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A6 Fayette County News
Wednesday, June 14,2023
PTC to Host 'Sunset
Sounds’ Concert Series
Sheriff Reports Arrests
Leah Banks
Investigative Reporter
Between summer fes
tivities like First Fridays in
Tyrone and events held in
downtown Fayetteville,
Peachtree City has added
its own concert series:
Sunset Sounds, with
State TOTY,
Continued from Front
Middle who says she
wants all learners to find
their creative super
powers, so much so that
she founded Fayette
County Public Schools’
Community for Creativity
(CFC) initiative.
As a CFC teacher, she
facilitates the program at
Rising Starr, where she
teaches classes and sup
ports schoolwide creation
of songs, podcasts, videos,
audiobooks, and more,
which are then released
through the school’s label,
Hall Pass Entertainment.
“Christy Todd is an ad-
PTC Budget,
Continued from Front
increases in a variety of
areas, including public
safety construction cost,
technology costs, and pub
lic safety funding, along
with environmental sus
tainability and how to
maintain the city’s motto of
“Uncompromised Excel
As the presentation con
cluded, council members
discussed various aspects of
the budget, as well as differ
ent aspects of maintaining
monthly concerts through
The free summer con
cert series returns in 2023
to Drake Field with live
music, food, and fun for
residents and visitors to
On the evenings of
June 16, July 14, and Aug.
11, music begins at 7 p.m.
vocate for all students in
Georgia and a great voice
for public education,” said
Smith. “She has been an
advocate for our students
by working with business
partners and Fayette
County leadership to
create the first Com
munity for Creativity.”
The Georgia Teacher
of the Year serves as an
ambassador for educa
tion, traveling the state
speaking to educators and
community groups. The
GaTOTY also competes in
the National Teacher of
the Year program, rep
resenting Georgia at na
tional conferences with
other state Teachers of the
everything that Peachtree
City staff has worked to en
force and maintain.
Councilman Phil Prebor
encouraged members and
attendees to visit any park
and see how much work the
city has done to maintain
and upkeep the areas they
hold dear, but there have
been issues in these areas
that have been pushed
aside in recent years.
Peachtree City Mayor
Kim Learnard expressed
that she believed the budget
should reflect who they
want to be as a city.
with different live music
groups and artists to bring
the park to life.
On June 16, R&B Inc.
will perform, and on July
14, the “Rock the 90s”
theme will roll through
Drake Field. Finally, on
Aug. 11, Matt Pudas will
round out the summer
concert series.
The finalists were
chosen from a pool of ap
plicants all previously se
lected as their school
district’s teacher of the
year. The applications
were read and scored by a
group of reviewers that in
cluded past Georgia
Teacher of the Year
winners and finalists
along with Georgia De
partment of Education
GaTOTY operates one
year ahead to align with
the national program; the
2024 Teacher of the Year
will serve from July 1,
2023, to June 30, 2024.
“Do we take pride when
we look around at our facil
ities and our buildings?
And I think we have, ob
viously. Bob’s come in with
a new set of eyes and 30
years of experience and I
think it looks like he’s been
here a lot longer than six
months. But, after only six
months, I suddenly feel like
we might have a new lesson
on life here that we can
really start turning things
around, and I’m really very
excited about that,” Lear
nard said.
Recent arrests and
charges reported by the Fay
ette County Sheriffs Office
Louis Few, Jr. — in for
James D. Gray — RICO
Act; conspiracy to defraud a
political division; theft by de
Jimmie Perry — drug
ture; misdemeanors posses
sion of marijuana less than
one ounce, driving with a sus
pended license.
Quentina S. Roberts —
bench warrants (failure to ap
pear only).
Cecelia Swen —deposit
account fraud.
Jaylen D. Ingram — fel
ony probation/parole vio
Condia L. Perry — theft
PTC Election,
Continued from Front
either of these positions
must file the following doc
uments at the PTC City
Clerk’s office: Declaration
of Intent to Accept Cam
paign Contributions (DOI),
Registration of a Campaign
Committee (RC), Notice of
Candidacy and Affidavit
(NOC), Campaign Contrib
ution Disclosure Report
(CCDR), and a Personal Fi
nancial Disclosure Report
The NOC is the qual
ifying form that is due be-
Continued from A4
we see extended blackouts?
What studies have been re
Water usage is another
major concern associated
with data centers (see quote
above). Arizona, a desert
state, has restricted growth
due to water consumption.
We have more water, but it’s
still a factor to be reckoned
These facilities require
substantial amounts of
water for cooling purposes.
High data center usage ex
acerbates water scarcity
However, QTS states
that its data centers fully
employ recycling, thereby
reducing their water con
sumption. What are QTS’s
more detailed plans for our
county’s project per its sum
mary statement?
by shoplifting.
