The Red and Black (Athens, Ga.) 1893-current, December 03, 1893, Image 1

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) s ? > THE RED BUCK. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA, ATHENS, GA., DEC EM II HR 9. 1893. NO. 3. Christmas Farewell. CALENDAR. Dec. 9-Fay Templeton Opera Com- .< Good byo gweetl.eart," she said; ||»anv. matinee n \! night. . l * aim p Dec. 0— * v of Georgia vs. Fur man t 1 l » \ \ «y Hi Me Class in Y. still with a woman’s instinct clung closer to him :is if she couhl ^ never give him up. “Good bye,sweet- .uinis at 0:30 A. M. Ia ' art; whcrover y ou " ,a y K° a,,J ; service* in the room, of the throu « h " l.atever vicissitudes you i M. C. A, at 7::lu p. in. may pass a’wayH romeiuher and be- ( terary .societie*. the Demosthenian licve tlmt lovu 1 - "!'you will never 1 ..‘t Phi Kappa meet every Saturday falter nor swerve. Take with you morning at 10:30 o'clock. this little heal shaped locket and Dee. 22-Christinas holidays begin. wear it so long as I am enthroned in Tho'Varsity and College teams will you heart, so long as I am your pur- have sharp practice every afternoon on est idol of worn in." A moment the campus at 1 o clock. more; one last embrace and the hun gry shadows had swallowed him up. ****** Out in the striving, bustling world ho went, and like a guiding star, the memory of her last words ever pointed him to higher and bet ter things. Through many a long trying day and into the weary wutc' s of the night, whilst the city lay sleeping peacefully as if a habitation of the dead, the inspirit tion of those moments came to him like a visit of ministering angels, sustaining him under misfortune’s heaviest blows and warding olT the The University team left yester iiisidn-ms snares of temptation. Un- 'day afternoon by way of the Geor- oci uisly ' h-:iI In-cauie higher gia railroad for Augusta. They go and pnlie invested her with all to play Furman University of South the virtues of divinity, while her Carolina. We were to have played faults grew dimmer and failed away a game with this team last Beason, * in the shadowy distanoe. hut on account of the limited time ****** Why not Have Two or Three Yells? lloo-rah-rah ! Hoo-rah-rah ! Hah ! Rah ! Georgia!!! house, his heart warmed within him and his years of labor were as noth ing. Even as ho stood there the door opened and on the porch illu-1 „ . . . , , ., . ' . ; hers fo the Senior Class. year in political science each member Senior Essays. Dr. McPherson lias announced the subjects for essays by the mem- • . i| ,, . . | hers fo the Senior Class. Every initiated by the pale moon beams, i J came a man and woman. Hi! vi ! yi y> Hip-lIoo-Hay ’Varsity, ’Varsity, l T . <i.-A! Hazzlety, Dazzlcty Siz—Boom-ah Georgia, Georgia, Hah ! Rah ! Hah ! ! ! Off for Augusta. f|,| . | j jm.iivu <• a nvit ll\>v> ( ilt/ll lllv II1IIUI 4 i*ii iiiii * | of the clans i« required to treat full? that he dreamed he looked a train — I . . .. . 7 1*1 , • . , . . *otne political mihjeot and read lii« and then covering Iiim eyu« with lim , , , / ' , , , , I,,- , his work to the class. All the os- hand, he staggered hack into the . , says are to he returned hv the be ginning of the holidays, and imme diately after Christmas one or two will he read every day until all have been completed. This in one of the most interesting features of the course in political science, and one in which every writer should take a deep interest. No doubt all of the papers will he very inlerest- ing. darkness. ****** As she that day had traced his nervous handwriting, she felt and acknowledged in her inmost soul, that whatever her fauciui ho hail always been her king, :\r the news of his return on the morr 'thrilled her as naught else could do. Still that night as she sat and listened to the sweetened words and impas sioned utterances poured into her ! ear by another, she forgot for the moment, him she thought yet far away. And when standing in the starlight, thinking with that woman like excuse that this was the time, her good-byes were soft and Fire on the Campus. A few evenings ago then came near being a dangerous blaze on tin campus. I luring the day some of the men had been burning the grass asl and accidentally let the fire get out , , behind the gymnasium on the east tender, she saw not that the en- croaehing shoilows seemed to trem- 1 , hie and quiver witli agony and knew not that out in the merciful darkness a true and noble heart had ,i„. f M - , , , . . the rear ol > lot. .Morris s house had broken forever. Here it ran violently through t he thick grass to the fence and in a few minutes the whole thing was ablaze. It would soon have reached it not been I In the morning they handed h cr for practice, both teams agreed to call the game off. Now, however, And she -was it. to stay in aching , , , heart that she plunged again into another game has been arranged . , , f , , . I the vortex of society, or was it that and will he played this afternoon at . . . , - , . . . , ... inherent love of admiration planted the exposition grounds. . , ... ... in every beautiful woman, claiming Of the 1 urinan team we know j ts own the tribute and homage very little, nor have wl- a lisLof the . r associate? Tl , t h„ hall room who will play. \A few days „| 1( . gayest of the gay; at j foot ball gridiron, the ’Varsity elev-1 • •• * * *i .