Newspaper Page Text
| Fayette Chamber Celebrates Diversity, A2
FCBOE Discuss Title 1 Updates, A3
2 Sentenced to Life in Grfjrn
Man’s Murder, A3
f ay ett e-news, net
Vol. 151, No. 40 Wednesday, October 4, 2023 $1.
Special to FCN
Friday Night Lights!
Bray den McDowell leads Whitewater onto the field with a flourish ahead of its game against
Fayette County. See related story, Bi.
17-year-old Wanted
in Shooting Death of
Teen at Griffin Game
The following story is
reprinted from a Fox 5 At
lanta News online report by
the source’s digital team
and Mary Smith:
GRIFFIN - A 17-year-old
is wanted for murder after
allegedly shooting and kill
ing an acquaintance from
school outside a football
game Saturday, according to
Griffin police.
Investigators say it hap
pened Saturday afternoon
at South 5th Street and East
Poplar Street, following the
high school game at the
Griffin Memorial Stadium
just up the street.
Police are searching for
17-year-old Kaomarion
Kendricks, who has an out
standing warrant for mur
Griffin PD
Kaomarion Kendricks
"It's unbelievable," said
Jason Harker, who told Fox
5 the area was packed Sat
urday for the football game.
"This whole street, it was
filled with cars and people
going to the game cause
See Wanted, A3
Residents Reiterate Concerns to
Commission Regarding Rick Ross
Car Show-Related Zoning
Luke Haney
Multiple Fayette County
residents and business
owners addressed county
commissioners regarding
issues with potential up
dates to the county’s zoning
ordinance relating to con
ditional use event permits,
as proposed amendments
were presented to the com
mission during the Sept. 28
Commissioners dis
cussed staff-proposed
amendments to the Fayette
County Zoning Ordinance,
Article V - Conditional
Uses, Nonconformances,
and Transportation Corri
dor Overlay Zones, regard
ing conditional use as it
applied to event permits,
which were presented as
staff asked for recommen-
See Commission, A3
PTC Planning Commission Holds Public
Hearing on STR Permit & Process
Leah Banks
Investigative Reporter
During the Sept. 25 Peach
tree City Planning Commis
sion meeting, board
members heard from com
munity members during the
public hearing segment on
the topic of a zoning text
amendment to create a
short-term rental (STR)
permit and process.
The process of establish
ing an STR ordinance has
drawn mixed reviews from
members of PTC Council, as
well as members of the com
munity. Since its early pub
lic references in 2022, the
allowance of such rental
properties has been dis
cussed in detail by Peach
tree City Planning and
Development Director
Robin Cailloux.
During the meeting,
Cailloux walked commis
sioners and attendees
through the definition of an
STR according to the State
of Georgia, as “any
home/bedroom rented to a
person for less than 30 days
at a time,” while it is known
to many through rental
companies like Airbnb and
“The reason that this is a
city council-initiated text
amendment, and the reason
that they are recommending
or putting forward this new
regulation, is to protect the
health and safety of current
residents and visitors, as
well as to preserve the char
acter of neighborhoods,”
Cailloux said.
According to her presen
tation, the initial topic was
introduced to the council in
April 2022, but there was
need for regulation.
After a series of drafted
ordinances, the council de
cided in August 2023 to
proceed with the public
hearing process of the final
drafted ordinance.
Following additional
conversations and input,
PTC council officials say
they plan to take action on
the matter Oct. 19.
Cailloux explained that
each member of the com
mission received a copy of
the draft ordinance, which,
in turn, creates an STR per
mit, informing members of
concerns aired by city coun
cil and residents.
Regarding the permit
ting process and require
ments in the proposed
ordinance, Cailloux says
there are limitations, in
cluding the requirement of a
local contractor for im
provements. A local point of
contact will also be required
for all STR property man
“Some questions have
come up about whether or
not this would require this
person to have their license
for the State of Georgia,”
Cailloux said. “That would
be a managing agent. That’s
Photos by Brigitte Greer/Fayette News
Peace, Woof, and Music
Woof Stock ’23 Takes Over City Center Park
Brigitte Greer
Staff Writer
Main Street Fayetteville
teamed with CoCo’s Cup
board and Fayette Humane
Society to host “Woof
Stock,” a dog-friendly music
festival and opportunity to
celebrate “all things dogs”
on Sept. 30 at City Center
Park in Fayetteville.
The day began with
“Fayette Love Your Pet,” an
annual event allowing Fay
ette County residents an op
portunity to take advantage
of free vet services.
New friends were made
as two-legged and four
legged festival goers alike
enjoyed live music, food
trucks, vendors, and dog-re
lated activities throughout
the day.
With adoption services
available on site, some dogs
went to their “furever”
home after the festival.
Woof Stock 2023 was
sponsored by South Atlanta
Veterinary Emergency &
Specialty, Ryan Homes Vil
lage Towns, Line Creek Bus
Barn, and Total Solutions
Planning Group.
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180 Hwy 314, Fayette, GA • 770.703.7514 •
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