The Red and Black (Athens, Ga.) 1893-current, November 04, 1912, Image 1
l f Z-VF7 Ki isu ,r 7 ss#?7 tb a nb VOI.l'ME XIX. UNIVI RSITV OF GKOUGIA, ATIIUNS, GA., NOV. 4, IMS. M MllKIt S SEWANEE TO TIE SCORE 13 T013 GLEE CLUB HAS A GOOD TRYOUT HUTTING IIAI I1EKN 10 TO 7 IN' FAVOR Ol SKWANKK. Ill'T ItKD ANII HI.ACK SHOWED GltKAT I OHM Hi A INST Till. <iOOI) TENNKSSKKANS AMI PLAYED THEM TO A STANDSTILL. In onr of the prettiest games over ne’ i r slopped until It hud covered THALIANS WiU GIVE NEW PLAY seen on Sanford Field, (icoi^ia and irom .*0 to 60 yardw. MAN A' APPLICANTS APPEARED Sown nee fought to n tie Saturday Sev.ance hiul It over Georgia on ac- hk \ MATH' <1.I’ll HAH SKI.IM TEH EOK I’l.At ES ON THE MUSI CAL ORGANIZATION. afternoon. If either team could have kicked a goal nfter Its second touch down the tale would have been dlf- !n spite of adverse weather con- ferent, for then the Foore would have liltione, the Ulee Cluli held a very stood H to HI. Ilut, as neither team auspicious tryout Thursday. Fifty was able to kick this goal, we can candidates were tried out and among only Hny lhBt thc Kame wa8 u £ood these there was material that will olle from beginning to end. and that make the Glee Club of this year the Georgia can light with the best of best that has represented the Uni- th ,. ni N ,>twithstandln K the fact that versity in many years. the 0(!( , 8 gtood 3 to 2 in favor of Se- I IIIST IM.A \ Foil THE TEAII. count of this handicap of from 25 to 3(1 yards on the punts, and a handicap like that is mighty hard to overcome. Tolley alao fought a mighty good game for 8ewanee. Ills The announcement has been made action though when hi' struck Malone iHat tin- Tballan Dramatic Club will Picsent the well-known and beautiful 'rmill, "Rosemary," In the early part of December. This Is u play of ten- term rs and sympathetic appeal, and is the one in which Otis Skinner with an nil-star cast scored one of the Those in charge were pleasantly wanee, Georgia clearly outplayed the did not In any manner, we are cer tain. speak the true and sportsman like spirit of his fellow teammates. l'or Georgia, the entire line star red, this brick wall aggregation spill ed play after play when Sewanee tried their ability. Our Hue would greatest successes of his career. surprised both at the amount and at fcewanee eleven in the second and ,,|lc th, ' B, ’ l ,lB >' H to pieces before they The announcement of this splen- the quality of the material, and were f 0 ui-tli quarters, lu these quailera hl,,rtly **• »t«rted. did reliction will bu received with to he very opttniletlo aa toi fast hnekr n' Georgia "tiinri lied'r ’ MeVCNorf- r Is undoubtedly the 'Rl< mfnRms ‘qre by all those who saw the outlook. th „ p lRf)k , n from w|thIn n few yards !/tst halfback In the South. Hu nev- j the Thallan plays last year, and the Owing to the large number o£ can-. of llor own K<)a | straight back to er fought u game though, like Ih< ! antlelp.illon of a real dramatic treat didates, It was Impossible to make a within a few yards of Sewanee's goal, 0,10 hp fought against Sewanee. He Is even greater where It Is known definite selection, but quite a num- whore ul t , a< , b ^stance, time was take the hall time afler time that tin leading parts are to he taken her have been reserved for a second ca) | ed uml ., well-earned victory “lid for long and counting gains. He hy Miss Mary I.vndon and Mr. Henry test. These reserved, and any men Kn ., t <-hoci from Ihelr grasp. Kips- al»o played one of the best defensive Howard, both of whoee previous work who failed to get a tryout before, ( . |llI]y during the last few minutei of -"lies seen this year, tackling hard has won them deserved recognition will please be on hand promptly at |)]uy Georgia ^cured the hull on her 111,(1 tellingly he would stop those and placed them In the ranks of 7:30 P. M., Tuesday. Nov., iu own ao . ynrd j llle . n t on]y two heavy Sewanee backs from making ‘how who possess true dramatic the Chapel. and „ ha|f mtni , t0B fo p | ay carried It l,,nK «-nd runs. talent. The list of reserves will he posted to Scwance's five-yard line. During Henderson also played a great They will he supported by it east on the bulletin boards by Monday at th) ..„ fow n ,| nllt ,. K Goorgla rle irlj f : Despite the very serious In- composed of some of the very lu st the outside, so watch them closely. ba() , ho T| K ,. r8 on the run. jury to his knee he was mixed up actors lu the club, and, altogether. Again, It is urged that all men Tbe sewame team is a good one, 1,1 every play and displayed the fact *h" opening play of this celebrated that have vocal talent, and were not |„ st „.n on , |>nrk* r i.rd Glllem Se- ‘hat he had the goods when mostly dramatic dub bids fair to be one of dropped Thursday, will take advant- wane ,. ha „ thre( . „ r the IIle „ needed. age of this last opportunity to show ,| 1( , southern gridiron today. Shel- Parrish played his usual hard and up Tuesday night. It M b«*Mt fl'irri'Mei!. Baskuthali Slarls Mandolin T ry-Oul Was Held at Plu Kappa Hall The Mandolin Club, under the able don showed his ability as a ground- persistent game, not spectacular, but gainer when he skirted the Georgia dumping Sewanee's Interference ends for long and counting gains.! time after time, so that Henderson He is a big, heavy man and us fast or MrtVhortcr could nab the runner A| Alumni H ill :iB 1| i f '' ,n,n K' and was th' Tig in' a second later. mainstay when It came to advancing There were very few penalties Im- the oval. Parker, the fullback, is a posed. Each team seemed to realize I* tdcrshlp of C. H. Foley, held Its A league composed of four teams heavy man also, although he eould that one penalty meant possibly the t lr *t competitive tryout ut Phi Kappa has been formed and under the dir- <1 ° Dttle or nothing with the brlrk game. The few penalties Imposed lla11 * -Monday, November tth, at K ectlon of Howell Peacock, the former wa, ‘ (1 ' :fens ‘ th “ t Georgia's line dis- |.,.| n g very minor kept the game lu >’ M - Thl * meeting was restricted to played, he shone out as a broken progress al the time with hut l|H|c 'namlnlius and guitars and other Athens A'. M. C. A. star, some classy _ held runner. Parker returned the or no time taken out. stringed instruments will he tried b'skethail has I- n plajv.. punts of Thompson sometimes 15 There has never been a game play- la ‘er. It was essential that everyone A great deal cf excellent material n( j yy yards, and In this way was rl ] OR Sanford Field featured with xhould bring hlr own Instrument, for basketball Is in the University, a great factor in keeping the hall In 8n f ew mf . n hurt. Sanckcn, the grit- The leader is determined to better and with our new gymnasium we Georgia's territory. Glllem. we all ly quarter being the only man to he ‘he "uccesaful club of last >'«r. Hy ought to be able to turn out a team know Glllem. He is the man that that will bring honor to old Georgia when he put his toe to the bail. It (Continued on l*uge 5.) giving him your best efforts, help him to accomplish this project.