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f ay ett e-news, net
Vol. 151, No. 43
Wednesday, October 25, 2023
Sgt. David Cagle, alongside his children, holds Fayetteville Police Department's CALEA accreditation plaque that he and Police
Chief Scott Gray, far right, presented to Mayor Ed Johnson and the city council. Haney/Fayette News
FVPD Commended by Council
for National CALEA Accreditation
Luke Haney
During the Oct. 19 meet
ing of Fayetteville City
Council, members of the po
lice department were recog
nized for achieving national
accreditation by the Com
mission on Accreditation for
Law Enforcement Agencies,
Inc. and FVPD Chief Scott
Gray and Sgt. David Cagle
presented council with its
accreditation plaque.
FVPD received state re
certification from the Geor
gia Association of Chiefs of
Police in April 2021 and de
cided to apply for national
accreditation under CALEA
in July 2021, according to
Chief Gray.
“The state certification
requires 141 standards to be
approved... CALEA adds a
few more on top of that, an
additional 183,” commented
Chief Gray, who added that
accreditation was achieved
in only 24 months, while the
department initially as
sessed a timeframe of 36
Chief Gray and Sgt.
Cagle, alongside Mayor Ed
Johnson and City Manager
Ray Gibson, attended the
CALEA conference in Okla
homa City in July for review
before CALEA’s 21-member
board of commissioners to
determine the agency’s ac
creditation status.
The program provides
framework for addressing
high-risk issues within a
contemporary environment
and ensures officers are pre
pared to meet basic com
munity service expectations
and prepared to manage
critical events.
Council Approves Amendment to
Ordinance for Alcoholic Beverages
Luke Haney
Fayetteville City Council
held a public hearing for
and unanimously approved
an amendment to the city’s
ordinance regarding alco
holic beverages, specifically
alcohol measurement of dis
tance requirements, off-
premises consumption
license, decisions affecting
license status, and admin
istrative clarifications.
According to Planning
and Zoning Manager Julie
Brown, staff reviewed the
former ordinance and iden
tified recommended areas
which needed to be updated
or clarified.
Primary changes rec
ommended by staff in
cluded updating verbiage to
See Ordinance, A8
FCHS’s Watson Appointed to State Board
Gov. Brian Kemp has
appointed Darcy Watson,
health occupations teacher
at Fayette County High, to
the Georgia State Board of
Long-Term Care Facility
Administrators, a position
of distinction.
Watson has demon
strated unwavering com
mitment for more than 20
years in advocating for the
provision of high-quality
care to individuals requiring
assistance, according to
school system officials.
She is recognized as an
esteemed figure in her field
and as a committed edu
cator. In this capacity, she
plays a pivotal role in mold
ing the future practitioners
who will be responsible for
administering care to the
elderly, infirm, and ham
pered populace inside the
The fields of long-term
care and education necessi
tate the presence of an ex
ceptional individual who
possesses the combined at-
Courtesy of Fayette County Schools
Darcy Watson with Gov. Brian Kemp
tributes of a mentor and a tivate individuals embark-
leader. Watson embodies ing on professions com-
this unique combination of mitted to fulfilling the needs
qualities and strives to mo- of others, officials added.
Councilmen Holland &
King Grilled on Alleged
PTC Council 'Committee'
Cites List of Deceased Fayette County
Residents with Personal Information
Leah Banks
Investigative Reporter
During the Oct. 19
Peachtree City Council
meeting, Councilmen Mike
King and Clint Holland
were questioned on the al
leged establishment of a
committee that was formed
to represent Peachtree City
Council to obtain personal
records of deceased res
idents in the county.
The discussion began as
council was presented with
a video clip from the Sept.
29 Fayette County Board of
Elections meeting, where
BOE members inquired
about the purpose of shar
ing requested information
and the intended use of the
King and Holland re
portedly requested the in
formation, along with four
members of the PTC com
munity who formed a “com
mittee” under the guise of
representing PTC City
As shown in the video,
Holland disclosed to the
board of elections that he
was representing a city com
mittee which was request
ing that the board run
“voter list maintenance” on
spreadsheets that he had
Board members re-
Above, Clint Holland.
Below, Mike King.
portedly questioned the
request and remained skep
tical, as there had never
been a time when a “com
mittee” made this request or
presented this type of infor
Gary Rower, vice chair
man of the Fayette County
Board of Elections, indi
cated that there was no con
cern about the voter roll
from Peachtree City Council
or staff, but that it was ex
pressed from King and Hol
land as a “private
committee” that, to his
knowledge, includes a can-
See PTC Council, A5
Donald Brin for
Brooks Council Post 5
Donald Britt has announced
his candidacy for Brooks Town
Council Post 5. Following is his
submitted statement:
“My name is Donald Britt, and
I am a candidate for Brooks Town
Council Post 5 in the upcoming
November election.
“I have lived in Brooks since
1997 and feel uniquely qualified
to represent the issues and concerns of our town.
“As a long-time resident, involvement with this com
munity and its needs has become a mainstay of my life.
“Many times, I have attended town council meetings
and realize how important it is for citizens to be repre
sented when critical issues are discussed, and problems
are resolved.
“My service in the United States Army ran from 1970-
1973 and, following that, I enjoyed a 36-year career with
Atlanta Gas Company.
“I became a member of Brooks United Methodist
Church in 2004 and have learned the value of being ac
tively involved in people’s lives.
“Please consider voting for me this November; I will
consider it a privilege and honor to serve as your Brooks
Town Council member for Post 5.”
Donald Britt
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