of non-labeled prescription drugs. Johnnie C. Wilcox — drug possession/sale/man ufacture; misdemeanors tag light required, driving with suspended driving license, city ordinance violation. James H. Williams — sentenced on previous of fense. School Officials Explain 'Fayette Connects' Sydney Spencer During the May 8 Fay ette County Board of Educa tion work session, Assistant Superintendent of Student Achievement Kim Herron and instructional support teacher Sheila Autrey spoke about how teachers within Fayette County Public Schools will utilize the “Fay ette Connects” digital re search center to align resources in the four core content areas. “It’s really encompass ing instructional resources, specifically in the four core areas where we’ve started, with English-language arts, math, social studies, and science. We have named it Fayette Connects,” Herron said. Autrey explained how Fayette Connects is a reli able and valuable resource for her and other teachers when identifying and meet ing Georgia standards of teaching. “On these pages for the Fayette Connects dash board, we can find scoping sequence for all of our grade levels and all of our four core curriculum areas,” Au trey said. “We also can easily click and find our Georgia standards which we’re required to work with. “On every one of our content areas for different grade levels, we have units that have been built by our curriculum teams,” she con tinued. “In those units there are linked resources, time lines to keep us on pace, and all sorts of fantastic infor mation to help us be better teachers and do what we need to do.” Autrey works with teachers in grades K-12 and explained how she needs to understand the core re sources students are ex pected to learn and the resources teachers are ex pected to use. “What we wanted, as teachers, is a concise plat form that’s easy to use,” Au trey said. “Free of clutter. Not a lot of clicks. This is clutter-free - buttons are easy to find and very clear. And then consistent. This is amazing for teachers who work across multiple grade levels and in different areas.” Concluding the presen tation, Herron and Autrey thanked the board for allow ing them to give feedback on the introduction of Fayette Connects. Chamber Hosts Law Enforcement Appreciation Breakfast Temporary Inman Road Closure Starts May 30 Inman Road, from the intersection of Highway 92 to Hilo Road, will be closed May 30 at 7 a.m. and will reopen on July 14 by 5 p.m., according to Fayette County officials. Contractor North Georgia Concrete will remove the failing culvert and replace it with a reinforced concrete box culvert. The road improvement is part of a special purpose local option sales tax project. For more information, contact Richard Brooks at rbrooks@fayettecountyga.gov. FSS Releases June Calendar of Events Fayette Senior Services has released its special events/programs calendar for the month of June, with two events held each week within the month. Events include “Cancer Survivor’s Celebration” and “Poolside Pages” on June 1, “Clothes Minded” on June 8, “A New Kind of Cur rency” on June 9, “Just Pea chy” on May 12, “Protect Yourself’ on June 14, “Di gest It” on June 20, “Donut Worry, Be Happy” on June 21, “Whatever Floats Your Goat” on June 29, and “Serving Up Wimbeldon” on June 30. To see the full list of events and details, visit www.fayette-news.net. For more information, email mlanier@fayss.org or call 770-769-8430. On May 10, the Fayette Chamber hosted a laiv enforcement appreciation breakfast where multiple law enforcement officials discussed a wide range of topics affecting Fayette County. City of Fayetteville Police Chief Scott Gray, Fay ette County Sheriff Barry Babb, Peachtree City As sistant Chief of Police Matt My ers, and Tyrone Chief of Police Randy Mundy provided updates on their respective areas of jurisdiction. During the panel, each official discussed various aspects of crime reported within each community of the county and how each entity has worked to al leviate the perceived increase in crime locally. Tyrone DDA OKs Contracts for Upcoming First Friday Performers Approves Insurance Renewal Leah Banks/Fayette News < 7Kike& Trailer Hitches & Accessories All Your Hitch Needs 1-800-486-5620 Tow Bars & Parts 8126 Hwy 85 Installation Braking Systems Riverdale, GA 30274 Electric Brake Controls 770-472-3777 Utility Trailers Fax: 770-472-1470 Parts & Repairs Leah Banks Investigative Reporter leah@fayette-news.net TYRONE — Days after the first “First Friday” event of the season, Tyrone Assis tant Town Manger Phillip Trocquet presented three contracts to the Tyrone Downtown Development Authority for performers at upcoming events, which were all unanimously ap proved. The first contract pre sented during the May 8 meeting was a performance agreement with the Jamie Pelfrey Band for the next first Friday event that will be held in June. The total cost for that performance was $1,600. The second contract was with the Hunter Callahan Band for August, a total cost of $1,000. The final contract was with Fun Flicks for the final event of the season in Sep tember. The total cost for that contract is about $1,272. Following approval of the three contracts, the DDA unanimously ap proved annual renewal of property and liability insur ance with Georgia Interlock Rick Management at an an nual premium of $4,375. To conclude the meet ing, DDA Chairman Billy Campbell thanked members of Tyrone Parks and Recrea tion for their “hard work and success” in the first of ficial “Tyrone First Friday” event of the year. FAYETTE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION FISCAL YEAR 2024 TENTATIVE BUDGET ADOPTION For the Fiscal Year Beginning July 1, 2023 Through June 30, 2024 General Debt Service Capital Project Special Revenue Internal Service ESTIMATED RECEIPTS Fund Fund Funds Funds Fund Ad Valorem Taxes $ 123,800,000 S 6,300,000 5 S $ Other Tax Revenues 15,800,000 - 38,700,000 - - Other Local Receipts 600,000 50,000 - 13,879,790 - State QBE Funds 120,542,791 - - - - Other State Funds 500,000 - 3,643,203 1,830,000 - Federal Funds - - 12,004,542 - Transfers From Other Funds - 936,000 982,955 990,000 TOTAL RECEIPTS $ 261,242,791 5 6,350,000 $ 43,279,203 $ 28,697,287 $ 990,000 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES Instruction S 179,957,424 $ - $ 1,958,305 S 10,403,386 $ - Pupil Services 15,290,897 - 2,661,677 - Improvement of Instruction 7,636,929 - 670,812 - Instructional Staff Training 848,183 - - 652,953 - Media Services 4,204,582 - - 250,000 - Federal Grant Administration 372,520 - - 271,069 - General Administration 1,907,848 - - 800 1,400,000 School Administration 17,582,262 - - 1,000,000 - Business Services 1,701,808 - - - - Maintenance and Operations 19,058,777 - 250,000 - Student Transportation 9,620,470 - - 288,195 - Central Support Services 8,010,300 - - - - Other Support Services - - Community Services - ■ 4,084,214 - School Nutrition Services 40,000 - 9,361,853 - Facilities Acquisition & Construction 49,210,631 Transfers to Other Funds 2,000,000 - - - - Contingency Other Uses 6,781,230 7,596,856 - - TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 268,232,000 $ 6,781,230 $ 58,765,792 S 29,894,959 $ 1,400,000 Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures and Other Uses (6,989,209) (431,230) (15,486,589) (1,197,672) (410,000) Estimated Fund Balance, Beginning of Year 24,000,000 1,775,000 59,200,000 8,293,000 950,000 Fund Balance, End of Year 17,010,791 1,343,770 43,713,411 7,095,328 540,000 The budget will be considered for final adoption by the Fayette County Board of Education at 7:00 p.m , Monday, May 22, 2023 in the board room, Fayette County Board of Education, 205 Lafayette Avenue, Fayetteville, Georgia 30214. Please refer to the school system website for meeting information and procedures for public comment and participation, (https://www.fcboe.org)