The Red and Black (Athens, Ga.) 1893-current, November 04, 1912, Image 3
THE RED AND BLACK l*ng«» A. Gymnasium Glasses Are Three Mile Road Race For Being Organized Thanksgiving Day Regular gymnasium exercises and Under the direction of the Athletic drills now take place In the Alumni Association, a new athletic event will Hall Gymnasium under the direction take plate on Thanksgiving Day. The of Mr. 11. II. Peacock. The new build- present plan Is to have a three-mile ing is open to students and all are race, to start at some point in town urged to pay the small yearly fee and by a circular route, to end at and take advantage of this valuable some point near the starting place, addition to the campus, donated by The distance will ho about three our loyal alumni. miles and the route selected will he The gymnasium Is large, well ven- most suitable for running. Every tHated, elaborately equipped and has student In the University will be eli- a regulation basketball court. Box- glide for this race and should begin lug. gymnastics and basketball are training at once. E. Idllard. man- taught. The swimming pool of tiled 1 nger of the track team, 1h in charge lining Is one of the best in the state, of training for Ibis race and can be and the showers of cold and hot j found every afternoon, 5:15, at the water are always ready. j Alumni Hall. The classes have been arranged asi In the past few years track athlet- follows: I les at Georgia have lagged to such Gymnasium class, every day (ex- an extent that at the present we are cept Sunday), at 4 p. m. Gymnasium class at 8:30 p. every Wednesday and Saturday. Basketball games every Monday tcrest la what we were once prom- and Thursday nights. Itient. Most of the leading colleges The building Is open at 9:00 a. m., of the Sotilh develop good track and all members can have access to athletics every year and track meeti all its advantages throughout the are interest ing and closely contested day. Lockers are on the way now, Georgia has, beyond doubt, gooc and will be Installed as soon after track material In this year's student- thelr arrival as possible. Any fur- body, and if we can arouse sufliclcnt ther information relative to the Interest to organize a track team, Alumni Hall can be obtained from there will be >. veral meets In which 4—Trains Daily—4 Between Athens and Atlanta Lcevve Athens 5:04 A. M., 7:10 A. M , 3:13 P. M„ 6:18 P. M. SEABOARD m. without solid foundation In branch of athletics. This road race is an effort to awaken and revive in- Wi :Ca n ry Every thing ( 1 fl c ITTWe carry everything LJ For the home, office, and make a specialty to urnish Fraternity Homes. )ur line is complete and prices “Right.” Miller Furniture Co. ( AUDITORIUM BUILDING ATHENS. GA. “OUR MOTTO A SQUARE DEAL” Mr. II. II. Peacock. U. of Ga. will lie eligible to compete All men who nre Interested In The Season's Sensation at Colonial this week. COSTA’S Soda Water, Cigars, Girl TIk* Cigarettes and Candy s'i \ti:-■ i--XT <>i m\\agi:mi:\t or tii:: ni.D and black. _. fe c track work should by nil means re- Send your port at the gymnasium and gut ready for the preliminary event of three* Red and Black. Hand We cany a complete line of miles to take plaeo In tho morning j of ThanksgU Ing. , , i name, address, Ask “ITA" at Colonial Tonight. NOTICE. The first rehearsal of "Rosemary" will bo held by the Thallans In chapel at 8 p. m., Wednesday, Nov. 6th. ' Those who have parts u. ilgned to She will Publication—The Red and Black. Published weekly. Post Office, Athens. Ga. Editor, D. A. Russell, Hancock Ave., Athens. Ga. Business Manager, Henry H. West, I them must be on time. I*. O. Box 154. Athens, Ga. HENRY G. HOWARD, Pres. Publisher, The McGregor Co., 321 Clayton St., Athens, Ga. The Season's Sensation at Colonial The Red and Black is run by the!'* 1 ! 8 week. Athletic Association of the University ■ ■ - ■ ' 1 - of Georgia. There is no ownership, It Is supported by the advertisers and | subscriptions of the student body and alumni. HENRY H. WEST. B' dness Manager. on The above statec nt Is required by the Act of Congre An,. »4, 1312. ^ & StSITiP CO. her and one dollar to any member of the staff. receive it every week. YOUR CLOTHES WON'T GET MIST If you use A DIXIE INDELIBLE OUTFIT--(Stamp of your name, pad | and ink). Send 50c In postage for The E. D. Stone Pres* Will be pleased to glv i young men of the Uni ay wsnt printing—stl.. ■ other work. i ate: literary Ask “ITA" at Co t::7 I t MPKIN STREET Atlanta, Ga. MEET ME AT PINKUSSOHN’S STATIONERY Priced Ri^ht. H. R. PALMER & SONS DRUGS CITY PRESSING CLUB Mroad Street Just across frotn the Campus. Special Rates to Students. Work called for and delivered on short notice. Athens Creamery For in-; cream SWEET MILK AND SWEET CREAM Sanitary. Rhone 503.