The Red and Black (Athens, Ga.) 1893-current, October 21, 1912, Image 1
VOLUME XIX. UNIVERSITY or GEORGIA, ATHENS GA„ OCT. 21, 1012. M MREK ,V MASS MEETING VANDY DOWNS MONDAY NIGHT GEORGIA Hi TO TECH GAME AT PONCE DELEON STUDENTS AND ALUMNI TRY TO ITT SOME Ol THK1K HULL- 1)00 SPIRIT IN THEM. / McGUGIN MACHINE IN FINEST EOIIM EVER SEEN AT l*ON< E HE I.EON, WHILE RED AND BLACK NEVER DID GET TOGETHER. FIWLIA HEI IDEH THAT TEAMS W ILL I IDS YEAR HAVE IT OUT ON Nil TEAL 01(01 NIL A call was issued early Monday morning, after hurried conferences Sunday, for a real old-fashioned monster mass meeting lnthe chapel Monday night, at which every stu dent in college would personally be asked to be present, to do what could be done in a reorganization of the football squad. It was announced that Chancellor Harrow, the physical director, Mr. Hugh Gordon, the coaches, and all of the players would be present and a good many of them would make talks. The student body has shown a good spirit ill sticking together and I rooting this fall, and it is hoped that some of the never-say-die can be inoculated into the men on the field. There is something wrong that no one seems exactly able to find. It is not thought that the men are pur posely doing anything to hurt the spirit, but the men as a whole team ust haven't found themselves yet. This mass meeting was called for the purpose of helping them. A few freshmen haven't learned what genuine Georgia spirit is yet, but the student body as a whole has been there when they were needed at every point and in every way this fall. This meeting should do them good, also, after the Vandy defeat. LAW DEBATING SOCIETY CHANGES MEETING DATE The meeting night of the Jeffer sonian law debating society has been changed to Tuesday Instead of Un changed to Thursday Instead of Fri day, so more can attend, and the pros pects of a good and profitable year In the law department are very bright for the unusually large number of ssudents enrolled. The date was changed by a vote of the whole society, and Thursday night ran a close second In popular ity. Friday night, the former time, was too popular with other interests and Is very much In demand as an engagement night. Well, we lost! Vandy 16. Georgia 0. It's a Bad, sad story, but it Is his tory now and we must look forward to the future. Vanderbilt has a great team; in fact, It Is one of the greatest football machines ever seen on a Southern gridiron. In Haulage and Collins they have two of the fastest hacks In Dixie. Hut this does not constitute the team. At every stage of the game they had eleven men working hurd, pulling together to win. McGugin deserves great credit for the efficient team that he has put out. and we believe that llarviird is going to be given a scrap when they meet Vandy. One of the most conspicuous feat ures of tile game was the fierce tack ling of the Commodores. Georgia's Interference would scarcely be form ed before it would he spilled and the runner nailed. On the other hand, Georgia missed open tackles, one af ter nnothcr. This was not due to their Inability to tackle as much as It wag to the fleet ness of the Vander bilt hncklleld. The Georgia team fought an up hill light from the beginning. Van derbilt got off quicker, formed an al most Impenetrable wall of Interfer ence and, UBing It, circled the ends for gain after gain. On the other hand, they were unable to gain con sistently through the line. Georgia, however, reversed the process. Their most consistent gains were through the Vanderbilt line, the end runs being swamped almost before they were started. Hardage, Collins, Sikes and Curlln were the stellar lights for Vanderbilt. In open field dodging and In forming interference they constitute the great est quartet of players In the South. For Georgia the entire team fought hard from start to finish McWhorter was the best ground gainer. He was handirapped by lack of interference, and was unable to get straightened out fo a long run on this account. Oorop showed that ne had the goods when it comes to fighting. He was mixed In every play, both offensive i ml defensive. No words of pralae can express the work of our Captain, "Emp" Peacock, and that of Lucas. From start to finish they worked hard -they contested every Inch of ground and mixed hi every play. Malone played a steady, hard-lighting ; n »• from the beginning. To meii- tlou others would he to mention the whole team. They lost, but they are to he congratulated. Every man on the team fought hard and fought every minute, from the start to the finish. We are proud of them. When they got off the train in Athens every member of thp student body, who did not go to Atlanta, met them, clad In night-shirts, nnd cheer ed them. This Is Georgia Spirit, and Its the kind of spirit Hint's going to boat Auburn and Tech. The game In detail is given below: I'lrsl (Jiinrter. Covington kicked off to yards to Zack Curlln, who zigzagged hark foi ls. The Vanderbilt quarter on the first play went around right end for SO yards and would Have scored a touchdown lint for a slip on the sog gy turf. Collins saw left tackle for 5, but the Commodores were penal ized 10 for holding. Collins failed to gain through the Georgia line, and on Georgia's 20-yard line, Vandy was forced to kick. The ball was brought hack to the 20-yard line, and McWhorter hit the line for 6. Covington fulled to get away through tackle, and McWhorter met the same fate Peacock kicked 20 yards to Hardage, who came back 6. Collins went around left end for 20, and when he was brought low with a dying tackle, dropped the swlneskln Curlln recovered It on the run and crossed the Georgia line for the first touchdown of the game. Curlln kicked goal. Score; Vandy, 7; Georgia, 0. (Continued on page 6 ) It hr.s been iinlhorltatlvely nn nounred lhal the Tech-Georgln game tills fnll will he played at Police de bum park There has been some un- crrtalnty about tills, us It was given out In AHniitn that II would he played at Tech Flats. This news will be welcome to the six hundred hiuI fifty students ill Georgia and the thou sands of alumni over the slate and the south. The contract has not yet been signed, but the matter has been fin ally and definitely settled. This settlement Is for this year only, however, and the guinea here after will be played either ut Ponce de Leon, which Is considered us neu tral ground us Georgia hau as many rtipporfora fn Atlanta ns has Tech, or II will be played one year nt Tech Flats and one year at Sunfordd Field In Athens. If Tech has the accom- nindatloiis for the crowds ut the Flats and desires the Atlanta game to lie played there, this will he satlsfne tory to Georgia men provided they alternate the next year and In the fnll of every even year come to Ath ens to play the game on our grounds. In former days the game had to be played In Atliinta because Athens could not furnish the crowds, hut of late years Athens has furnished bet ter crowds thun many larger cities of the state, and second only to AHiinfn, and In baseball not even second to that city. The terms and percentages have not been definitely agreed upon, but the place has, and this will he good news in every Georgia man anywhere ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION HOLDS SPECIAL ELECTION Last Wednesday the Athletic As sociation held an election to fill va cancies caused by men falling to re turn to college. The following were elected without opposition: J. II. Burch, president. Edgar R Pund, vice president. Marlon Redd, assistant manager football team. ■R6