The Red and Black (Athens, Ga.) 1893-current, November 24, 1893, Image 1

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INDISTINCT PRINT mub & $\f jaii* VOL I. \ L>y * . r. t.- , iu HE r K .ND BLACK UN IV KUSH ATHENS, (i \., 24. 1893. VU. I. CALENDAR. Hfi, jft.-ITbI vpmlljr •<( O*- **■ Vauilcr Ullt, kl lldlinout P»rk, Atlanta. >„ T . J4_Y. M. C. A. In New College, at 7: JO a. m. N„t. *11 Dcimwthcuian and l*hl Kap- pa Soclctb'*. 11* MO I ni Not. #1- Similar. Whir Oaa*. »t ' • M. A. reading r.nmin. «l l'-* 1 »• Not. 27 All foot Imll men "it (am mi- *1 !:r>p. m.. Tharp. cauipwNtttt |>. III." Nov. :iH—Thallana n'hear*.-, at < hi Phi club room*. IVc. a—New Opera llouar. Niolu .•.1 to give ^.i*tu*ale on ing mul tint tin the local tea* the morrow. All th* electric earn were decora ted on their front and rear plat forma with Inrgc blue bill* an uouncing: . “nunn*i i.! Vanderldll v«. the .Genrgirf. tiaino wil University 1 be called TIE RECEKT GUMS. FINE FLAYING BY Ol'll TEAM DESl’ITE THE SCORE. TWO T©I'0IIIH>WB. ALMOST Wll> »M" VAVOKKHlLT's BURLY BI.BVKB - A <t>STLY DBC1BIOH Of TIIK ItKERKKR IHSPI’TBIL The fickle geddcaa *.7 late* the .calc. of victory .. I foOt- NutfoMiui hill hoard* all over the cityfarert* covered with the same p.ofera. Tin re i* many a theatri cal-company which fail* to pt the advertising which that (fame re coin'd, but it wa» of no avail. Thomi win* were observant notloed Hiinoiinecuii'ntH in tin 1 corridor of klie Niebiilion Hotel and in many j »tore window* along the »!reel* of a great liorwc racing event whieh w.ia Imoked to take place the name afternoon. And later on when the Inly* rode around in the chartered electric car, all emend with col lege color*, which by the way were I Vanderbilt« alone, and all the occupant* wen cheering and yell ing like mad, lor the purpom' of drawing a crowd’to the game, an ohaerver, while he could lint fail to ti - lu-olde who on the aidewalK a* the car ■H-ntial to a game here a* the referee j aupreme importance of a good an.l umpire. «•">"* line - The team dined at midday and at Vaudeibilt atarted play with a half past two pilad into the wagon (lying wedge, in whieh Captain ette which wa* to carry them to Keller gained 13 yard* before he the grounda. Juat before the game waa tackled by Brown, begun the team were allown the The Tennoaaeeana lined np in a moat graceful courleay received in Haali, and the ueil acriimnage took Nmilville. Fifteen liaiidKoine large place five yard* nearer Georgia,* red eliryaanllieniuma were aent to goal. Steady gsja* leaaeneil thia the Imy* and a aupvrb American distance, and »oow a touch down Beauty rime to Paul Fleming, the wa* made by Dortoh. The tackling manager, ‘‘with oinplimeiita of of Shackclf ml, llalaey ami Warren the Nicholaon Hotel." did much to break the oncoming Win n tliv University men ran ruali, lull it wa* of no avail, out on the field, the Vanderbilt The University than took th® ball hover* wcic already there toaaiug and atarted will) the Delaud wedge thi' ball about and prcaenlcd aueli wliicli gained H yard* with Butler a •triking resemblance to the ao hugging the oval. HbaoksU called “Tech" team by reaaon of added five around right end their black sweaters, and atocking* '('11110111 downed him At thi* _ and black, aoiled uniform* that of the gainu our men di*cloaed II aomc regarded it a* an evil omen. rallying power* and ability not At three o'clock, the game wa* gel ca»lly rattled, called. Mr. W. L. Granbcrry, of Two fumble* then proved Princeton, waa ohoaen by \ under- fortunate, a* Sliaekelford w bill to act a* referee and Mr. P. M. to punt The ball flew gra. Foies, of Vanderbilt Univeralty, to through the air to a point 40 yu act a* umpire. nearer Vanderbilt » goal Vanderbilt won the low and took Doriuli caught it hut I - lick* got down the field and allowed him to five varil*. Bv a film the ball. The men lined lip a* follow*: pmied , I U ' , J K, “'\ K 1 , MirrvnMlb, l*«*ft Im-kU*. ml smilingly waved tliHr . .... acrchicf. afUT it, Blau Raw B n °i")' Sclmmi. UniveiBity boy. in their ■••Jf lir . l-B which rode kwh*. match with Vanderbilt and denied >ro|||||| j,, „ w „ goll that frequently Smith. """ passed the enr and oil whieh wa* a Krtck., daring bill announcing iu liold ,ulrr ' F character* thnne aume ill timed hofvi race*. We were a*.ured tliat only a cer ...» —■*"- — ' . and amllingiy w ball game, turu.d her back w,u.rvly !