The Red and Black (Athens, Ga.) 1893-current, November 04, 1912, Image 8
Page H. THE RED AND BLACK UKOIHIIA HOI,l>S SKWAVKK TO TIE SCORE; 1.1 TO 1:1. (Continued from Page .1.) ward liana McWhorter to Parrish falla thrown out of bounds. Srwanee's .ball. Glllem fumbles, Covington se curing ball and runs It back 40 yards. Forward |in»s McWhorter to Bowden falls. Half over. Georgia 7; Si wan™ 13. Second Half. Georgia klckH off to Glllem. who riuiH buck ir> yards: Gltlesph falla to gain around left: Glllem punts 50 yurda, Sancken falla on ball. For ward paaa McWhorter to Thompson falla. Thompson punta and Hender son drops Parker In tracks. Se- wanee'a ball. Gillespie nets 3 through guard: Glllem punta out of hounds. Geor gia's hall. Thompson on another split-buck gains fi yards. Forward pass McWhorter to Parrish falls; Thompson punts 30 yards; Tolley falls on bull. Tolley thrown for loss of 5 yards by Henderson; Glllem punts, Sancken falls on the ball. > McWhorter tears off ti around right; Thompson punts to Purkar. Hender son tackles him In tracks. Tolley fulls to gain around left; Parker falls around right. Forward pass falls Tolley to Glllem; Gillum punts to Sancken who returns 5 yards. Time, Sancken Injured. Dorsey sub stituted for Sancken. Bowden makes 4 yards; Thompson punts 30 yards; . Parker fulls to gain: Parker fumbles und Henderson recovers ball; Mc Whorter makes 6 yards around left; Bowden gains 4 around right, Geor gia fumbles, Sewanee recovering bull. Parker thrown for loss of 5 yards; Glllem punts. Dorsey falls on ball; McWhorter rolls off 15 around left end: Tolley strikes Malone, blocking, and Is put out of game. Broyles re lieve* Thompson at full. Dorsey gains 10 yards arouud right end; McWhorter makes fi yards around right Time: End of third quarter. Georgia’s hall on Sewanee's 40-yard line Fourtli tjuuncr. Forward pns* Intercepted by Gll lem who makes 10 yards; Gillespie falls to gain; Sheldon does likewise. Forward pass is Intercepted by Broyles who runs It back 5 yards; McWhorter makes 3; Dorsey makes 5. Here McWhorter makes the most spectacular run of the game. He goes around left 50 yard* and for touchdown, with Covington running nvignifleent Interference No goal. Georgia kicks off to Sewanee So- wanee’s quarterback makes 7 yards through line; Parker falls to gain: Parker makes S around left. For ward pass Glllem to quarterback nets I Nothing is Tob<Good for You College Fellows When you want new clothes you go out after all that’s coming to you in style, exclusiveness, quality and workmanship; that's why you generally have your Clothes Tailored to Sv.?t Your Individual Needs. Tailoring like ours tends to inspire confidence in tne wearer—saves you from being consigned to *he waste- basket of life—is an insurance policy on success. You can afford to call upon our local dealer, wb^’Il rbrw von the merits of our five hundred nobbv new a ' woolens for Autumn and Winter and send us your measure. of the ilorv Scst wo clothes ord GOOD made A Chicago Price "8 Sewanee 15 yards. Ball brought back. Sewanee offside. Forward pass Glllem to quarterback nets 25 yards. Glllem tries another field goal but fails Ball brought out on 20-yard line. Georgia’s ball. McWhorter makes 15 around left: McWhorter nets S around right; McWhorter makes 5 around right; McWhorter makes 15 more around left. Time. right; McWhorter makes 15 around left; Dorsey gains 4 around left; McWhorter makes 7 around left. Game over. Ga. 13; Sewanee 13. Summary—Touchdowns. McWhor ter 2, Sheldon 1, McClannahan 1; Goals, Sancken 1, Glllem 1. Referee. Warhoo. Umpire, McCallie. Head linesman, Dobson. Time of quarters. 15 mlnntes Moore. R. T. Wood Magwood, R. G. Lucas Ham, C. Covington McCollum. L. G. Peacock Dobbins, L. T. Malone McClannahan, L. E. Parrish Gillespie, R. H. McWhorter Sheldon. L. H. Bowden Tolley. Q B. Sancken Parker out. Dorsey makes 5 through center: Bowden makes 9 through tackle; McWhorter makes 5 around MEET ME AT The I.ine-np: SEWANEE: GEORGIA: Glllem. R. E. Conklin PINKUSSOHN’S Ask "ITA" at Colonial Tonight. Subscribe for The Red and Black