Newspaper Page Text
Introducing the 2024 All-County
Boys’ Basketball Team, Bl
Meetings Sc Events, B2
Introducing the 2024 All-County
Girls’ Basketball Team, Bl
f ay ett e-news, net
Vol. 152, No. 15
Wednesday, April 10, 2024
Participants of the local 2024 National Civics Bee with organizers and judges. Dylan Shoemaker/Fayette News
Jawwaad Wins Local 2024
National Civic Bee Competition
Dylan Shoemaker
Staff Writer
During the local 2024
National Civics Bee, con
ducted by Fayette Chamber
of Commerce, Bennett’s
Mill Middle School student
Kaden Jawwaad secured the
first-place award.
Jawaad was followed by
competitors Maddox Green
in second and William Ster
ling in third, both rep
resenting Whitewater
Middle School.
The civics bee was held
on March 28 and hosted by
chamber president and CEO
Leonard McClarty and At
lanta Gas Light Vice Pres
ident Tiffany Callaway
At least 100 local stu
dents participated in an
essay competition, resulting
in judges selecting 20 stu
dents from area middle
schools to attend a final live
quiz which tested the stu
dents on their civics knowl
Additional contestants
See Civics Bee, A5
Tyrone Approves Amendment
to Professional Engineering Services 3-1
Leah Banks
Senior Reporter
In a 3-1 vote on April 4,
Tyrone Council members ap
proved an amendment to the
professional engineering
services agreement with
Keck and Wood, Inc., for a
fee not to exceed $27,000 for
the design and installation of
a restroom facility, related
plumbing, and an eyewash
station for the 2022 Public
Works storage building proj
The presentation, by
Scott Langford, caused de
bate among councilmembers
before a motion was made
for Mayor Eric Dial to ex
ecute the amended contract,
with Councilmember Gloria
Furr casting the lone oppos
ing vote.
Also sparking debate was
consideration to approve the
purchase of two six-pas
senger carrier golf carts from
Botero Golf Carts, not to ex
ceed $23,990.
Councilmember Dia
Hunter motioned to approve
the purchase with a maxi
mum price tag of $19,990,
seconded by Councilmember
Jessica Whelan, which
passed in a 3-2 vote with
Mayor Dial breaking the tie.
In other news:
•Council approved a res
olution to adopt the Fayette
County 2023 Annual Fire
Impact Fee Report, Compre
hensive Plan Update, and the
2024-2028 Short-term
Work Program Update.
•Council awarded a
$23,900 contract to LRS
Land Services for 2024 road
side tree pruning and remo
•Council approved a pur
chase of $8,942.50 for Just
FOIA Open Records Soft
ware, which includes on-
boarding costs.
•Council approved a
request to procure well aban
donment services from Well
Waters for 969 Senoia Road
at a cost not to exceed
Planning Commission Approves
Sterling Ridge Minor Final Plat
Dylan Shoemaker
Staff Writer
On April 4, Fayette
County Planning Commis
sion unanimously approved
a minor final plat for the
planned Sterling Ridge sub
Wright-Chancey Ebe-
nezer Bypass, LLC, repre
sented by Rod Wright and
Steven Jones, has com
pleted requirements in ac
cordance with county ordi
nances to allow rezoning
from single-family residen
tial (C-S) to agricultural-res
idential, which sets a
minimum house size of
1,200 square feet, according
to officials.
Sterling Ridge is located
at Land Lots 35 and 36 of
the 7th District along Ebe-
nezer Church Road, Ebe-
nezer Bypass, and Ebenezer
Consideration of ap
proval was previously tabled
at the March 7 meeting due
to a delay in electrical instal
lation at the site.
On Sept. 28, 2023, the
plat was approved to change
to A-R with three con
1. Each subdivision lot
associated with the A-R
zoning shall be limited to
two driveways.
2. The remnant parcel
on the southwest side of
Ebenezer Bypass shall be
deeded to and accepted by
the owners of parcel 0715-
008 and parcel 0715-041
within six months or it shall
be deeded to the county
within 30 days thereafter.
