The Red and Black (Athens, Ga.) 1893-current, March 03, 1894, Image 1

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r k' £ / • c ! THE RET) AND BUCK. ** r VOL. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA, ATHENS, GA„ MARCH 3,1894. NO. 11. BOl'M—BOl'M. DEMOSTIIBN IAN SOCIETY. Society called to order by l’resl- TRANBI.ATKD FROM TIIE FRENCH OF , jt LEs cLARKTrE. ilent Brannon. Minutes of last The child lay pale and prostrate meeti "K w ‘ ru rei “' a, ‘d approved, in his little white bed, and with his When the election of members participated in by a larg was in order, Mr. Haskell proposed the name of Mr. J. II. Mobley, ot Kappas, oiwthe question “Uesolvod, the Law class, who was unanimously that the love of money has more in elected a member of the Demosthe 1 upon the actions of men eyes enlarged by the fever looked steady before him with their strange fixity, characteristic of those des perately ill who already perceive what the living do not. At the foot of the bed, biting her fingers so as not to weep, anxious, and torn with grief, the mother followed the pro gress of the disease on the lilt’, beings’ poor emaciated face, . .id one of the societies. Hence the no tion of the faculty amounts to the same as forcing delinquents to pay up, and should lie commended. A long and able debate was then number of Demosthenians and a few l'hi I ,,uv,.,,o upon nian Society. Immediately after t |,ari t ) lt > love for women.” Affirms his innitiatian Mr. Mobly made a dear address to the society, stating that he felt greatly honored in be coming a member of the grand old Demosihcnian, and as he had oher the futher, a worthy working man, laliei1 fhe memory of the C icerouean foroed back into his red eyes the Literar y Society of the Met er Uni- tears which burnt their lids. veraity, so he would ever uphold the And the day was breaking clear ho,,or 11,1,1 <li « nit y of this eminent and sweet, a beautiful June morn- ;,, "1 historic society, ing, entering the narrow room in The meeting previous to this was the rue des Abbesses, where little tl,u ri ‘K lllar time for election of offi- Francis, the child of Jacques Le- u, ‘ r8 ' 1,1,1 owi "K lo the joint debate tive led by Griffith who was assisted by Messrs. Stephenson, Alexander, liyals, Guyton and Lirson. Nega tive by ltocul, followed by Neal, Xealcr and Hendrix. Decision in favor of affirmative. A HINT. between the two societies, it was postponed one week. Merrss. Chaa. Tidwell and lien Vow were nomi nated for president, Neal and Guy ton for vice-president, and after a grand and Madeleine Legrand, his wife was slowly dying. He was seven years old. All fair and rosy so full of life and gay as a sparrow, only three weeks ago. But a fever had seised him, they s »mewhat animated contest the elec- had brought him home one evening 110,1 re8lll ted in givirx? Ti.lwcll and from the public school with a heavy ^"‘ al majori'. s and the head and very hot hands. And P r, ' H ' ,le " 1 declared M elected, since he hail been there in bed and Messrs. .Stephens. . Haskell at times, in his delirium, he mur- Hmii elected 1st and 2nd ecu- mured continually looking at his 8orK - little we" polished shoes which his A Committee from Phi Kappa So mother had oarefully placed in a w ** then admitted, which said corner upon a shelf: “You can 11 1,ai1 oomo lH arrar, Ke for another throw little Francis’s shoes away i ol,,t debate. A committee was now. Little Francis will never put llie " “PPmnted to confer with this them on again. Little Francis will one ' The oonferrenco resulted in never go to school again—never, *' lect " l K th« question: Hesolved, never!” “Ihat Labor Organizations are prr- Then his father cried: “Be still,” ductive of more Evil than Good.” and his mother went and buried her <,n drawing for sides, the Phi Kappa fair pale face in the pillow so that little Francis might not hear her weep. That night the child had not been received the affirmative and De- mosthenean the negative. The de bate was appointed for Saturday, March 19. The Phi Kappa then Recently one of our hoys had oc casion to call on President Bass, the dread guardian of Wesleyan's charming daughters. Still sore from an ignominious refusal at the doors of L. I., he asked to see his sweet heart with the fearful expectation of a summary dismissal. The president, however, received him with the geniality of a pro spective father-in-law, and chatted pleasantly, 'til, with lovelil eyes and dewy lips, the blushing maiden of his dreams came tripping in. The hearts of the students here are filled with respectful love for the amiable counselors in L. (J. I., but they groan under the severity of that regime which necessitates a speaking trumpet to convey soft THE UNKISSEI) KISS; Olt, THE KISS HE DID NOTUKT. I have kissed the girls a-plenty, Aged from one year old to twenty, Kisses better far than honey—lean last*, their sweetness yet. But (ar dearer than the kisses (*lven me by kindly misses, Is the ever verdant memory of the kisses I did not get. Kor winsome little fairy. With a grace so light amt airy, Kept me ever fondly saying, “I'll achieve my purpose yet.” But at length she slyly vanished With the gift for which 1 famished, Anil she left me sadly sighing for the kiss I did not get. Iteader, pardon thu digression, Does pursuit or does possession Thu grvater pleasure bring'. 