|fu . ritf on the University boy. in their .. I««*ft OiimmI, •Her, * «|»t KiUrtll, Hurt li, IIukIm-». the University. Brown advanced ttvo yard* and received a alight hurt. Four yarda fol- I pnu r, IIukIipb, . night liiianl llllderhnUNl, 1 »»" ll "' m,, | th oven one encouraging in the struggle ngninat ovetwhe'in ing odd* of weight, science and ex perience. Twice it ace Died aa if ahe were about to grant them a touchdown, but twice ahe changed her in bid Kitftit Titfklf. ItftlCht Krol. l^uurU-rL.ti k, MIum kelfonl. I*rft lltlf Hark. Ilrtiwn. K. Kl*l»t llulf Hwk. Halsr). * Kull Hark, Time of halve. 30 In lain orowd attended the race*, but Average weight of University, IMP I twioe .he changed her mm.l. ^ Hn|( or r the \ 156. ... the fir.lin.Unoe .ho hoodooed (|| i: ., u .,t. t 3 ..‘clock the T „ aamma ,| H the playing that referee’* mind, *0 that he gave t a , tt(rn g |l|ie- ,„ m ,l,ered not more ( 0 ||„ w ,m1, Vanderbilt'* *tronge*l t,all which aeemed destined to croa* ^ ^ ^h.^h the weather w»« 1 |(oillM wrn , their fine team work Vanderbilt’* goal line to one of _ M , -ull i,.,),.,, LTLi-.i which on the |miiit of inU-rferenoe wa* almoatfaultleaa, the remarkable quickueaa with which they *Urtcd I ideally beautiful with an Indian their players, although both Shack- ||kmMII .. lovely a* any elford .nd Smith were hugging he ^ ^ Ml Athena in Ocloln-r., apheroid like grim eat 1 an. i< ^ k(vm ,. l | tl,»t ibu patron* »f the ' ,,| av ami the kicking of Connell. Univeisity had the ball at the .. ^ ^ ^ ^ ||(>l at r .-*'.ri. ted to a f|, r j r weak point*were their high ginning of the •orimmage. | 0 ,. rtal „ croW d. i tackling which wa. very much like She diaappoiuted u. the «co.,d ^ >lu . ||<t||m ., ofUdl e. at the lh „ „f beginner., and their lack of lima by letting the roughly handled j WM »|„, e». ecd'ugly .light, inurfereiice for their back, when L »«***» -— ■- • * - „.d,„ C.puin Hu * .1. .Ir-I-I-'O* *' *• i ..uu. !.*.,! “ other back, who counseled about f** r, * r • c * x * , . --i vi<lual got hi" hand, on it and Klllott. j lowing acriininage, Shackelford Manner, | oalled “down" juat "non enough to Malone. 1>revent „ haul. Then Brown aplit I * ort '*‘‘ ; the oppoting line wide open for *iv ( m-'cl'l’ yard, before Hilderhraud illu.tra ted hi* idea, of tackling by catch- ig him juat below tl < k. Two :‘iolly coutceted “lurtl ."gained three .ind four yar artfully. Only eight ) w."e m needed for a touchdown, but in the ia*t, lteferee Cranberry, alone and ura-Utad, had bucked the Univeraity’e center with tremen dous ricioa# by handing tb® ball over to Vanderbilt. Although Shackelford and Smith both held the ba”, and though the presump tion wa. .tronglv in lb® Uuiverei- tv', favor in caae of a doubt, *ino« the ball wa* her* at the outact, tbV When the boy* arrived in N'a.h u> the game, ville, they were met at the depot Thi. wa. *omewh*t of a diu.l by a deUchmeut of Vanderbilt men |wintment to the men a* they con- who greeted them warmly, gave fee. tbemrelve*, that the pretty their college yell* aod told a re girl* of Naabvllle made a deep iro porter on the Naabvllle "Daily premion 00 them. Athen. >■ far American” that the Georgia boy* .uperior »o Nsehville in this respect, , were a fine, heavy looking ret of a. th. “Lucy Oobb" and ‘ Home man, apparently la .Kw.leal traio- Sohdal" have k—« - back Iwfore lie could make any con •iderablu gain Consequently *ome fine advaiiee* were made on puuU by llalaey and Butler. It* greeted weaknea* waa iu line, which acted aa a fearful handicap on every movement. The gami- wili prove a valuable experience if it baa impreaacd the men with the touchdown, «« th® ball wa. going •might to Vanderbilt', goal- The University wa* naluraUy div courage.!, and aft" holding Tayb r back for five >»"*•' her lio,; way to Vanderbilt'* attack and ahortly they bad mad. another touchdown' COWIISOBD OS rovum CAU*.