3. Prior to submission of
a final plats and irrespective
of the number of lots in the
plat(s) the developer shall
be required to extend the
water line between Ebe
nezer Road and Ebenezer
Church Road to provide
water service for the lots.
The water line extension
shall be constructed to the
standards outlined in Sec
tion 12-90, which includes
mandatory connection to
public water system, includ
ing the installation of fire
Leah Banks/Fayette News
Parks & Rec Hosts ‘Touch-A-Truck’
Leah Banks
Senior Reporter
Children widely rec
ognize the sounds and sights
of emergency vehicles, and
on April 6, Fayette County
Parks and Recreation held a
“Touch-a-Truck” event
where participants could ex
plore more about the large,
vital trucks and appara
This free community
event provided fun and edu
cational opportunities for
children of all ages as they
saw, climbed, and explored
See Touch-A-Truck, A6
PTC Council Meeting
Times Change Through June
Leah Banks
Senior Reporter
In response to com
munity feedback, Peachtree
City councilmembers al
tered several city council
meeting times through June
during the April 4 meeting.
While meetings held on
the first Thursday of each
month will remain at 6:30
p.m., meetings on April 18,
May 16, and June 20 will be
held at 9:30 a.m.
City officials stated that
citizens brought awareness
to various evening activities
that conflict with council
meeting times, leading to
the suggested change.
Another suggestion
made to council was to hold
an additional monthly meet
ing at a different time to
“help with civic engagement
and transparency,” which
would require an ordinance
change if the additional
monthly meeting was imple
mented indefinitely.
Fayette CARE Clinic Director Geneva Weaver, left, accepts a
donation on behalf of the clinic. Dylan Shoemaker/Fayette News
Fayette CARE Clinic
Receives $6,500 Donation
Dylan Shoemaker
Staff Writer
On April 3, Panasonic
representatives presented a
$6,500 donation to Fayette
CARE Clinic, which serves
uninsured and lower-in-
come residents in and
around Fayette County.
Opening its doors in
May 2005, Fayette CARE
Clinic is a Georgia Vol
unteer Healthcare Program
partnering clinic for the
Georgia Department of Pub
lic Health.
Clinic director Geneva
Weaver accepted the dona
tion on behalf of Fayette
For more information
about the clinic, located at
105C Bradford Square in
Fayetteville, visit fayette- or call 770-
Fayetteville Welcomes
Economic Development
Director Funderwhite
On April 2, City of Fay
etteville leaders announced
that Lori Funderwhite, a
certified economic devel
opment professional, will
join the city as its economic
development director begin
ning April 15.
Funderwhite currently
serves as the economic de
velopment manager for the
City of Tamarac in the
Miami-Fort Lauderdale
metro region of Florida. Be
fore that, she was vice pres
ident of economic
development for World
Business Chicago.
“We have searched for a
while to find the right leader
to help us with a number of
economic development
projects here in the com
munity, not least being the
redevelopment of the High
way 85 North corridor,” said
City Manager Ray Gibson.
“Lori has been successful
with this sort of challenge in
Tamarac, and we look for
ward to putting her wisdom
and expertise to good use
here in Fayetteville.”
Gibson noted that Sum
ter Local Government Con
sulting coordinated the
search for Fayetteville’s next
economic development
“Not only did they match
us up with highly qualified
candidates, but they also
helped us identity the indi
viduals who would provide
Lori Funderwhite
the best fit with our city cul
ture and our existing team,”
Gibson continued. “We are
excited that Lori accepted
our offer to join us here at
the City of Fayetteville.”
Funderwhite expressed
she was just as excited to ac
cept the offer.
“Having grown up in
rural Illinois with a Main
Street that was also estab
lished in the 1800s, I am
drawn to and absolutely love
the historic charm and ar
chitecture of Fayetteville,”
said Funderwhite. “The
place already feels like
home. I see tremendous op
portunity to continue build
ing upon the many
economic development suc
cesses the city has had in the
past several years.”
Funderwhite said her
first order of business will be
to contact key stakeholders
in Fayetteville and work
See Funderwhite, A6
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