The Red and Black (Athens, Ga.) 1893-current, November 04, 1912, Image 2
THE RED AND BLACK » SOIREE. After the Georglu-S< wanee foot- IihII kiimh', them was a soiree at Du- pree Mill. Besides the uaual nitrac- tlve Athens Klrla present, there wore s' line visit I n X Kiris wliph added much to the pleasure of the afternoon. This was by far the best soiree we have hail thla year, anil everyone Hooineil to enjoy themselves very miieh Inileed. The soirees continue to Improve, anil the last always seem to he the best. The chaperones were Mrs. II White, Mrs. Hooper, Mrs. Heldler. and Mrs. (irllllth. (m il I,ION IH (.HUMAN ( I t It. The University German Club gave another one of their delightful cotil lions Frldny eienltiK. a large and rep resentative crowd, amoiiK the yomiK set, was, several attractive visitors hcliiK amoiiK the number. It was a most enjoyable affair, and dancing whs Indulged until a lute hour. The chaperones were Mrs. II. C. White, Mis W. I). Hooper, Mrs. Charlie (lilllli'i, Mrs. Tinsley of Macon, and Miss Susie Gcrdilic. Among those dancing were: Miss India Harnett who was handsome In a white lace dress, with touches of grei n, she wore a corsage bouquet (if white roses. Miss Janie Mae Webb was gowned In red crepe de chine. Miss Marlon llodgaon wore yellow crepe de chine. Miss Annie Neal Cochran, In white satin. Miss Mattie Sue I'hlnlzy was gowned In a lavender flowered net and wore American beauty roses. Miss Harriet llenedlct wore white net. Miss Louise llroyles, of Atlanta, was attractively gowned lu pale blue chartncusc. Miss Kuth Hodgson wore white lingerie. Miss Jennie Arnold's gown was Nile green satin. Miss Louise Vincent, wore pink satin. Miss Florence Hooper, blue satin. Miss Helen McCarty, of Atlanta, was gowned In white satin. Miss lienee Lustrat, white crepe de chine with a border of blue. Miss Itcss Wall, of Atlanta, wore cerise chlfTon over white satin. Miss Dottle Coles of Atlanta, was gowned In yellow crepe de chine. Miss Eugenia Ivey, white lingerie. Miss Lydia Griffith, blue crepe do chine Dimmed In pink roses. Miss Itcbecca Stewart was gowned! In light blue crepe de chine. Messri. Sparks, Cauble, Hutton, Tupper, Merry, McCarty, Itedd, Cav- , rly, Cunn, Chappell, Turner, Norton. Dick. Coleman, Holmes, Harrison, Meadow, Freeman, Heed, McCoy, Barnes, Hussey, Martin, Moreno, j Slade, (irllllth, Halford, Davis, Wal- laco, Daley, Frank Wlnecoff, F. Wlne- coff, Herbert llaugh, Durden, Dil lard. I’almer, Jordan, Creekmore, i Maxwell, Price, Baxter, Bunn, Ed wards, It. (iuiin, J. Gunn, Brand, Small, Phillips, John Welch, and Holden. The many friends of Mr. Clark Howt 11 regret to hear that ho Is at his home in Atlanta on account of Illness. Wo all wish him a speedy rccovi ry. Mr. Henry Newman, who gradun- ted last year In law, was hero Satur day and Sunday. Miss Edith Branson is visiting Miss Marlon Dean In Home, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Spalding have returned to their new home lu Atlanta after spending the week-end j with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Stewart. Mr. Fleming Wlnecoff. an old Geor gia boy, has been In the city for the past few days. Misses Louise Broyles. Helen Mc Carty. Dottle Coles, and Bess Wall, the Atlanta girls who came over to attend the dances and Georgla-Se- wanee football game, returned to At lanta Sunday afternoon. "Shorty” Brooks, an old Georgia boy and baseball star, was here Sat urday. Miss Virginia Smith stopped over a day on her way from Monttcello to Lexington, with Miss Jennie Arnold. Miss India Barnett has returned to Athens after a delightful visit to her sister. Mrs. Frank Edwards. The Season's Sensation at Colonial this week. FRESH BY EXPRESS FAMOUS CANDIES at COSTA'S MALLORY SHOE CO. Popular Pi'ici d Shoos 00. *3.50, *4.00 251 Broad Street. Prince Ave. Pressing Club TAILORING A Specialty. 105 Prime Ave. Phono 111)1. A. V. CLIFTON PHOTOGRAPHER Special prices to students on nil work. Your inspection is requested. College Ave. l'hone 443-2. Red and Black Pressing Co. The oldest in the »ity. We are always on Hie job. STUDENTS WE APPRECIATE YOt'K TltADE. ( all on us. Sanges Hotel Bldg. Dill IN E HH. S.O. Massey & Co. FINK TAILORING. l’Ol’l’LAR I’RICKl) CLOTHING SHOES AND HATS. 475 Clayton Street. J. L. ADAMS TRANSFER Day l’hone 1029. Night l’hone 320-2. Athens. Ga. Ql'ICK DELIVERY MEETS ALL TRAINS. W. I. HANCOCK COAL CO. The Famous Blue Gem and Other High Grade Coals A*k the old boys about llaneoek l ull Weight. Highest (quality W. Iv. MI ADOW. Campus ll'-prcscii- talive. Na. IP New College. A COMPLETE AND UP-TO-DATE LINE OK KUPPK.NHEI.MEH SUITS ALL OK TIIE NEWEST PATTEHN'S AND STYLES. GENTS’ FURNISHINGS OK ALL KINDS LEE MORRIS Cor. Ilroad and Jackson Sts. SALLA TAILORING CO. A large stock of line woolens, to sclert your Suits and Trousers from. We Make Clothes to fit you Guaran teed. Workmanship the Best. Give us a call. Suits made like you Wish them Made $15.00 to $40.00 llis College Ave. W. A. IVEY, Mgr. PATRONIZE THOSE I IKMS THAT ADVERTISE IN “THE RED AND BLACK.” Standard Quality There is no quicksand more un stable than poverty In quality and wo avoid this quicksand by standard quality. Tennis, Golf, Base Ball, Cricket, Footllall, Basket Ball, and Athletic Equipment. Catalogue Free. A, . SPALDING & BROS. 71 X. Broad St. ATLANTA, GA. BRYANT'S BARBER SHOP Has the best Barbers to lie had. EVERYTHING NEAT AND CLEAN. Kates on Baths. Southern Mutual Building. MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY IN ALL ITS BRANCHES Bowden’s Studio SPECIAL HATES TO STUDENTS GKOITPS A SPECIALTY 104 l * < lay ton St. THE STUDENTS’ SUPPLY STOKE on the tampUM. and run i»y students, carri* *> a full lint* of Pennants, Sta tionery, and Uollem- Novel tie* in con nection with text-book*. MEET ME AT PINKUSSOHN’S We solicit the «tudenti»' trade.