1 I really eaunot say, and yet I’ve forgotten many misses Who bestowed on ine their kisses, But I always rteollect the girl whose kiss I did not get. Now of course there is a moral In this simple story for all. Those Indiscreet young ladies will some time much regret That they gave their kisses freely, Kor they’ll find a lover really May remember more than all the rest the kisses he did nol <jef llo- . KUO >1 THE I- C. 1. One* a prissy little missy had a date to take a ride in a dog-cart with her feller, in the golden even tide. Data ia filled, and so is dog cart; feller too is overflowing full delirious; but for two daya he had Hv,,t anot her committee slating that made tbe doctor uneasy by a sort of ll,a * •ociety would not meet us in strange prostration which resembled ‘ lel ’ at, ‘ unless wo would i gve them surrender, as if the lick child bail 1>ot h theopening and closing speech- become already at seven years ”*• This W,H granted, aweary of life, lie was weak, silent Hiring the session of the society and sad, rolling liis thin head over 1>r °f- - lol ' n Morris read a comtuuni- the bolster, no louger with a smile 01,110,1 from tbe faculty to this ef- upon hit poor emaciated lips and ^ eol: Inasmuch as the Demoslhe- with haggard eyes seeking, teeing nlan a o°* e ty and asked assistance one knew not what, far away, very ^ rom th e faculty in collecting dues, far—“up there,” thought Madeleine tl,e f*°ulty has passed a resolution to with a shudder. force members directly to pay their (to be continued.) dues, but since the cooilitution of —...._ the society does not consider any A new chemical laboratory has one a member until he has paid all just been finished for the University f* - e», those who have failed to do to of Chicago, which cost 1235,000. must be reported to the Faculty by •• the Treasurer as not having joined. Tbe average age of stodenta at Such onea will be dealt with accord- Harvard ia 22.7 years, and at ing to the law of the Trustees tbat Columbia, 21.5. all malrionlated students must join words of love, and kissing at long of lust, ami smells of spices. Little langc as a tantalizing viriitloD mi-sv looka quit# knowing Rotas So let the love We bear them all ex | iro slipping over the dashboard; disc and enforce thu bint. left arm 'round our missy creeping; I icld the present administration turns those sweet lip Wesleyan is flourishing as never be- upward; gentle horsey gently sleep- fore, almost four bundred fair young Hog runs grunting from the women daily receive instructions in lnlre; gent | B homy runs away, her spacious balls. The more than Miaay’a soul is wafted higher; fel- brilliant commencements bespeak |, r -, tlle oll|t . r w#y able instruction and dose applies Moral.—When your’ l.rau gets lion, yet there tbe gracious permits boll. iiriu , roun ,| you> , lo your very of loving mamas arc respected, and | beet to hold the horse. It is but darling daughters are not refused the privilege of meeting their friends thus armed. I.aHt Thursday evening while the boys were enjoying considerable •port with snow balls, some one threw a piece of glass from a Dor mitory window that struck Mr. Larson in I he temple cutting an artery and inflicting a painful wound. I « O-W— The Y. M. C. A. was led last Fri day night by Mr. I*. J. Shearouse. His subject was an interestiug one, and that together with h s well- known force of character made hie | word* impressive. just, since liu holds nil the rust. The sinali town boys are again tresspassing upon tbe campus. They have lieeu warned once about being too prominent on thu campus, and it will be advisable for them to stay away if they can't behave. No one object* to their coining on our play ground when they conduct them selves pro|>erly, but we feel that this is our home and that we have exclusive right to this -sored spot of earth, and don't propose to be usurped by any one. Tbe new athletic field of the Uni versity of Pennsylvania, till coat about 175,1X10.