*i . . . many together with HubHtilutcM and , J ♦ he pining of novae Dormitory boyH who hood extiii- a letter addressed by a familiar | K " U , h0<1 il ' Tl "' oan, l* UH w * l,Uok hand. With eager haste she tore it l< ’ < ’ kl "b' l»‘“‘-« open; out from the blank enclosure 'T'""* but W '" ,,,, alri « ht * fter dropped a little golden heart. * fuw niM B,,d Hm,WM ' s she was Ui< ago they played Wofford College, j thc baiiquel , mori . brilliant or and come out victorious by a score faHcinaling) all d if ever the tremu eighteen to four. Ions hand of sorrow touched the The ’Varsity hoys aipin good choriU of memory , thc vi training and anticipate an excellent! brali0|1H were , OMl in th<3 licvt . r umc and an easy victory. They ceding whir | 0 f life. And the have practiced steadily all the flll rllmo , began to week, and the improvement in t*MI ,„. r „ ame w | lh another’s: at work has been phenomenal. Mo- hoine and , broad he WM her filth- Cutchen’s playing as tackle cannot fu|> (1( , Vote(1 attendant, always at he surpassed. The following men hep Blde B nd always prodigal of will play in this afternoon’s game. permissible attention. Nally, Black, Smith, Warren, Flem- *’ + if* * 1f if. + ing, McCutchen, Fricks, Shackel ford, Ilalsey, Brown, Butler, Mo- The wanderer was coming home, reno, Wrigley and Stubbs. Fortune, as ever capricious dame, Also several Uni versity hoys went had smiled upon him and marked over to see the game. Among them him for her own, and as fast as the were Messrs. I*. L. Fleming, the efti- fleet iron steed could hear him he Dkkamkk. Their Picture Taken. Just before leaving for Augusta yesterday afternoon, to meet the ! foot hall eleven from Furman Uni 1 vorsity,,of South Carolina, on the Let’s all pull together and make the Kkii ami Bi.ack ii lirst rale col lege newspaper. some of the officers of thc Athletic Association had Maddox Bros., to take their picture in a group. This is a long established custolu among the students, and the team this year is an unusually handsome set of men, and no doubt will make as fine looking group of men as ever graced the gridiron. There will he as Campus Improvements. The beginning of this term found long needed improvements made on the campus. Thc walks and lawns have I icon levelled and put in good condition, while the rolling part of the grounds have been terraced and sodded with Ber muda grass. The rows of water- oaks that adorn the grounds have been trimmed. Several electric lights have been erected at promi nent places on the grounds, and a many as twenty in the group, and , . , Maddox Bros., will have them ready watchman engaged to guard i rt e _ I the buildings at night. These are timely improvements, and Colo- dent of success in today’s game. I "I' 1 <f , ‘» rbo " ni ‘ !r »>« coograt- — j mated for having these improve- The action of the Board of Trus- moots made. Since the night watch- tees last spring in offering four man has been engaged the hoys are relieved of suspicions of mischief were attributable to other in a short while. The hoys left for Augusta in good spirits, and confi medals to the four best debaters in . , , ... i j. . , . ' , each society is a commendable one. . cient manager of the team, and Mr. was speeding to clam, the reward Qllr iipe Bor( .| y in of that W. A. Wilkins. of his toil and privation. When he ntinxuluM, and the good effect of souroes. The boys were tendered a great stepped from the car at the familiar this action is already manifest. »m •— theatre party last night by their depot the night was well nigh half j While the societies are not what Let every man subscribe to the Augusta friends, which was enjoyed spent, yet impatient of delay he ^‘ :l wltl ' l, '« ”1’”'- Hm. ash Bi.a. k and those who have to the fullest extent. walked up the well known street of • ... “ subscribed send in their dues at The team will return to Athens where dwelt the object of his ambi on Monday morning. tion. As he stood and gazed at the and there will he a strong pull made once and assist the weekly ou her for their medals. road to success. f\ ireet.