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Wednesday, June 14,2023
Fayette County News B1
Introducing the 2023 All-County Boys’ lacrosse Team
Special to FCN
It was another banner
year for lacrosse throughout
Fayette. Three out of four
county teams qualified for
the state playoffs, with all
making the second round
and Starr’s Mill reaching the
Final Four.
Leading the way for in
dividual honors, Taylor Ra-
tinaud of Starr’s Mill is the
All-County Boys’ Lacrosse
Player of the Year. Rati-
naud, a junior midfield,
racked up 48 goals and 27
assists for the Panthers,
pushing them to the state
semifinals and earning All-
Region Player of the Year
honors along the way.
Joining Ratinaud on the
All-County Boys’ Lacrosse
Team are his Starr’s Mill
teammates Kaden Smith,
Tanner Via, Andersen Car
doza, Conor Stone, Henry
Pettit, Ethan Bramblett,
Graham Lyle, Makoa Serap-
ion, Luke Hofrichter, Carter
Heim, Seth Maxwell, and
Caleb Brown.
Smith, a junior attack,
posted 30 goals and 26 as
sists. Via, a freshman attack,
tallied 11 goals and six as
sists. Cardoza, a junior mid-
field, racked up 34 goals and
eight assists. Stone, a junior
midfield, posted 20 goals
and 11 assists. Pettit, a soph
omore midfield, tallied 14
goals and 13 assists. Bram
blett, a junior defender,
racked up seven goals, five
assists, and 44 ground balls.
Lyle, a junior defender,
posted 53 ground balls. Se-
rapion, a junior defender,
tallied 40 ground balls. Ho
frichter, a freshman long
stick middie, posted 35
ground balls. Heim, a junior
long stick middie, notched
two goals, two assists, and
18 ground balls. Maxwell, a
junior goalie, posted t45
saves. Brown, a sophomore
face-off specialist, won 135
McIntosh is represented
by Gavin Young, John
Hardy, Matthew Johnfore,
Omar Gonzalez, Drew
Moore, Blake Noah, Collin
McKay, Gabe LeClaire, and
Grant Boullion.
Young, a sophomore,
posted 33 goals and 15 as
sists and is his area’s All-
Area Player of the Year.
Hardy, a senior attack, tal
lied 24 goals and 10 assists.
Johnfore, a senior midfield,
racked up 32 goals and 12
assists. Gonzalez, a senior
defender, put up 18 ground
balls. Moore, a senior goa
lie, posted 150 saves with a
60.9 save percentage. Noah,
a senior defender, notched
two goals and 69 ground
balls. McKay, a senior mid-
field, tallied one goal and 12
ground balls. LeClaire, a
senior midfield, put up
seven goals and 47 assists.
Boullion, a senior defender,
posted 24 ground balls.
Whitewater is repre
sented by Hayden Pugh,
Nate Garcia, Jaden Knight,
Evan Crawford, Kaden Ru-
stick, Gavin Owen, Jacob
Sims, Wyatt Zidar, Isaac
Murray, CJ Miller, Luke
Walls, and Braden Hale.
Pugh, a senior attack,
racked up 33 goals and six
assists. Garcia, a sophomore
attack, put up 12 goals and
six assists. Knight, a senior
attack, notched 11 goals and
five assists. Crawford, a sen
ior midfield, tallied 23 goals
and five assists. Rustick, a
junior midfield, posted 17
goals and 11 assists. Owen, a
junior midfield, scored five
goals. Sims, a junior de
fender, tallied 29 ground
balls. Zidar, a junior de
fender, notched 52 ground
balls. Murray, a junior de
fender, posted 26 ground
balls. Miller, a sophomore
goalie, notched 115 saves.
Walls, a senior long stick
middie, put up 36 ground
balls. Hale, a senior face-off
specialist, posted eight goals
and four assists with a face-
off win percentage of 57.
Fayette County High is
represented by goalie Xavier
Leading the way for individual honors, Taylor Ratinaud of Starr's Mill is the All-County Boys' La
crosse Player of the Year.
Givitan Club Holds 30th Annual Old Gourthonse 5K
On Saturday, June 10,
the Fayette County Civitan
Club hosted the 30th an
nual Old Courthouse 5K at
the Fayette County Court
house square.
More than 50 runners
competed for numerous
awards. Kim Orosky won
first-place female runner,
and Bryan Swartz won
first-place male and over
The OC5K run is an
open race event that does
not restrict runner partic
ipants based upon age,
gender, or ability.
Benefiting organiza
tions included the Joseph
Sams School, Fayette Ex
ceptional OPS, Fayette
County Special Olympics,
Two Sparrows Village,
Southside Support, Camp
Big Heart, and Southwest
Christian Care.
Sponsors included
Your Pie Pizza of PTC;
Chick-fil-A, Inc.; Chick-
fil-A Dwarf House of Fay
etteville; ER Walker
Flooring Specialists/Shaw
Floors; Action Tire Com
pany; Delta Community
Credit Union; Play it
Again Sports; Kroger
(Town Hall); Broadway
Diner; Pyke and Associ
ates, P.C.; Vic’s Auto Air
and Brake Service; and
Grand Courier of Fay
Organizers also thank
Fayetteville Police Depart
ment and Police Chief
Scott Gray, Fayette Senior
Services, and the Life En
richment Center for assis
tance and contributions.
Photos courtesy of Michael Clifton/www.
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