Walter E. Cagle — felony
probation/parole violation.
Louis Few, Jr. — one felony
count and one misdemeanor
count of theft by receiving
stolen property; dmg posses
sion/sale/manufacture; flee
ing or attempting to elude;
misdemeanor giving false
name to officer.
Jacob H. Johnson — fel
ony probation/parole vio
Nathalia Nogueira Can-
dido — false statements and
writings; four counts of fi
nancial identity fraud.
Brandy T. Thomas — in
for court.
Benjamin S. Goins — fel
ony probation/parole vio
Al’mir M. Harris — felony
probation/parole violation.
tween Sept. 14-16.
The qualifying fee for a
council post seat is $432,
according to city represen
tatives. This is three percent
of the annual 2023 salary
for these seats and is the
minimum amount required
by Georgia law.
A candidate may an
nounce at any time but
must register with the city
clerk’s office before accept
ing any campaign contrib
utions with a declaration of
intent. Regular reports on
campaign funds and expen
ditures will also be re
Another aspect to con
sider is the electronic waste
generated by data centers.
Equipment becomes out
dated and needs to be re
placed, leading to a
significant amount of elec
tronic waste. Proper recy
cling and disposal practices
can mitigate waste impact,
preventing hazardous mate
rials from harming the envi
ronment. How will QTS be
handling the recycling/dis
posal issue in Fayette
Data centers bring nu
merous benefits to our digi
tal society. Further, we all
expect that the QTS project
will be a positive for Fayette
County. However, their
energy consumption, water
usage, and electronic waste
pose environmental chal
lenges. In this case, the QTS
center could impact anyone
living between Tyrone Road
and the general studio area.
Jordan K. Mosely — two
counts of aggravated stalking.
Kyle L. Rogers — felony
probation/parole violation.
Damarann L. Washing
ton — bench warrant (failure
to appear only) and theft by
Jose E. Ubaldo-Gomez —
bench warrant (failure to ap
pear only).
Terrell D. Griffin — felony
probation/parole violation.
Lake V. Hearn — finan
cial Transaction card fraud
and three counts of financial
identity fraud.
Andre Hill — drug pos
session/ sale/manufacture.
Cody E. Perry — theft by
taking; false imprisonment;
misdemeanors interfering
with 911 call and criminal
Additional qualifica
tions for these seats include
that the candidate must be
at least 21 years old, reg
istered and eligible to vote
in the election, and must be
a Peachtree City resident
for at least six months prior
to the election.
Polls are open from 7
a.m. until 7 p.m. on election
day. Early voting and ad
vance voting will also be
held by the Fayette County
Board of Elections in accor
dance with state law.
The voter registration dead
line for the election is Tues
day, Oct. 10, at 5 p.m.
In conclusion, as users,
we can all contribute to a
better environment by being
more conscious of our digi
tal footprint, making efforts
to reduce our data con
sumption. By collectively
striving for environmentally
friendly practices, govern
ment and business can en
sure that the advantages of
data centers outweigh their
downsides, paving the way
for a more sustainable digi
tal future.
Along these lines, we
must know specifically what
tax revenue this project will
generate... after tax breaks.
How many jobs are created?
Further, our political
leaders and the QTS project
itself must be more forth
coming regarding their
plans to protect home-
owners and our environ
ment. It is unacceptable to
have a project of this size
with so many unknowns.
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Continued from A4
emergency - one of Durban’s
finest knocked at my door.
Here’s where the story gets
even sorrier.
The policeman said he
needed the insurance policy
number of my Blackberry be
fore he could file a report. I
said I didn’t even know if the
Blackberry was insured, be
cause it wasn’t mine; it be
longed to the company I
worked for. It was also Me
morial Day weekend, so I had
no way of getting in touch
with whoever was in my com
pany that would even know
whether my Blackberry was
With that, the policeman
left. No harm, no foul. Like it
never happened.
Eight hours later, I was on
the starting line about to run
54 miles. I hadn’t eaten in 12
hours, nor had I slept in 24.
The best thing about the race
is that I made it to the finish
line, more than 10 slow, pain
ful hours later.
I found out the next day
that some of the frontrunners
had their van broken into
while they were out on the
course. All their belongings
were stolen. I’m going to go
out on a limb here and say the
police were useless, because I
doubt the runners had the
foresight to take out insur
ance on their spare running
shoes and bottles of Gatorade.
A few days later I was in
Cape Town shopping for
Cindy’s diamond ring. I found
one, and the price was right
(Cindy doesn’t usually read
my columns, but if she reads
this one, Happy Anniver
So, for our 34th anniver
sary, I gave Cindy a ring made
with blood diamonds from
South Africa.
Fortunately, I didn’t spill
any blood of my own getting
it. But I came awfully close.
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