The Red and Black (Athens, Ga.) 1893-current, November 04, 1912, Image 6
Page n. THE RED AND BLACK PHI KAPPA EXCHANGES An official rat-killer has been ad ded to the list of Harvard employees. Auburn showed up in fine shape The regular meeting of Phi Kappa The race for president is a three- against the Terhites, defeating them was held Wednesday night at seven- cornered fight between three typical by 2. to 6. thirty. A good crowd was present college men, representing the three and the meeting was enjoyed by all. leading colleges of America, namely. It was Hardage again when Vandy As it was the last meeting of the Woodrow \V llson of Princeton, \V m. downed Mississippi -4 0, month, the following minor officers H. Taft of Yale, and Theodore Koose- wcre elected for November: Mr. velt of Harvard. The X.awyers downed the Sophs b> George, Ural assistant; Mr. Trotter, Becoiid assistant; Mr. Pennington, first censor; Mr. Dray, second censor; Mr. llardln. corresponding secretary; Mr. Freeman, critic. Mr. Victor, the score of 5 to 3 at Columbia. The United States IJureau of Edu-: cation gives out the statement that Utah took an important step in there are 4,Slid foreigners enrolled progress when she laid the corner- in the universities and colleges of s tone of a $300,000 administration orator of the eve- the United States as regular students, building last week. ning, being absent, Mr. Pennington very kindly consented to take his Four women nre registered In the place. His remarks about "Fresh- engineering courses at Michigan men' should have been heard by ev- this year, cry now man in college. Mr. Sams, the declaimer of the California has 1239 Freshmen evening, rendered a selection In his this year as compared with 1061 last usual good style. | year. The subject for debate was, lte- Students We Sell ■■■■■ ■■■■■ The Season's Sensation at Colonial this week. Gabe—What is an optimist? Steve—An optimist is a cross-eyed man who is thankful that he isn't bow-legged—Cincinnati Enquirer. sohed, America should grant abso- tj,p num ), fr 0 f graduates of Yale lute independence to the people of p av ,, increased 1293 In two years, the Philippine Islands. — Ask "ITA" at Colonial Tonight. on the afllrmative the speakers were Messrs. Meadow. Jacobson and West. On the negative they wore Messrs George, Patterson and II. Smith. When the debate was thrown open to the house the following gentlemen spoke: Messrs, ltray, Hardin, Moise, Trotter, Ransom, Lew. After the reading of the Critic's report, the President gnvo his decis ion in favor of the affirmative, and the society adjourned. Cor. Sec’y. The Season's Sensation at Colonial this week. Football Results In I bo South Auburn 27, Tech 7. Vanderbilt 13, Virginia 0. Alabama 7, Tulane 0. V. M. I. 3, Kentucky State 2. Georgia 13, Sewanee 13. Mercer 71, Columbia 0. Wash, and 34, Davidson 0. Hsmpden-Sydney 13, Richiund 0. Tennessee 67, Central of Ky., 0. Uandolph-Macon 20. William und Mary 0. Arkansas 23. Texas Southwestern 0. Mississippi A M. 7, 1. S. C. 0. Georgetown 37. North Carolina 10.. St11son S7, Charleston 0. North Caroliun A. & M. 12. Wake ight. Max M. Hubert - .FINE SHOE REPAIRING. ALL WORK GUARANTEED PHONE No. 1010 Work called for and delivered 120 Clayton Street, Near Lumpkin Street Football Goods Tennis Goods Sweaters, Jerseys College Hats & Caps Georgia Pennants Fraternity Pennants Frat. Stationery Fountain Pens Pictures & Frames Souvenirs of the City Printing and Binding Electric Flat Irons! Excellent for pressing trousers in your own room. Athens Ry. & Electric Co. The Price $3.52 McGregor Weatherly Coal Company NOTHING BUT THE BEST D, S. STRICKLAND, Campus Agent MEET ME AT PINKUSSOHN’S Athens, Georgia Afk "ITA